• 我们抵达了约翰·欧格·罗兹村,号称苏格兰大陆最北端(尚存争议)。

    We had reached John o 'groats, the purportedly northernmost (there is some contention) point of mainland Scotland.


  • 欣赏苏联著名话剧前线》,多次强调不要戈尔·洛夫式的保守人物,要像欧格·涅夫那样勇于接受新鲜事物。

    He very much enjoyed the well-known Soviet play the Front and declared on many occasions that we should emulate Ognev, who boldly accepted new things, rather than Gorlov, who was a conservative.


  • 怀尔德伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如欧吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的,仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • 据说每年万圣节安吉尔斯特会出现中世纪欧兰格纳的教堂

    Each year on Hallowe'en the Angelystor is said to appear in the medieval church of Llangernyw in Conwy.


  • 山谷救援队正在地区处理一起事件就在这时,警报响了,而且在安格尔西岛的皇家空军已经召集救援飞机。

    Ogwen Valley Mountain rescue Team was in the area dealing with another incident when the alarm was raised and called in the rescue helicopter from RAF Valley on Anglesey.


  • 马格纳发现克里欧佩特拉有关的证据说明了什么,因为埃及,你可以许多地方发现相关的物件。

    The material associated with her at Taposiris Magna is not meaningful because material associated with her can be found in many places in Egypt.


  • 格纳预期今年秋季做出正式竞买届时拥有欧宝20%股权

    Magna expects to make a formal bid in the autumn. It will hold 20% of the company.


  • 一些报道声称阿森纳八月份确保获得资格会有交易。温格予以否认

    Some reports have claimed that Arsenal waited until Champions League qualification was secured before spending big in August. Wenger denies this.


  • 并且通用本身对于被迫将欧宝出让麦格及其俄罗斯伙伴很不开心

    And GM itself is far from happy about being forced to sell to Magna and its Russian partner.


  • 设在底特律通用汽车总部主要担心欧宝大量知识产权泄露俄罗斯嘎斯汽车公司去(公司也是麦格联合收购方员)。

    At GM's headquarters in Detroit, the main worry was that much of Opel's intellectual property would leak to Gaz, a Russian carmaker which was a partner in the Magna consortium.


  • 兰格教堂本身已有好几世纪历史但是所在的那块地早在它建造时就已有成千上万的神圣历史了。

    The church at Llangernyw is itself centuries old, but the site it stands on was sacred thousands of years before it was built.


  • 坐落地中海马雷奥·蒂斯之间古城马格纳克里·欧佩·时代有名港口城市

    Located between the Mediterranean and Lake Mareotis, the ancient city of Taposiris Magna had been a prominent port town during Cleopatra's time.


  • 这个早些时候通用汽车GM . UL同意出售欧宝的55%的股份给曼格纳牵头一个集团

    Earlier this month, General Motors GM.UL agreed to sell a 55 percent stake in Opel to a group led by Magna.


  • 如果利物浦处于更好的形势下,杰米·卡拉格赛前声称的失利决不会利物浦构成灾难”认为是不言而喻的。

    In a better world Jamie Carragher's pre-match claim that ending up in the Europa League by no means constituted a catastrophe for Liverpool would have been taken as self-evident.


  • 英勇格诺米欧直率朱丽叶苏格兰出生的詹姆斯·麦克伊为其配音多个舞台剧版本里扮演这个角色。

    As bold Gnomeo to Blunt's Juliet: the voice of Scottish-born James McAvoy, who has played the young lover in several stage productions.


  • 阿森纳主教练阿瑟内·温格进军决赛道路仔细研究利物浦今年早些时候击垮曼联经典战役了。

    Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger would do well to study Manchester United's humbling at the hands of Liverpool earlier this year as he plots a route to the Champions League final.


  • 做好准备,你也就为英超做好准备了,”温格告诉阿森纳队员们

    "When you are ready for the Champions League you are ready for the Premier League," Wenger told Arsenal Player.


  • 雷欧斯·多特名作家,她2002年起西格妮·韦弗(终结者?)为注册合作伙伴。

    Leosdottir is a writer who has been in a registered partnership with SigourneyWeaverdottir (closer?) since 2002.


  • 欧宝员工需要担心麦格纳生产转移劳力成本低于德国英国甚至波兰俄罗斯

    Opel employees should probably be more worried than they are that Magna will move production to Russia, where labor costs are much lower than in Germany, Britain, or even Poland.


  • 乌干达波特尔当地居民在一起观看国王欧优·尼姆·卡巴姆巴·伊格鲁·鲁奇迪四世举行的隆重的矛仪式。

    Fort Portal, Uganda: Residents gather to watch ceremonial drums and spears being offered to King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV.


  • 麦格纳可能欧宝汽车外包生产其他汽车品牌

    Magna would also likely use Opel as a kind of automaking outsourcer, producing cars on contract for other brands.


  • 巴尔加瑞格电影集团总裁答复没有片刻犹豫:“认为我们很大机会实现。”

    Varga, the Origo Film Group CEO, replies without a moment's hesitation: "I think we have a great chance of that."


  • 每年万圣节或是一月三十一日据说安吉尔斯特会出现中世纪欧兰格纳的教堂

    Each year on Hallowe'en and 31 July the Angelystor is said to appear in the medieval church of Llangernyw in Conwy.


  • 欧丽希一同导演这部讲述了埃尔斯伯格五角大楼文件出版之前事件电影获得皮博迪荣誉和最佳专题节目奥斯卡提名

    Ehrlich who co-directed the 2009 film profiling Ellsberg and events leading up to the publication of the Pentagon Papers won a Peabody award and an Oscar nomination for best documentary feature.


  • 夏天,欧Koocanusa逆流而50英里(约80.4公里),不列颠哥伦比亚格·沃姆产卵

    In the summer bull trout forge 50 miles upstream from Lake Koocanusa to spawn in the Wigwam River drainage in British Columbia.


  • 2007年9月格兰特接替穆尼·尼奥成为切尔西主帅,闯进欧冠决赛解雇,那场比赛切尔西点球决胜中惜败曼联

    Grant succeeded Jose Mourinho as Chelsea boss in September 2007, only to be sacked after leading them to the Champions League final, where they lost on penalties to Manchester United.


  • 2007年9月格兰特接替穆尼·尼奥成为切尔西主帅,闯进欧冠决赛解雇,那场比赛切尔西点球决胜中惜败曼联

    Grant succeeded Jose Mourinho as Chelsea boss in September 2007, only to be sacked after leading them to the Champions League final, where they lost on penalties to Manchester United.


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