• 可以决定一个应该选择概率抽样还是概率抽样。

    It may determine whether one should choose nonprobability sampling or probability sampling.


  • 某些觉得这惊奇并且值得一提无神论者则认为不过概率结果而已

    To some they are amazing and worthy of note, to the skeptics, it is just the law of probability.


  • 《欧洲》:那会存在风险出现概率有什么影响

    The European: And what effect might that have on the probability of existential risk?


  • 这种方法缺陷极高配对概率许多部分配对的结果是,配对实际违法没有关系。

    But this approach is crippled by a very high false positive rate - many partial matches turn up people unrelated to the actual perpetrator.


  • 如果求爱个献上了一巧克力,个只是搬出一小盒,那通常我们认为第一个成功概率要更大些。

    And usually a suitor who presents a bigger box of treats is thought to have a better chance of success than one who brandishes a smaller one.


  • 当然这个概率二战以后,英国12首相较低,12只有2左撇子丘吉尔卡拉汉

    Certainly, the prevalence has been lower among the 12 postwar British prime ministers; only two of them, Churchill and Callaghan, were left-handed.


  • 虽然因为飞机事故而死概率微乎其微,但是飞机坠毁的确一件惊恐的

    Airplane crashes certainly are daunting things even if the chances of a plane crash taking your life are extremely slim.


  • 如果一家公司有5利润增长20%,投资认定这家公司能够今后15年内持续增长;但是历史的角度看,这种情况发生的概率就如同的猫一样稀少

    A company increases its profits at 20% a year for five years and investors are tempted to believe it can do so for 15; historically, however, such paragons are about as rare as vegetarian cats.


  • 研究对说话宝宝进行跟踪调查后发现,在从幼儿青春期成长过程中,他们形成害羞抑郁侵略性性格的概率并不同龄高。

    Researchers followed late talkers into their teens and found the kids were no more likely to be shy, depressed or aggressive than their peers as they grew up.


  • 以上所有三种消极生活方式因素青少年患有经常性头痛概率以上因素同龄3.4

    Teens with all three of the negative lifestyle factors were 3.4 times more likely to have frequent headaches than those with none of the negative lifestyle factors.


  • 相当概率足以引起杂志审稿的重视,因此推荐发表

    The probability will have been sufficiently low that a reviewer for the journal was impressed and therefore recommended publication.


  • 这些可能性值是从概率分布中抽取的,所以实际下次能否再遇到的可能性电脑指定的,而不是真正代理决定的。

    They were drawn from a probability distribution, so the actual future encounter rate was only indicated, not precisely determined by them.


  • 半数受试完全没有意识到基础概率影响他们的答案95%。

    About half the medics seemed totally unaware of the base-rate effect, and said that they were 95 per cent certain that the patient had the disease.


  • 最后承担损失部分CDO评级却很高,因为CDO包内所有债务同时违约概率极低

    That piece had alow rating. But the piece at the top, which would take the last losses, wasrated AAA—a reflection of how unlikely it was that allthe loans in the CDO would default at once.


  • 并且这些使用号码相同手机概率几乎为0;除非一种可能就是他们别无二致的双胞胎。

    However, the chance that those people will also have access to the same phone is negligible—unless, perhaps, they are identical twins.


  • 所以风险增大三倍意味着4600会有3产生凝,概率仍然的。

    So tripling the risk would mean 3 people in 4, 600 get a blood clot, which is still very low.


  • Kushi博士注意许多很少食用乳制品国家文化北美洲骨质疏松症的概率少很多,北美洲消耗牛奶其他种类的乳制品很多。

    Dr. Kushi notes that many cultures that consume few dairy products have much lower rates of osteoporosis than North America, where consumption of milk and other types of dairy is higher.


  • 14科学家中有9认为对于最严重假想状况,出现“拐点概率大于90%,只有位科学家认为这一概率低于50%。

    Nine of the fourteen scientists said that the chances of a tipping point for the high scenario were greater than 90 per cent, with only one saying that the chances were less than 50:50.


  • 有可能的是,有些眼镜增强自信,并且改进自己行为举止本身增加他们面试受雇的概率

    It is possible that some people have more self-confidence and change their behaviour when they put on glasses, which could in itself improve their chances at interview.


  • 看看能否从科学角度证实我们直觉相信东西——一些遭受比较多疾病概率比较深层次的角度而不是碰运气方法

    I wanted to see if I could scientifically confirm what we all intuitively believed - that some people face more illness and greater likelihood of early death, in ways that go beyond chance.


  • 起来矛盾:一个如何从不确定概率里面得到持续一致结果

    It sounds like a contradiction: How can someone produce consistent results from an event that has an uncertain probabilistic outcome?


  • 其实除了学习技术外,我们可以通过其他方法克服大家知道一个良好环境,可以使思维更加敏捷出错概率减小

    Fact, apart from learning technology, we can by other means to overcome, you know, a good environment can give people thinking more agile, the probability of error will be reduced!


  • 我来创始首席执行官龙沛智称,申请如果是在凌晨1点至早上6点之间提交的,还款违约概率就会高一些

    Those filed from 1 and 6 a. m. have a higher correlation with repayment default, according to Simon Loong, the founder and chief executive of WeLab.


  • 系统安全影响日益突出现有概率安全评估方法重视不足。

    Effect of Human factors on system safety is increasingly serious, which is often ignored in traditional probabilistic safety assessment methods however.


  • 尤其是卷烟缩短概率寿命

    Particularly cigarette smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.


  • 有可能肥胖概率超过57%,如果一个朋友

    A person was more than 57 percent more likely to be obese if he or she has a pal who became obese.


  • 同时逃税预期收入受到收入、税率、稽查概率和惩罚力度参数影响。

    Meanwhile, the expected income of tax-dodgers is influenced by their income, tax rate, the parameter of the probability of disclosure and the force of punishment, etc.


  • 同时逃税预期收入受到收入、税率、稽查概率和惩罚力度参数影响。

    Meanwhile, the expected income of tax-dodgers is influenced by their income, tax rate, the parameter of the probability of disclosure and the force of punishment, etc.


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