• 技术区间代数演算法使用主要技术

    Decomposition techniques and interval arithmetic are used in the algorithm.


  • 例如如果主要问题表示技术设备低级如何宏观层次互连,则无法获得业务层流程服务视图

    For example, no business-level process or service view can be obtained if the primary concern is how low-level building blocks, representing technical devices, interconnect at a macro-level.


  • IBM刀片服务器支持多种处理器技术操作系统允许用户单一中完成多项不同工作。

    IBM blade servers support a wide selection of processor technologies and operating systems to allow clients to run all of their diverse workloads inside a single architecture.


  • 这个示例目的演示如何结合使用本文介绍技术创建可以解析任何XML文档基本映射

    The purpose of this example is to show you how to combine the techniques described in this article to create a basic map that can parse any well-formed XML document.


  • 实际上如今Power 5拥有超过50项产业标准应用基准记录涵盖广泛技术商业工作负载

    In fact, the Power5 architecture today holds over 50 industry standard and application benchmark records that spawn a broad range of technical and commercial workloads.


  • 摘要技术成为电子主要接合技术之一

    Flip chip technology has become one of the major joining technologies in electronic packaging.


  • 技术成为电子主要接合技术之一

    Flip chip technology has become one of the major joining technologies in electronic packaging.


  • 方程中的未知参数应力松弛试验参数识别技术来确定

    The unknown parameter of the equation is fixed by stress relaxation test and parameter identification technology.


  • 综合分折总结目前建()筑物破损原因以及常用加固处理方法和技术

    A rather comprehensive analysis and summary on the breakage cause of the current construction and on the commonly used reinforcement technology.


  • 利用背散射电子衍射取向成像技术定量分析了具有初始AZ31镁合金平面应变压缩孪生过程

    The twinning process in a magnesium AZ31 alloy with initial texture is quantitatively analyzed during plane-strain compression by means of orientation mapping based on EBSD technique.


  • 通过自组装技术一种简单有效的电流型酪氨酸酶传感器

    An amperometric tyrosinase biosensor was developed with a simple and effective immobilization method using the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) technique.


  • 采用熔融织生长(MTG工艺结合技术制备出尺寸YBCO超导块材。

    The fabrication of large, bulk high temperature superconducting YBCO samples was accomplished by MTG process using a seeding technique.


  • 技术民法经济法规范型具有相应历史逻辑一致性

    These two kinds of technique are linked historically and logically with the norm-formalizing method of Civil Law and Economical Law.


  • 本文介绍了二滩水电站不锈钢转轮材料性能现场组焊工艺技术

    In this paper, the material, structural properties and the site fabricating technology of stainless steel split runner for Ertan power plant were introduced.


  • 食品杀菌技术一类不用热能杀死微生物影响食品营养色泽风味新兴杀菌技术

    Food cold sterilization is a kind of new and developing technology, which kills microorganism without heating and does not affect the nutrient, texture, color and flavor of food.


  • 介绍了C 4烯烃催化裂解歧化低碳烯烃等新技术研究进展情况。

    The technique advance of C4 olefin aromatization, catalytic cracking and disproportionation for producing low-carbon olefin were introduced too.


  • 论述理化性能由此重点介绍了皮的制浆技术

    In this paper, the physical and chemical properties of mulberry bast are introduced, and its pulping technology is also discussed.


  • 但随着连续跨径不断加大设计者面临越来越技术问题,连续刚桥的温度效应分析便是其中一个。

    As the result of continual increase of spans and heights of Bridges, designers have to have many technical problems to deal with, among which analysis of temperature effect is.


  • 本文介绍喷锚网钢筋混凝土注浆、加筋土等技术三峡库区滑坡等地质灾害防治利用初步经验。

    The using of technique of pre-stressed anchoring pile, shot anchoring net, concrete frame, grouting and reinforced soil in the prevention and utilization of landslide are introduced in this paper.


  • 结合桥梁加固实例介绍体外预应力技术T桥梁加固中的应用

    Using strengthening of the existing Bridges as examples, it introduces application of external prestressing technique on strengthening of existing t frame Bridges.


  • 研究结果显示消费者关于高新技术产品的知觉风险分为六个,分别功能风险、价值风险、时间风险、习惯性风险、社会风险服务风险;

    The results shows: the consumers' perceived risk can divide into six facets: the function risk, the value risk, the time risk , the habitual risk, the social risk and the service risk.


  • 因此,作为国产高强钢板应用大型球罐技术需求,瓣片高强钢球罐壳板成形机理关系研究势在必行

    So with the application of domestic high strength steel in large spherical tank, it becomes imperative to study the formation mechanism and constitutive relationship of large petals.


  • 冻结技术取得显著进步的背景下,改善食品的角度去研究开发质量冷冻食品。

    With the freezing technique was making an obvious progress, high quality frozen food was studied and developed from improving texture.


  • 立足电力系统现有众多信息孤岛提出利用软件组装技术实现资源整合方法

    According to the existing number of information islands in power system, we proposed a method to accomplish resources conformity using the assembly technology of network configuration software.


  • 着重介绍该桥提篮桁梁施工方案关键施工技术施工控制要点。

    In this paper, the construction schemes, key construction techniques and construction control of the rigid -frame structure, steel box basket handle arch and steel trusses, are mainly described.


  • 本文公路大桥工程背景探讨技术连续中的应用

    In this paper, the application of seismic isolation technology is probed into continuous rigid frame Bridges under the engineering background of a highway bridge.


  • 利用X射线衍射技术结合金相组织观察显微硬度实验,研究了冷轧工业纯钢电场作用结晶及织演变规律。

    The effect of electric field on the recrystallization and recrystallization texture development in cold-rolled copper was studied by X-ray diffraction (ODF analysis) combined with optical microscopy.


  • 目的探讨组织谐波成像技术(THI)、彩色能量多普勒血流图(CDE)放大功能(RAL)诊断中的应用。

    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic importance of Tissue Harmonic Imaging (THI), Color Doppler Energy (CDE) and Zoom function for Renal Angiomyolipomas (RAL).


  • 数值技术方面积分方法用来对本方程局部时间积分,动力技术用于求解总体平衡方程。

    For the numerical aspects, an implicit integration scheme is used for local time integration of the constitutive equations and a dynamic explicit scheme is used to solve global equilibrium equations.


  • 提供使读者能够认出全部这样技术内暗示假定限制条件目的

    It aims to provide a framework that will enable the reader to recognise the assumptions and constraints that are implicit in all such techniques.


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