• 从而论示风心病替换术后促进心功能进一步恢复,但微循环改善理想

    It suggest that after valve replacement, though the recovery of heart function was promoted, the improvement of microcirculation was delayed and not as good as expected.


  • 现有鱼骨理论建立理想磁流体近似基础上,它预言有两不稳定分支。

    Theoretical analyses of fishbone modes based on the ideal MHD framework have predicted that two branches of modes exists.


  • 如果那时生活现在一样,你会觉得满意吗?你对爱人工作以及健康状况满意吗?想象一下理想中的生活状态。

    Are you satisfied with your life if it is to continue exactly as it currently is? Are you content with your relationships, work, health? Picture the ideal life you could be living.


  • 研究理想问题包括矩量问题的存在唯一性

    This paper considers the moment problem for modules over principal ideal domain containing existence and uniqueness of solution.


  • 小孔失效形式进行分析,提出几种较为理想预防措施提高小孔凸使用寿命冲压件质量。

    Give some analyses to the failure forms of pinhole punch, bring forward several more ideal prevention measures, in order to improve usage life of a pinhole punch and quality of punching part.


  • 通过冷、热放大实验得出,茶多酚提取为扩散过程,按临界悬浮转速放大比较理想的放大方法

    The results show that the process is controlled by interior diffusion and critical suspension speed is an ideal magnification method.


  • 提取搅拌通过冷、热放大实验得出,按临界悬浮转速放大,放大效应很小,比较理想的放大方法而且一定转速范围茶多酚提取属内扩散控制过程

    The results of magnification experiments show that critical suspension speed is an ideal scale-up method and the extraction process is controlled by interior diffusion within a certain agitating rate.


  • 采用LD制造大型滚子具有理想硬度强度耐磨性冲击韧性

    Core of large roller cold upsetting die made of ld steel has more ideal hardness, strength, anti wear capacity and impact toughness.


  • 波纹喇叭喇叭两种比较理想高效率馈源

    Corrugated wall horns and smooth wall multimode horns are two comparatively ideal feeds with high efficiency.


  • 为了获得附着力汽车车身速度精确估计值控制思想引入了观测器,得到理想效果

    To get the precise approximation of the tire force and the vehicle speed, the sliding mode control theory is proposed in observers, which bring about good effect.


  • 主要对正则相关理论进行了研究,包括正则环理想比较,并进一步研究了正则环的刻画。

    The paper has researched module comparability theories about regular rings, including the module of regular rings and characterizations about modules over strongly regular rings.


  • 推出一种较为理想铆接结构

    An ideal riveting die structure which resulting better quality has been developed.


  • 三种浦光相比,泵浦光理想高斯,基输出能量最大光斑光束质量最好

    The three pumping beam are compared with each other, when the pumping beam is the ideal Gaussian beam, the output energy of TEM00 mode is the largest, and the beam quality of the facula is the best.


  • 本机适用于利用成型皮革塑料、纸板、织造物材料多层的成型裁断,是制鞋、箱包、服装、汽车、工艺品、包装、电子等行业的理想裁断设备。

    The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, plastics packing, textile and chemical fibre etc. With molding cutter.


  • 按照理想波导展开推导耦合方程。

    The coupled mode equations are built by means of expanding perfect waveguide modes.


  • 同时当设置为保压结束关闭成型中的注射压力以及制件质量较为理想

    When the close time of the nozzles was set at the end of packing, the injection pressure, clamp force and parts quality were all better.


  • 低缩型聚酯帘线一种理想的子午线轮胎骨架材料

    HMLS polyester cord is a desired reinforcing material of radial tire.


  • 研究离散结构控制问题,详细叙述了离散时间系统理想、非理想准滑概念

    The design of variable structure control for discrete time systems is discussed. The concepts of discrete time systems are told in detail, including quasi-sliding mode and quasi-sliding sector.


  • 理想补偿方法芯区上下同时补偿,可减小偏移并用方法设计了偏振无关1 6通道AWG

    The deflection can be improved by depositing the SiON film both above and below the waveguide. A polarization independent 16 channels AWG is theoretically designed using this method.


  • 综合比较了能产生理想纯振动特殊晶体的各项参数性质,然后镓酸锂和钛酸钡晶体的纯方向进行了计算验证

    The qualities and parameters of the special piezoelectric crystals, which have specific directions were compared, and then the specific directions of LiGaO2 and BaTiO3 were calculated and proved.


  • 综合比较了能产生理想纯振动特殊晶体的各项参数性质,然后镓酸锂和钛酸钡晶体的纯方向进行了计算验证

    The qualities and parameters of the special piezoelectric crystals, which have specific directions were compared, and then the specific directions of LiGaO2 and BaTiO3 were calculated and proved.


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