• 论文设计了基于模糊控制PID参数自整定控制

    This paper designed a kind of PID parameters self-tuning controller based upon blur control.


  • 模糊控制常规pid控制相结合,根据不同误差、误差变化率对PID的参数进行在线就是PID参数自整定模糊控制

    Combine blur control with general PID control, on line self-adjusting PID parameters according to different error and error variety-rate, which is called PID parameters self-tuning blur controller.


  • 针对工业过程中普遍存在时滞非线性、对象参数时变特性提出一种基于最优预测的神经元模糊自整定PID控制算法。

    To the widely existed characteristics of time-delay, non-linear and timevarying of parameters in the industry process, an adaptive neuron-fuzzy PID controller based on optimal prediction is presented.


  • 方法根据模糊控制规则实际工程经验基本模糊控制的基础上增加了一个系数整定积分器。

    In this method the self-adjusting integrator is adopted together with basic fuzzy control, according to the fuzzy control rule and practical experience.


  • 针对数控机床进给系统特点及其性能要求提出一种参数整定模糊pid控制,利用模糊推理的方法实现PID参数的在线动调

    Based on the feature of the nc system and its performance demands, this paper brings forward a self-adaptive fuzzy PID controller to realize PID parameters self-adaptive online.


  • 并且对模糊自整定PI闭环控制设计方案进行了实验研究

    The paper makes experimental research for its designing scheme of double close-loop control based on fuzzy self-tuning PI.


  • 结果显示模糊pid复合控制模糊整定PID控制较好的动静态响应特性,其中模糊自整定PID控制的效果优。

    From these results, both fuzzy PID control and fuzzy tune PID control have good control characteristic. The control characteristic of fuzzy tune PID control is best.


  • 隧道通风过程近似认为是一个一时滞系统,系统采用自整定模糊pid对隧道管网风压进行实时控制

    Tunnel ventilation process is approximately a system of time lag of first order, real time control of wind pressure in tunnel pipe is adopted self-tuning fuzzy PID.


  • 由于供水过程近似认为是一个一时滞系统,系统采用了自整定模糊pid管网压力进行实时控制

    The water supply process is approximately a system of time lag of first order, real time control of pressure in pipe is adopted self-tuning fuzzy PID.


  • 针对常规pid控制水轮机调速器不能在线进行参数自整定问题结合模糊控制技术提出了PID参数模糊(FUZZY)自整定

    Aiming at the problem that conventional PID controller of water turbine regulator can not on_line identify and decide parameter itself, FUZZY PID is proposed by combining with FUZZY control technique.


  • 仿真结果来看,模糊pid自整定算法极大改善系统控制性能,使被控对象有更好的静态性能

    According to the result of simulation, we can find the fuzzy PID algorithm has improved the control effectiveness and dynamic and static performance of system significantly.


  • 研究主要目标设计一种基于模糊理论模糊参数自整PID控制

    The essential target of this research is the design of active setting PID controller based on fuzzy theory.


  • 仿真结果表明模糊自整定PID控制常规pid控制更好控制效果,大大改善了系统动态静态性能

    The results of simulation show that fuzzy self-tuning PID controller is better than regular PID controller, the dynamic and static properties of the control system are improved.


  • 最后试验结果表明自整模糊pid控制算法对于电子节气门控制具有较好的效果

    Finally, the result of experiment shows that the algorithm based on self-tuning fuzzy PID is effective for electronic throttle control.


  • 仿真结果表明采用模糊PID自整定控制后使得二次元件输出动态响应性能大大改善达到了预期目标

    Simulation results implied that output dynamic response performance of secondary element improved greatly by adopting fuzzy auto-tuning PID control, the results attained expect aim .


  • 提出了一模糊整定PID参数控制设计方法。

    The design of PID parameter controller based on fuzzy self tuning is introduced.


  • 针对永磁同步电机特点提出基于模糊决策继电自整模糊pi控制方法

    Considering the characteristics of PMSM, a fuzzy-PI control method based on the fuzzy decision and relay self-tuning was proposed.


  • 根据加载系统特点引入了参数自整定模糊pid控制算法

    According to the character of load system, the fuzzy PID of self-adjusted parameter is inducted.


  • 验证系统的控制效果,本文积分分离pid参数整定算法模糊控制算法进行仿真和试验。

    Integral separation PID control algorithm with self-adjusting parameter and fuzzy control algorithm have been simulated and experimented in the article to test their control effect.


  • 文章还对专用缠绕机物理参数控制软件关键性技术进行了研究,包括数字滤波模糊自整PID控制算法以及软件的抗干扰

    The key technologies of physical parameter control software have been researched which include digital filter, fuzzy self-adaptive PID control algorithm and ability of anti-jamming and so on.


  • 仿真结果表明较之常规模糊控制采用参数自整定模糊控制使系统获得更快动态响应速度更高精度

    Simulation results show that the fuzzy controller with self-adjusting parameters makes the system have rapid dynamic response speed and high positioning accuracy.


  • 基于模糊pid参数自整定温度系统控制方法进行研究

    A study is made on control of temperature system based on Fuzzy self-tuning PID parameters.


  • 焊缝跟踪中采用参数模糊控制可以明显改善系统性能

    The experiment proved that system' s performance could be improved by the appliance of parameters self-adjusting fuzzy controller.


  • 利用DRV592驱动芯片半导体制冷器进行线性驱动,采用模糊自整定PID控制算法提高精度

    The driving chip DRV592 drove the semiconductor cooler linearly, and the algorithm of fuzzy self-tuning PID was adopted to improve the precision of controlling temperature.


  • PID参数模糊自整定系统主要参数可调PID控制器和模糊控制部分组成。

    The fuzzy self-tunning PID control system consists of two parts which are parameter adjustable PID system and fuzzy control system.


  • 本文针对水厂混投药系统PID控制局限性,提出基于模糊PID混凝投药控制结构。

    As the limitation of the coagulant dosing system in water plant, the paper introduced a scheme based on the fuzzy tuning PID parameters.


  • 结合常规PID控制方法,构建、副回路的整定PID模糊控制器并对有效性进行了数字仿真

    Combining regular PID control methods, the main-auxiliary feedback self-organizing fuzzy PID controller was designed and the simulation verifies its advantage and stability.


  • 应用模糊自整PID控制方法对车用柴油机调速器油门执行器位置伺服控制进行研究。

    Serve-control of accelerator position for an electro-hydraulic speed governor of automotive diesel engine was studied base on fuzzy self-adjusting PID control theory.


  • 应用模糊自整PID控制方法对车用柴油机调速器油门执行器位置伺服控制进行研究。

    Serve-control of accelerator position for an electro-hydraulic speed governor of automotive diesel engine was studied base on fuzzy self-adjusting PID control theory.


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