• 那条横穿的阴霾沙漠泛出微光。

    The road through the desert shimmered in the haze .


  • 这些马车队的旅途充满危险横穿距离是不能想象的。

    Their journeys by wagon train are fraught with danger, across distances never imagined possible.


  • 意味着我们能听见周围发生了什么无论是喷气机发动,横穿自动吹风还是火车尖叫声。

    That is, we hear what happens to be around, whether it is a jet taking off, the squeal of auto brakes, a hair dryer, or a train approaching a crossing.


  • 我们凌晨2徒步横穿冰冻池塘

    We once walked across the frozen pond at two in the morning.


  • 开着货车横穿了全国。

    I drove cross-country in his van.


  • 挽着手臂横穿繁忙公路

    She took her arm and guided her across the busy road.


  • 这位马萨诸塞州的参议员正在结束横穿美国东西海岸的行程。

    The Massachusetts senator is finishing his coast-to-coast tour across the United States.


  • 威胁乘客安全的前提下,不该汽车设计为防横穿马路儿童的模式?

    Should the cars be programmed to avoid hitting a child running across the road, even if that will put their passengers at risk?


  • 撒哈拉地区的岩画显示,人们利用马匹马车横穿沙漠并且公元前300年至公元前200年间,一些可以穿越撒哈拉地区的贸易路线

    Rock paintings in the Sahara indicate that horses and chariots were used to traverse the desert and that by 300-200 B.C., there were trade routes across the Sahara.


  • 第一第四等分门斯家族纹章中间横穿深褐色相同的黑分开。

    The first and fourth decile is full at the end of Clemens family coat of arms, had dark brown across the middle bar to separate three same Blackbird.


  • 让蒂乘坐法国军舰横穿印度洋逃亡看到了一次壮观的凌日现象剧烈摇晃,使任何准确观测尝试都以失败告终。

    Fleeing on a French warship crossing the Indian Ocean, Le Gentil saw a wonderful transit, but the ship's pitching and rolling ruled out any attempt at making accurate observations.


  • 座桥的一部分是一条长6.7公里的海底隧道,横穿两座人造岛屿。

    In one part, the bridge turns into a 6.7km undersea tunnel that passes through two man-made islands.


  • 交通红绿灯的地方横穿马路安全多。

    It's so much safer to get across the road at the traffic lights.


  • 盛产石油天然气,隶属于英国石油公司,里海开采出来,流经横穿格鲁吉亚管道,直通土耳其和其他国家。

    It also has oil and gas, which a consortium led by BP is extracting from the Caspian Sea and pumping through new pipelines across Georgia to Turkey and beyond.


  • 十八年前车子进入曼哈顿开始成为了那个曾经骑车横穿全国的男人。

    Eighteen years ago, from the time I crossed into Manhattan on my bike, I became the guy who had ridden across the country.


  • 因此找出早先喜马拉雅山探险存档照片然后横穿冰山山脊裂隙完全相同地点拍照

    So he dug out archive photos from early Himalayan expeditions, and then journeyed across ridges and crevasses to photograph from the exact same spots.


  • 横穿阿富汗,将自己的经历写成了书,并成为了畅销书。

    He also walked across Afghanistan and wrote a bestseller about the experience.


  • 夜雨引来一个雾气蒙蒙早晨——下着霜又飘着细雨——临时小溪横穿我们小径——高地潺潺而下。

    The rainy night had ushered in a misty morning--half frost, half drizzle and temporary brooks crossed our path--gurgling from the uplands.


  • 其中有些横穿各种不同理论逻辑关联

    There is some continuity across the different theories.


  • 见到大钢琴一定会朝里钻,说一个坑,他一定会径直下跳,见到横穿道路电缆,他一定会在下星期表演绊倒。

    Show him a grand piano, and he'd have to dive into it. Suggest a manhole, and he'd plummet straight down it. Run a cable across the road and he'd go flying into next week(?)


  • 干旱萨赫勒地区毗连撒哈拉大沙漠,该沙漠通过毛里塔尼亚塞内加尔马里尼日尔布基纳法索尼日利亚乍得苏丹阿尔及利亚埃塞俄比亚厄立特里亚延伸横穿非洲北部

    The arid Sahel region borders the Sahara Desert, stretching across northern Africa through Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Algeria, Ethiopia and Eritrea.


  • 30英里驶过急转弯就遇见一群横穿马路麋鹿

    At mile thirty I came around a sharp curve and found myself facing a herd of elk about to cross the road.


  • 公共汽车大约需要6小时小车会更快(线路横穿美丽的德里纳河谷,这可让你一饱眼福)。

    The bus takes about six hours, a car less (with the added bonus that the road route traverses the beautiful Drina valley).


  • 横穿长岛东部的大风那么强烈,它将整个电影院地面英里外的海里——当时,看日场电影的人群放映员在电影院里面

    Winds across eastern Long Island were so strong that an entire movie theater was lifted off the ground and thrown two miles out to sea - with the matinee crowd and projectionist still inside.


  • 横穿大西洋波兰克拉科夫另外的214个孩子参加了同样研究

    And across the Atlantic, in Krakow, Poland, another 214 children are participating in a parallel study.


  • 第一第四等分门斯家族纹章中间横穿深褐色相同的黑分开,在上一只在下

    The first and fourth decile is full at the end of Clemens family coat of arms, had dark brown across the middle bar to separate three same Blackbird, two on, one in the next.


  • 篇短时间写成关于各种理论范式评论,对活僵尸时代的世界作了一些有意思的探索。其中有些横穿各种不同理论的逻辑关联

    This quick review of the theoretical paradigms reveals some interesting findings about the world in the age of zombies. There is some continuity across the different theories.


  • 后者就是上一次即18年前横穿大陆终结状态。当时39岁,是个渴望感受征服整个国家接受朋友同事鼓掌喝彩的愣头青。

    That’s certainly how my previous continental crossing ended 18 years ago; I was 39, a young man eager to feel a conqueror of the country and to accept the plaudits of friends and colleagues.


  • 最近这位物理学家已经长大儿子一起计算了宇宙飞船10时间横穿银河系情况

    More recently, the physicist and his now-grown son calculated the scenario of a spaceship trying to travel halfway across our Milky way galaxy in just 10 years.


  • 最近这位物理学家已经长大儿子一起计算了宇宙飞船10时间横穿银河系情况

    More recently, the physicist and his now-grown son calculated the scenario of a spaceship trying to travel halfway across our Milky way galaxy in just 10 years.


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