• 因此,欧森真的表明的了吗?

    So Osen, are you really show this is what you want to do?


  • 一位朋友达斯延·一定要跑英里试试

    A buddy of mine, Dusty Olson, said you've got to try this out.


  • 决定公开故事因为不是独一无二的特例。

    Olson said he decided to tell his story because it wasn't unique.


  • 同时注意到了老一辈年轻一辈同志之间有一道真实的“断裂的鸿沟”。

    Olson also noted a real "disconnect" between the older and younger generation of gay men.


  • 一直同性的迷恋埋藏起来,直到一个阿根廷男人相恋,即使当时他们已婚了

    Olson buried his attraction to men until, while still married, he fell in love with an Argentinean man, who was also married.


  • 随后有段令人艳羡的18婚姻,还有两个女儿不过内心里总是股声音告诉他:有些地方不对劲。

    Olson went on to have a satisfying 18-year marriage and two daughters but, inside, he always knew something wasn't quite right.


  • 欧森没有一条放诸四海皆准的出柜方法,柜子一个建议失去想象中的得到的远比想象中的

    Olson said there is no universal path to coming out, but his advice to those in the closet is: "the loss is far less than imagined and the gain is far more."


  • 传言称,本片中,莱克·莱弗利,赛琳娜·戈梅兹艾玛·罗伯兹、伊丽莎白欧森将会将会分别饰演年轻时的曼珊,夏绿蒂米兰达及凯莉

    According to the rumors, Blake Lively could play a younger Samantha; Selena Gomez is being looked at as Charlotte; Miranda would be played by Emma Roberts; Carrie would go to Elizabeth Olsen.


  • 诸多方面优势,如灵活多样的厂房设置、高标准服务简洁程序、热情诚恳的姿态等,协助投资者中国创造辉煌的未来。

    EusaN has the advantage of flexibility, high standard services, simple procedures and congenial manners to assist foreign investors to create great achievements to build a valuable future in China.


  • 柜,“作为同志像翻过了一座,面对着‘同志——意味些什么束手无策,还有,突然间,只剩下了我一个。”写道

    When Olson came out, "I felt over the hill as a gay man, clueless about what gay meant and suddenly alone, " he writes.


  • 同样为摧毁了女儿生活感到巨大的愧疚她们很难放弃所谓的“美国”,他也相比于接受爸爸同志,父母的离婚女儿来说更加残酷。

    Olson also felt tremendous guilt about disrupting his children's lives and it was "hard to give up the American dream," but said that divorce was harder on them than accepting that he was gay.


  • 拿到两次联赛冠军,也打冠比赛,树死,人挪活,换了哪一个顶级球员都会这样选择。

    He won the league twice at Arsenal and got to play in the Champions league. Top players move on so they can do these sorts of things.


  • 所罗门报告十分重要并不是危言耸听当前气候政策辩论重要,亚历桑大学气候研究员乔纳·沃佩克补充说

    Solomon's report "is quite important, not alarmist, and very important for the current debates on climate policy," added Jonathan Overpeck, a climate researcher at the University of Arizona.


  • 后记-如果记忆感兴趣的话,你也许愿意了解早先的“5提高记忆的捷径”系列关于记忆”中与菲娜·麦克福广播片段。

    P. S. - If you are interested in memory, you may also want to see my earlier series on 5 Key Paths to Improving memory as well as my podcast with Fiona McPherson from About memory.


  • 休斯承认霍奇富勒姆取得巨大成功——显著的是上赛季球队带入了联杯决赛——已经带领球队继续前进设计好了蓝图。

    Hughes acknowledged the success Hodgson enjoyed at Fulham - most notably taking them to the Europa League final last season - but has already set out his own blueprint for taking them forward.


  • 一些报道声称八月份确保获得资格会有交易。温格予以否认

    Some reports have claimed that Arsenal waited until Champions League qualification was secured before spending big in August. Wenger denies this.


  • 巴塞罗那陷入激烈争吵一点点恶化着这对对手之间关系。

    Arsenal and Barcelona are locked in a bitter bust-up that is souring the relations between the Champions League rivals.


  • 阿拉巴马亨茨维尔劳拉·举着保护,她的朋友桑迪·里帕卡炫耀胶鞋上的油渍

    Laura Watson of Huntsville, Alabama holds her protective footwear while her friend Sandee Riopka shows off the oil stains on her rubber boots.


  • 星期五医院发表声明恢复情况良好有望完全恢复健康。

    On Friday, the hospital reported that Olsen is in fair condition and expected to make a full recovery.


  • 尽管上周伦敦被2比1击败,巴塞罗那前锋比利亚仍然确信球队将会战胜挺进下个冠的四分之一决赛。

    Barcelona striker David Villa is convinced his side will beat Arsenal to progress to the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League next month, despite last week's 2-1 defeat in north London.


  • 主教练阿瑟内·温格进军决赛道路仔细研究利物浦今年早些时候击垮曼联经典战役了。

    Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger would do well to study Manchester United's humbling at the hands of Liverpool earlier this year as he plots a route to the Champions League final.


  • 新近加盟的米克尔阿尔特塔参加联赛下决心加盟关键原因

    New signing Mikel Arteta says the opportunity to play in the Champions League was a key factor behind his decision to join Arsenal.


  • 做好准备,你也就为英超做好准备了,”温格告诉队员们

    "When you are ready for the Champions League you are ready for the Premier League," Wenger told Arsenal Player.


  • 亨利承认抽到巴萨进行冠四分之一决赛时,被雷到了。

    Thierry Henry admitted he shuddered when Arsenal were drawn against Barcelona in the Champions League quarter-finals.


  • 这次众多的名流夫妻,有帕丁哈利·波特中合作过的演员——汤姆·菲尔女朋友贾德维亚还有网球明星塞·德斯基和他妻子露西

    Among the celebrity couples in attendance were Pattinson's Harry Potter co-star Tom Felton with his girlfriend Jade Olivia and tennis star Greg Rusedski and wife Lucy.


  • 艾登·哈肯是医院的外科主治医师,星期三晚上斯科特能够自主呼吸了,自己活动自己身体了。

    Chief surgeon Dr. Alden Harken reported Thursday night that Olsen was breathing on his own and capable of moving his body.


  • 队长塞斯克法布雷加斯冠联赛上与巴塞罗那发生冲突

    The Sunday Mirror says Arsenal skipper Fabregas will declare himself fit after hamstring problems for Tuesday's clash against Barcelona in the Nou Camp.


  • 队长塞斯克·法布雷加斯联赛巴塞罗那发生冲突

    Arsenal skipper Cesc Fabregas will make their Champions League clash with Barcelona.


  • 队长塞斯克·法布雷加斯联赛巴塞罗那发生冲突

    Arsenal skipper Cesc Fabregas will make their Champions League clash with Barcelona.


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