• 自此,九十年来破天荒头一公开讨论这个话题——此事排除301条款幽灵般的干扰。

    Since then, for the first time in ninety years, there has been public discussion of the subjectthis despite the spectre of Article 301.


  • 特别评论话题包括,一个发行版本是否可以将两引导配置方便保存下来,或者是否可以将其自身安装硬盘驱动器上。

    In particular, I comment on topics like whether a distribution makes it easy to save configurations between boots or can install itself to HDD.


  • 预计这个话题下月上旬20国集团会议上得到讨论

    The topic is expected to be discussed at a Group 20 meeting early next month.


  • 这个话题同事经过讨论后,最终编译部署多个目标环境一边不是每个目标环境中编译和打包

    After numerous debates with colleagues on this topic, I've firmly come down on the side of compile once, deploy to many target environments rather than compile and package in every target environment.


  • 我回到位背包客身边,这时他们的话题怎样这样的长途旅行中消磨时间

    Back with the backpackers, the talk had moved on to why one should spend time on extended trips such as this.


  • 转换话题

    He said, changing the subject once again.


  • 约会上,可以讨论许多但是唯一个你不能第一约会提及的话题就是--其他女人

    There are many things that you can discuss on a date, but there is one topic which you should never bring up in a first date conversation, other women.


  • 这个成了我们第一费米科学交流话题——在一篇《天文学家电讯》通稿中告知其他文学家,我们将要观测这个物体

    This bright source was the topic of our very first Fermi scientific communication - an "astronomers Telegram" to communicate to other astronomers that this was an object to watch.


  • 下一他们再说那样的话,一笑置之转化话题就可以了。

    Next time they make a negative comment, laugh it off and change the conversation.


  • 培育这种环境可以考虑召开每周一开发人员会议午餐学习会议要求参与人员讨论他们阅读的或发现有用话题

    To foster this kind of environment, consider weekly developer meetings or "lunch 'n learn" sessions where participants are required (or asked) to discuss something they've read and found to be of use.


  • 我们又扯原来的话题说过既然从没任何人有任何形式上的“关系”,那么要是一辈子约会都没有的话就奇怪了。

    That brings us back to the conversation. I said I wondered if he'd ever been with anyone in any degree, and that it was weird if he'd never so much been on at least one date in his life.


  • 哥本哈根会议每一曲折谈判都让一系列辩论话题拖延

    Each tortuous round of negotiations ahead of Copenhagen has lengthened the list of issues up for debate.


  • 成功访谈里面,一定不会张表从头,你会即兴一个话题切换到另一个话题

    In a good research interview, you don't follow the list from top to bottom, you jump from topic to topic as each come up.


  • 不论是否喜欢是否自愿参加当地公路比赛,都自然地陌生人交谈比赛或者跑步有关话题

    Whether you're running or volunteering at a local road race, it's easy to start up a conversation with someone about the race or running in general.


  • 过去几个父亲已经跌倒了两每当建议老家来的时候,他就改变话题

    Your father has fallen twice over the last few months, but every time you suggest a move from the family home, he changes the subject.


  • 追问环境问题,即空气这个话题

    ROBINSON I want to push you one more time on the environment- air.


  • 下一合同谈判2015年,根据协议,届时首要话题就是让薪资设为2000年代早期水平

    The next contract talks, in 2015, will in effect start with pay reset at the levels of the early 2000s.


  • 每年话题变化时间,分别是一月五月九月,那这样讲并不意味着其他的月份不会出现换题,只是其他月份话题变化的幅度相对比较小。

    In January, May and September, there are three times of changes every year. But it doesn't mean that there aren't other changes in other topics.


  • 话题谈到2008年销量愿景时,经销商普遍信贷市场表示担心,警告市场可能外溢损害需求

    When conversation turned to prospects for 2008, however, the salesmen voiced concern about credit markets and warned that problems in the subprime market could spill over and hurt demand.


  • 同年十一月,卡内基研究协会美国国家航空和宇宙航行局也就此话题举行了一专题会议

    In November the Carnegie Institution and America's space agency, NASA, held a conference on the topic.


  • 我们刚才停止光电效应这个话题我们第一频率,来讨论这个效应时候。

    All right, so where we left off with the photoelectric effect was when we first introduced the effect, we were talking about it in terms of frequencies.


  • BBC访谈中称,“博给了民间高人展示空间,让东西得到推广,或是转发然后升至话题榜榜首”。

    "Microblogging leverages the wisdom of the crowds. The good things get forwarded, or re-tweeted, and bubble up to the top," he said in an interview with the BBC.


  • 罗. 温 :自从第一辩论这个话题,那要追溯到1015年前朋友理查德.

    RW: Ever since I first debated this, going back 10 or 15 years, with my friend Richard Dawkins, I don't think it has produced any real enlightenment.


  • 如果第一登录到视点页面的话,会弹出一系列的话题,今天的话题是“谴责战争”,点击的头像的时候,就会打开一个一分钟视频目前11到12个话题许多美国选举有关

    When you click on a face, a 1 minute video of that person opens. There are 11-12 topics currently, many of them related to the US election.


  • 不同话题上述练习不少于分钟

    Perform this exercise at least three times, using different speech topics and working up to a speech time of three minutes.


  • 随后,在丈夫关于生活人类整体等话题重要交谈中,告诉说:“应该小说就是沉迷阅读的那些类型的小说。”

    But then, one day, during one of my epic conversations with my husband about life, the universe, and everything else, he told me: "you should write the novels that you're so addicted to reading."


  • 应该关注话题

    You should focus on one topic at a time.


  • 既然假毛儿反校霸倡议已经达到了捉弄人级别,肯定不止听说过这个话题

    Since Jamal's already reached the mocking phase of the anti-bullying initiatives, it's clear he's heard about the subject more than once.


  • 既然假毛儿反校霸倡议已经达到了捉弄人级别,肯定不止听说过这个话题

    Since Jamal's already reached the mocking phase of the anti-bullying initiatives, it's clear he's heard about the subject more than once.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定