• 园林到巷子深处,仿佛实践一文化之旅

    It seems as if it is a culture journey when shuttle between gardens and Allies.


  • 传递无疑也是文化传递,一雅致生活追求共鸣

    The transmission of tea, as a gift, is no doubt a kind of culture transmission, and also a reflection of resonance to pursue the delicate life.


  • 为了大学校园成为所有人都更好地方文化改变最重要的

    A cultural change is essential to make campuses safer places for all.


  • 每周下午安排文化讲座,例如,书法讲座、术讲座、文化讲座

    Lectures on Chinese Culture are offered two times each week in the afternoon, including: Chinese calligraphy, martial art, Chinese folk-custom and culture, etc.


  • 运动鞋冰刀鞋各方原始照片说明日本这项次文化如何开始流行。

    Original photographs from sneaker and skate parties demonstrate just how rabid this subculture in in Japan.


  • 她说:“人们只是搜索有关球员球队的信息,而是将其作为文化学习体验。”

    People didn't just search for the players and the teams. It was a cultural learning experience.


  • 去年国际乡村音乐周国内外引起轰动,就是文化旅游相融合成功实践

    The Zhangjiajie International Country Music Week held last year caused a sensation both at home and abroad, which was a successful practice of the integration of culture and tourism.


  • 经历第一文化休克可以说西方文化的冲撞,产生于戏剧学习的过程中。

    My first culture shock, so to speak, or encounter with Western culture, was through dramatic studying.


  • 特别是如果我们觉得我们组织需要文化变革通过技术变革发起变革是否是一个好的策略

    Specifically, if we feel that a cultural change is needed in our organization, is a technological change a good strategy by which to initiate the change?


  • 事实上中国民族声乐现代性诉求1840年之后第一文化转型时期开始。

    As a matter of fact, the pursuit for modernity of the Chinese vocal art has been initialed since the phase of the first cultural transformation after 1840.


  • 因此凤凰旅游不仅仅眼睛欣赏独特自然风景心灵体验文化之旅

    As a result, travel to Phoenix not only with her eyes to enjoy the unique natural scenery, but also to use the experience to do a spiritual and cultural journey.


  • 了解另外一个国家文化习惯尤其包含不同文化一样美国件不同的事物

    Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially one containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a different thing.


  • 同样这个舞台不仅仅文化月节终点也更是我们英语学习征程另一个全新起点

    This stage, at the same time, is not the end of a culture festival, it is also a new beginning on our endless journey of English learning.


  • 对于媒体一样我们如何理解媒体的文化转换,我们是大家一同展示大家都能力自我展示的东西。

    For old and new media alike this may be a cultural shift in how we use and understand media, a glasnost that comes with everyone's ability to self-publish.


  • 可以自由加入吸血鬼热潮哥德次文化但是考虑输入人体血液时,确保医生你操作,而不是受害者

    Feel free to participate in the vampire craze and goth subcultures, but if you're thinking of sampling human blood, make sure there's a doctor handy - for you, not your victim.


  • 2007:W00t _「表达喜悦胜利明显的战胜;『我们拥有一队了』缩写起源于电脑游戏的次文化

    W00t _ "Expression of joy or triumph, or an obvious victory; abbreviation of 'We Owned the Other Team, ' originating from computer-gaming subculture."


  • 墨西哥经历文化冲击,分别是玛雅文明奥尔梅克文明以及发生·特克帝国年代的托尔铁克文明。

    The Mexican civilization has experienced three major civilizations in the course of its existence. These are the Mayas, the Olmecs and the Toltecs who happened to have preceded the Aztec empire.


  • 杰西卡·阿尔芭网上爆料自己旅途中的恐怖事情,比如洗手间发现蚱蜢!杰西卡更把这旅程看做是一文化体验之旅。

    Alba also chronicled some of the horrors of country living such as the time she found the grasshopper on her toilet.


  • 开发复古风格游戏重制Sierra游戏“邪恶冒险”组织的创立者史蒂芬·亚历山大,“我们的这种微小的次文化里,布莱恩一个英雄了。”

    "Within our little subculture Brian Provinciano is an old hero," said Steven Alexander, a co-founder of Infamous Adventures, which creates new retro-styled games as well as Sierra remakes.


  • 计算机安全公司赛门铁克伊利亚斯•肯兹现在黑客群体已经不仅仅局限当初的起源人群,那些每天吃比萨外卖二氧化碳汽水为生的书呆子,这些社会次文化头脑活跃的边缘团体。

    Ilias Chantzos of Symantec, a computer-security company, says it has far outgrown its nerdy roots in a subculture of brainy social outcasts fuelled by pizza deliveries and fizzy drinks.


  • 再一亲近既是个人风格问题也是文化限制的问题。

    Once again, I'd like to say, proximity is also both a matter of personal style and is often culture-bound.


  • 是我第一生活在国外的不同的文化中。

    This was my first time living abroad in a different culture.


  • 曾经文化代表团中国过一

    He was once on a cultural delegation which came to China.


  • 他们相信第一观察到文化变迁如此范围重复进行。

    They believe that this is the first observation of a cultural change transmitted repeatedly on such a large geographic scale.


  • 这部电影对那种心态,那种文化有了一些了解再也不想矣。

    "It gave me some insight into that mindset, that subculture, but I never want to see it again," he said. "Once was enough."


  • 成立于1995年中国文化交际协会也是激动人心职业经历

    Relating to the China Association for Intercultural Communications (CAFIC), formed in 1995, has also been a stimulating professional experience.


  • 关于一个女孩这个文化第一些什么

    And what was the first thing that culture told her about being a girl?


  • 关于一个女孩这个文化第一些什么

    And what was the first thing that culture told her about being a girl?


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