• 并得出每个型的临床表现辨证要求

    Every syndrome include clinic expression, main, secondary symptoms and syndrome differ demand.


  • 中医四诊资料通过多元统计分析中医专家判断确立名称和证型组成的主次症

    TCM syndrome type's names and main syndrome, minor syndromes of syndrome type were established by multivariate statistical analysis and the judgment of TCM experts.


  • 尸检最终婴儿死亡归因于婴儿猝死综合

    An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.


  • 但是弗洛伊德深刻东西说了许多深刻的东西,但是一般神经官能

    But one of the profound things that Freud said, and he said many profound things, but this one is about neurosis in general.


  • 于是我们每个星期四有时星期二见面直到出了一意外,花了四个的时间入院动手术治疗并发

    And so it was every Thursday, or sometimes Tuesday, until my accident and my four months in hospital and the complications after surgery.


  • 儿子大马士革公园里去求见一位专家时,她第一网上了解到了“自闭”。

    As her son meets with a specialist in a park in Damascus, she says that she learned about autism at first on the Internet.


  • 病人诊断为慢性疲劳综合之前,他往往需要精神病医师会见

    Often before one is diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the patient needs to go through an interview with a psychiatrist.


  • 已经有人指出,老年痴呆会在其第一发现20到30出现最近研究表明胆固醇含量老年痴呆病理有关。

    It has been suggested that Alzheimer's disease starts 20-30 years before first symptoms appear and recent studies have shown, that high cholesterol levels are linked to the pathology of this disease.


  • 事实上,第一创业成功创业者就越容易在第二创业中出现所谓“二创业综合典型情况

    In fact, the more successful the original startup, the more likely it is that the entrepreneur develops an acute case of Second startup Syndrome.


  • 14年前罗索利诺第一出现躁郁迹象时,家人表示出了担忧

    They expressed concerns about her behavior 14 years ago, when she first started showing signs of bipolar disorder.


  • 应该多长时间检查(心脏病其他并发)

    How often should I be screened for heart disease or other complications of an arrhythmia?


  • 综合(2006年记录)这种致死性疾病已经美国东部杀死了不计其数冬眠中的蝙蝠

    The deadly disease White-Nose Syndrome, which was only first recorded in 2006, has killed countless hibernating bats in the eastern U.S..


  • 瑞格年轻遭受抑郁,”罗西说道,“自我伤害第一自杀尝试服用过量药物,这是遇到戴维之前了。”

    'Ziggy had suffered from depression from her late teens,' Rosie says. 'the self-harming and the first suicide attempt, the overdose, happened before she met David.


  • 灵感来自于自己患有自闭儿子航班上帮孩子掏耳朵不停打哈欠并希望孩子也能一个。

    Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back.


  • 这些品质似乎可以成为治疗创业综合的一剂良药

    It seems as though these qualities might be good antidotes to Second Startup Syndrome.


  • 创业综合往往发生于这种情况--已经获取过成功的创业者希望第一起飞”的地方取得成功。

    Second Startup Syndrome occurs when an entrepreneur wants to pick up in her second startup right where her first startup left off.


  • 每一专家视作挑战坚信他们一定能治愈失眠

    Each new specialist would treat me as a challenge, determined that they'd be the one to crack my insomnia.


  • 阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹意识到自己因为医疗治疗前往美国是因为慢性溃疡,另一是因为腕管综合

    After finally signing off on a trip, Shubayli noted that he himself had been in the United States twice for medical treatment, once for a chronic ulcer and once for carpal tunnel syndrome.


  • 那些1周岁内经历以上发烧孩子,患上过敏仅仅占31%。

    But of the children who had two or more fevers only 31 percent showed allergic sensitivity.


  • 试想患有抑郁,采用每天玩电脑游戏来进行治疗岂不是很爽?

    Wouldn’t it be nice when suffering from depression and being treated with computer games three times a day?


  • 最新试验包含360名出现阿兹海早期的患者。

    The latest trial involves 360 people suffering from the early symptoms of Alzheimer's.


  • 患有不是仅仅感到一点疲劳,而是要卧床休息好几

    More than just feeling a little tired, CFS patients are often bed-ridden for days at a time.


  • 毫无疑问1866年提出唐氏综合以来,我们对这一病认识治疗取得了改善

    Our understanding and treatment of Down's syndrome has certainly improved since it was first identified in 1866.


  • 当年综合演说,当时作为听众的现在仍然记忆犹新

    I still remember being an audience member in a presentation on Occupational Overuse Syndrome.


  • 霍洛维茨认为,创业综合过多强调商业模式的重要性没有给予研发核心产品足够的关注。

    Second Startup Syndrome places too much emphasis on business models and not enough on developing the core product, says Horowitz.


  • 妇女一周以上冰淇淋一周吃不到冰淇淋的妇女患上不孕几率38%。

    A woman who ate ice cream two or more times a week had a 38% lower risk than one who treated herself less than once a week.


  • 医生第一告诉,我压力过大而患轻度抑郁建议我去心理医生时,几个月的时间一直不肯接受这个事实

    I was in denial for some months since my GP first suggested I might be mildly depressed due to stress, and should see a psychologist.


  • 堵塞气流管道引起患有呼吸暂停停止呼吸中断,并且一个晚上过来数百他们却都记得

    Blocked air passages can cause those with sleep apnea to stop breathing and wake up hundreds of times throughout the course of a night, and they are usually unable to recall doing so the next morning.


  • 我们的社区GP(医师)建议国家孤独社会诊断中心评估了一

    Our GP referred me to the National Autistic Society’s diagnostic centre and for the next few months I too was assessed.


  • 我们的社区GP(医师)建议国家孤独社会诊断中心评估了一

    Our GP referred me to the National Autistic Society’s diagnostic centre and for the next few months I too was assessed.


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