• 使用StAX直接转化成应用程序模型效率更高

    Using StAX to go straight to the application model is more efficient.


  • 计算结果显示年输沙总量合格率模型效率DC均为50%左右。

    Theresults show that the pass percent of annual sediment discharge and the model efficiency coefficient (DC) are about 50%.


  • 一非正式步骤本质导致一些错误正如上面所提到的,会导致模型效率低下或是甚至达不到预期目的

    The informal nature of this step can lead to inaccuracies that, as noted above, can render the models ineffective or even counter-productive.


  • 冲击式水轮机试验表明:真机效率均低于模型效率这种反常趋势容易引起模型试验结果预测真机性能风险性

    This characteristic of Pelton turbine is apt to take the risk to predict the hydraulic performance of prototype from model.


  • 使用文档模型相比数据绑定开发人员带来了更大方便同时性能内存使用方面效率也更高。

    Data binding is not only more convenient for developers than working with a document model, it's also much more efficient in terms of both performance and memory use.


  • 考虑以上问题领域之后,明显,大部分企业流程业务活动模型缺乏效率

    After considering the above problem domain, it is clear that most of the businesses lack efficiency in their process or in their business activity model.


  • 正如可能期望的那样,简单的模型可能不是效率最高方法,却是理解问题一个很好的起点

    As you might expect, the simplest models are not the highest performers, however, they're a good starting point for understanding the problem.


  • 央行忙着对他们工作母机模型修修补补,加入了粗糙金融市场分析。金融经济学家开始研究激励机制市场效率的扭曲作用。

    Central Banks are busy bolting crude analyses of financial markets onto their workhorse models. Financial economists are studying the way that incentives can skew market efficiency.


  • 模型目标使得软件流程具有更高的可预测性可重复性,从而提高信息技术(IT)组织提供软件产品项目效率

    The model's aim is to increase the effectiveness of information technology (IT) organizations to deliver software products or projects by making the software process more predictable and repeatable.


  • 此类企业不再传统基于人力业务模型那样受到员工效率数量限制

    They are no longer limited by the productivity or number of their staff, as in the traditional labor-based business model.


  • 效率这种模型根本适合软件

    This model of "efficiency" couldn't be a worse fit for software.


  • 容量不是问题因此重要采用可以最大化效率设计即使需要本身比较低效模型

    Capacity may not be the issue, so it is important to have a design that maximizes the efficiencies where possible, even when an inherently less efficient model is needed.


  • 这个角度(包括SLAs增加存储效率)看待存储时,云存储某些使用模型有用

    When viewing cloud storage from this perspective (including SLAs and increasing storage efficiency), cloud storage can be beneficial in certain use models.


  • 提高效率Codezero实现了IPC(全部基于约会模型[rendezvous model])。

    For efficiency, Codezero implements three forms of IPC (all based on the rendezvous model).


  • 美国移植现有技术效率低下流程不同,印度医保提供者周围建立模型

    And instead of grafting technology onto existing, inefficient processes, as often happens in America, Indian providers build their model around it.


  • 模型执行能力这样就可以更快效率模拟验证设计

    The power of model execution, so that you can simulate and validate your designs more quickly and effectively.


  • 根据计算机模型得出的结果,这种设计可以风力发电厂效率提高数百倍,下一步就是研究人员的现场测试,看“鱼儿陆地上的“游动”。

    According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold. The next step for the researchers is to do a field test, trying out these fish dynamics on dry land.


  • 在没有一致SOA控制模型的情况下采用 UDDI 将导致流程设计效率低下

    UDDI adoption without an agreed upon SOA governance model leads to process inefficiencies as well as design inefficiency.


  • 允许高级项目成员通过他们模型模型转换定义实现使他们的工作效率最大化。

    It also allows senior project members to maximize their effectiveness through their definition and implementations of model-to-model transformations.


  • 桌面上处理小型文档可能不是问题,但是其他环境中,比如服务器上对象模型固有效率不可接受的。

    When working with small documents on a desktop this is not a problem, but in other configurations, like servers, the inherent inefficiencies of the object model APIs are not acceptable.


  • 还是敏捷迭代方法宗旨表现出就风险成本质量效率而言瀑布模型上的重大改善

    It is also a tenet of an agile, iterative methodology, representing a significant improvement over waterfall in terms of risk, cost, quality, and efficiency.


  • 通过权衡使用帮助快速打开模型特性团队更好效率合作了。

    By leveraging features that help you quickly open models, your team is better able to work more productively.


  • 为了效率工作,在处理它们之前模型进行批次转化,一个不错主意

    In order to work more efficiently, it's a good idea to batch migrate your models by migrating them before you begin working with them.


  • 通过对可使用性极大改进提高生产效率改进大型模型性能以及定制化安装所需要特定特性的能力

    Improved productivity through significant improvements in ease of use, improved performance on large models, and the ability to install just the features that you need.


  • 使用MDD质量效率上都有所提高,因为低级别的抽象是从较高抽象级别模型得到的,而低级别的抽象最终将用于生成代码

    Using MDD allows for quality and productivity gains because models at lower levels of abstractions are generated from models at higher levels of abstraction, which eventually lead to code generation.


  • 公司使用敏感性分析模型了解消费者喜欢什么(用加号)他们需要改进什么(用三角形),这样可以更快效率改进他们运营

    Companies that use a plus-delta model of understanding what customers love (the plus) and what they would improve (the delta) make improvements to their operations quickly and efficiently.


  • 许多软件开发人员使用标准建模语言模型驱动开发(MDD)的过程改善生产效率质量以及交流

    Many software developers are using standard modeling languages with a model-driven development (MDD) process to improve productivity, quality, and communication.


  • 建模者可以常用计算添加模型中,使得设计人员效率同时减少发送数据库查询数量

    Modellers can add commonly used calculations to the model to help authors be more productive while at the same time reducing the amount queries sent to the database.


  • 这些标准使得工程师软件设计师可以通过将基于代码的开发进程转化模型驱动的开发(MDD),极大地改进效率

    These standards enable engineers and software designers to significantly improve their productivity by transitioning from a code-based development process to model-driven development (MDD).


  • 这些标准使得工程师软件设计师可以通过将基于代码的开发进程转化模型驱动的开发(MDD),极大地改进效率

    These standards enable engineers and software designers to significantly improve their productivity by transitioning from a code-based development process to model-driven development (MDD).


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