• 本文介绍了用于机动目标跟踪适应混合多算法

    The paper describes an Adaptive Interacting Multiple-model(AIMM) algorithm for use in manoeuvring target tracking.


  • 著名算法CMA一种重要盲信均衡方法

    The well-known constant modulus algorithm (CMA) is a very important approach for blind channel equalization.


  • 此基础上又提出式均衡方案算法算法式。

    Then, we present a scheme which is capable of operating in two modes:constant modulus algorithm mode and multiple modulus algorithm mode.


  • 这种算法矩阵算法表现出更快的收敛速度更好地抑制噪声的性能

    This new algorithm has better converge and interference suppressors performance than what Matrix CMA algorithm has.


  • 尝试提出步长算法神经网络结合应用于均衡研究

    This paper presents variable step dual model constant modulus algorithm, which combine with neural network for blind equalization in nonlinear channel.


  • 结构算法有效机动目标跟踪滤波算法核心自适应策略

    The variable structure multiple-model estimation filtering is the most effective approach for tracking maneuvering target, and the model set adaptation algorithm is the core of it.


  • 为了提高椭圆曲线密码ECC乘运算速度,提出一种快速约简算法

    To accelerate point multiplication operation of elliptic curve cryptography(ECC), a fast reduction algorithm for modular operation was introduced.


  • 为了克服传统算法收敛速度慢缺点,该文提出了一种用于捕获阶段的快速均衡算法

    To avoid the problem of slow convergence this paper presents a fast blind acquisition equalization algorithm to improve the convergence of the conventional CMA.


  • 提出一种基于子带分解技术分数间隔算法(FSE - CMA)宽带均衡器结构

    Based on subband decomposition technique, a new structure of fractionally spaced constant modulus algorithm (FSE-CMA) equalizer was proposed for wideband wireless transmission.


  • 实现椭圆曲线密码体制中的一些基本算法快速算法、快速算法、快速算法

    Elliptical curve encryption system has achieved some basic algorithms, such as rapid access modules algorithms, rapid modules plus algorithms, rapid modules reverse algorithm. etc.


  • 经计算机仿真理论分析表明算法传统模算法相比收敛速度加快稳态剩余误差减小

    Computer simulations and theory analyses show that the proposed algorithm can speed up convergence rate and decrease state residual error compared with conventional CMA blind equalization algorithm.


  • 数字视频广播有线标准接收机均衡器中,通常采用算法(CMA)进行系数初始化计算。

    Blind equalizer of Digital Video Broadcast-Cable (DVB-C) receivers usually use the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) to calculate the initiate coefficients.


  • 理论分析仿真结果表明改进长线性约束恒算法分别从收敛性能和稳态性能方面得到了改善。

    Theoretical analysis and computer simulation show the variable step LCMA has been improved in both aspects of convergence performance and stability performance.


  • 近些年盲信均衡引起了人们极大的兴趣,其中应用广泛的自适应均衡算法盲信道均衡算法

    In the last few years, blind equalization techniques have gained an increasing interest. The most popular blind adaptation algorithm is the constant modulus algorithm (CMA).


  • 适应网格交互算法能够根据目标运动,自适应调整系统各参数从而实现对目标的跟踪。

    The adaptive grid Interacting Multiple Model algorithm can adjust model parameter adaptively according to the target's mode, and thus realizes target tracking.


  • 基于包含信号到达方向(doa)信道推导出了CMA空时联合模算法分析了收敛特性

    Based on a channel model containing the information of the direction of arrivals (DOA), the spatial-temporal combined CMA was derived and it's convergence properties were analyzed.


  • 采用一种修正算法(MCMA),算法使修正的误差函数最小并且适应学习率接收序列即时调整。

    In the paper, a modified constant modulus algorithm (MCMA) is proposed. The proposed algorithm minimizes a modified error function and the learning-rate is multiplied by received sequences.


  • 理论分析计算机仿真实验均表明算法传统算法相比具有更快收敛速度和更小的稳态剩余误差。

    The theoretical analysis and the simulation results proved to show that the new algorithm has improved performance of the convergence speed and residual error than traditional CM algorithm.


  • 理论分析计算机仿真实验表明算法传统模算法相比具有更快收敛速度和更小的稳态剩余误差

    Theoritical analyse and computer simulation both shows the new one has faster convergent speed and less steady error than traditional constant-modulus algorithms.


  • 算法基于算法(CMA),计算机仿真结果显示算法收敛快速,性能稳定,准确完成多用户的分离。

    This algorithm is based on constant module algorithm (CMA). The computer simulation results indicate that this algorithm have several advantages such as fast convergence, robustness and so on.


  • 研究基于MMA/GMMA(多算法/通用模算法)全数字QAM接收机中DFE判决反馈均衡器设计

    This paper discusses the design of DFE(Decision Feedback Equalizer) based on MMA/GMMA(Multi-modulus Algorithm/generalized Multi-modulus Algorithm) for QAMsignals.


  • 通过分析CDMA系统特点提出码滤波最小二乘算法(CF-LSCMA),保证阵列能够应用于CDMA系统。

    Through analyzing on the features of CDMA system, this paper advance the CF-LSCMA algorithm, which guarantees the constant modulus array could be applied in CDMA system.


  • 算法现有算法(CMA)的基础上,进行一定改进充分利用了CDMA系统扩频波形信息信号的恒性。

    This algorithm, an improved method based on CMA (constant modulus algorithm), utilizes the information of spread codes and the performance of constant modulus in CDMA communication system.


  • 提出了适应均衡算法,利用剩余误差信号自相关函数估计值作为控制长的因子来自适应改变步长的大小,克服了恒模算法存在的固有缺陷。

    A new variable step-size CMA blind equalization algorithm is introduced to conquer the defects of CMA, in which the step size is controlled by the estimation of error signal's autocorrelation.


  • Skype许多方面一样的,除了一点:运用了开放式标准管理通话尽管如此压缩算法顾客软件跟Skype的一样,都是独家专利。

    This is identical to Skype in most respects save one: it USES open standards for managing calls, though its compression algorithms and client software are as proprietary as Skype's.


  • 是因为,大多数时候没有一样分析程序,没有方法保证他们使用相同的算法来分析日志流量

    For the most part, there is no consistency among analytics programs and no way to guarantee that they are looking at the logs or the traffic the same way.


  • 本文研究基于最大信息图象梯度组合人脑CTMRI医学图象配准算法

    This paper aims to research registration of CT and MRI images of caput based on gradient and normalized maximization mutual information method.


  • 最后通过其它法器在结构以及算法等方面进行分析比较,表明本文所设计加法器性能优异。

    Finally, through the analysis and comparison with other kind of modulo adders, we draw the conclusion that the performance of the new modulo adder is better.


  • 针对数控机床位置伺服系统控制器设计了一复合结构控制算法

    Aiming at the position servo system of NC machining tool, this paper designs a kind of control arithmetic on compound sliding variable structure for its controller.


  • 设计高效算法成为密码应用领域关注研究焦点之一

    To design some efficient modular multiplication algorithms has now been one of focus of research and study of application field.


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