• 根据射线理论利用高斯波束模拟天线场方向图。

    Based on complex ray theory, the Gaussian beams emitted by complex source points are employed to simulate the far-field pattern of antennas.


  • 大多数电视台都会转换过程中使用备用天线发射塔卸下老式的模拟天线代之新的数字天线塔杆。

    Most television stations will use backup antennas during the transition while their old analogue ones are taken down from their towers and replaced with new digital masts.


  • 微波暗室反射电平计算时常采用点源发射模型模拟天线特性,它适用于低频段或方向性差的天线

    In calculation of reflected level of quiet zone in anechoic chamber, a spot emission model is often used to simulate antennas characteristic.


  • 除了画面质量节目指南上得分颇高Spica也是少数几能接入智能天线,也可兼容接收模拟信号机顶盒。

    Apart from scoring highly for picture quality and programme guide, the Spica was one of the few with both a connection for a smart aerial and a pass-through for analogue signals.


  • 同时很多英国电视天线老了并且安装的位置的,并不能收到陆地信号所以360万SKY订户需要更换模拟/数字天线接受器。

    Meanwhile, many TV aerials in Britain are believed to be too old and wrongly positioned to receive the terrestrial service, while 3.6 million Sky subscribers will need to replace analogue dishes.


  • 模拟结果表明天线方向性以及增益得到了加强

    Simulated results show that the directivity and the gain of the array are improved.


  • 系统模拟信号产生,在空间信道中的传输天线接收最后恢复出信号源整个过程

    The system simulates the whole course from the signal generating, transmitting in the channel, being received by antennas to the signal rebuilding.


  • 最后这种方法脉冲天线辐射场进行了数值模拟

    In the end, the far field simulation of impulse antenna is given.


  • 基于微带天线采用FDTD(有限时域差分方法)天线进行建模模拟

    Based on microstrip antennas, the antenna is modeled and simulated by the FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain).


  • 矩形微带天线数值模拟表明这种方法计算精度传统方法完全一致

    The numerical simulations of rectangular microstrip antenna show that the computation precision of this method is the same as that of traditional methods.


  • 利用FDTD(时域有限差分方法)多根线天线瞬态响应特性进行了数值模拟

    FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method was used to numerically simulate the transient radiating and scattering characteristics of thin wire antennas.


  • 本文基于最优化理论,利用模拟电荷对一个小型交叉天线CFA)进行场的数值分析,得到CFA周围的电场、磁场及玻印廷矢量的分布。

    In this paper, we introduce the basic theory and the design of CFA, and analyze the field of CFA by CSM on the basis of method of optimization.


  • 本文基于长线理论轴线测量装置模拟天线输入阻抗值,使引信同轴线测量装置其工作状态和自由空间一样。

    The axial cavum measurement device was used to simulate the input impedance of the body antenna based on the theory of long line.


  • 理想的软件无线电电台要求天线接收模拟信号经过放大直接采样由于技术很难实现,而多采用中频采样方法。

    The ideal software radio requires the sampling system directly samples the amplified signal which was received by the antenna, but it can't be implemented due to the limit of technology.


  • 数值模拟表明利用有关天线近场测量先验信息,选取尽量搜索变量

    Numerical simulations show that the search variables should be selected as less as possible in virtue of apriori information on the antenna under test and near-field measurements.


  • 结合模拟结果对光电导天线特性参数进行了计算。

    In accordance with simulation results, the characteristics parameters of photoconductive antenna were calculated.


  • 这些信号分别模拟回波信号生成提供了天线增益大小、时间基准相位基准载波频率大小等重要参考信息。

    These signals provide an important reference of the gain of antenna, the time reference, the phase reference and the frequency of carrier wave for generating stimulant echo signal.


  • 计算机模拟实验结果显示网络较好地利用了离散傅立叶交换结构性能优点,在天线罩视线误差校正建模研究上好的效果

    The simulation results show that this kind of DFT neural network can take the advantage of its structure and performance, and get a good result in the modeling of error correcting.


  • 软件无线设计思想之一AD转换器尽可能靠近天线,即A/D从基带移到中频甚至射频,把接收模拟信号尽早数字化

    One of the important conceptions of Software Radio is to make A/D converter close to antenna, we should convert IF analog signal even RF analog signal into digital signal.


  • 智能天线功能网络影响出发,阐述不同规划阶段,如何利用规划工具实现智能天线的功能模拟

    Beginning with the function of smart antenna and its impact on network, it discusses methods on implementing smart antenna function simulation in different planning phases with planning tool.


  • 最后计算机模拟结果比较了不同切换发起规则下切换发起概率小区区基站天线俯仰角间关系。

    The results presents the performance characteristic of handover initiation varies with cluster number and base-station antenna elevation angle for the three algorithms.


  • TLM方法可以模拟微波暗室里对天线测量

    TLM method can also be used to simulate the measurement of antenna array in microwave anechoic room.


  • 利用FDTD(时域有限差分)方法多根未加载线天线以及加载的细线天线瞬态响应特性进行了数值模拟

    FDTD method was used to numerically simulate the transient radiating and scattering characteristics of thin wire antennas and linearly loaded thin wire antennas.


  • 本文探讨了模拟目标天线阵列设计问题。

    In this paper a design of 3-element antenna array of simulated target is discussed.


  • 工程师可以使用工具进行天线全球定位系统以及各种无线应用3 - D电磁模拟RF电路仿真

    Engineers use the tools to conduct 3-D electromagnetic simulations and RF circuit simulation for antenna, GPS, and various wireless design applications.


  • 测试雷达天线俯仰旋钮及雷达天线俯仰模拟显示

    Testing the contrling knob and the simulative display of the pitching of the radar antenna.


  • 通过TD-SCDMA智能天线移动终端接收特性数值模拟智能天线算法进行了分析,深入分析了智能天线对多径的抑制作用。

    Presents an overall link level simulation of mobile terminal receiver structure with smart antenna for TD-SCDMA. Three smart antenna algorithms are simulated and compared.


  • 随后我们模拟不同参数条件下(信道模型码道数目天线数目)这几种算法的性能,并理论分析进行对照,得出一定结论

    Then we simulate their performance in different occasions, such as channel model, burst number and antenna number. Combing theory analyses and simulation results, we give some conclusion.


  • 对于典型雷达天线伺服模拟系统,通过实验说明本文方法有效

    The effectiveness of this method was verified by a simulation experiment for a typical radar servomechanism.


  • 对于典型雷达天线伺服模拟系统,通过实验说明本文方法有效

    The effectiveness of this method was verified by a simulation experiment for a typical radar servomechanism.


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