• 所以传统设计流程现代设计概念结合,形成完善的分层优化设计系统是非常有必要的。

    Therefore, it is necessary to set up an excellent layered optimization design system which combines the classic design process and modern design concepts together.


  • 下一次重新深入研究演化架构展示敏捷开发技巧架构概念相结合出现一些常见问题解决方案。

    Next time, I'll delve back into evolutionary architecture and show some common concerns and solutions that arise when agile development techniques are married with architectural concepts.


  • 本文向量空间模型概率推理网络基础提出一个基于关键词概念相结合混合信息检索模型。

    We bring forward a hybrid model that is based on a combination of keywords and concept. The hybrid model is built on vector space model and probabilistic reasoning network.


  • 令人惊叹是,这座超现代的电视塔古老概念球形珍珠21世纪技术商业娱乐教育会议设施相结合

    It is amazing that this ultra-modern TV tower combines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with technology, commerce, recreation, educational and conference facilities of the 21st century.


  • 第三RationalPublishingEngine使用起来应该更加容易,设计目标通过简单交流的概念现代用户界面UI结合,来得到满足。

    Third, Rational Publishing Engine should be easy to use, which design goal is reached through a combination of simple, clearly communicated concepts, and a modern user interface (UI).


  • 编辑方面规范格式已经统一化了使用语法简单参考资料相结合模型概念符号规范

    On the editorial side, the format of the specification was consolidated with the semantics and notation specifications for the modeling concepts combined for easier reference.


  • 之所以篇文章,我目的希望能够增强将 SOA设计业务为中心相结合概念

    This discussion is presented with a desire to reinforce the concept of coupling SOA design with a business focus.


  • 研究目标透过基础研究应用创造出知识科技新的概念正好我们教育目标能够相结合

    The research mission of the Departmentwhich is to create knowledge, technologies and ideas through fundamental research and its application–is closely intertwined with its educational mission.


  • 这种检索方法文本聚类的基础上,基于概念空间传统关键词检索相结合能够帮助用户快速准确地定位所需要查找的信息

    Based on concept space and text clustering technique as well as traditional keyword searching method, it could help users to locate the information they need quickly and precisely.


  • 数据仓库数据采掘基本概念关键技术以及主要研究内容作了一个综合性介绍讨论数据仓库和数据采掘相结合特点和发展潜力。

    This paper gives a comprehensive introduction about the basic ideas of data warehouse and data mining, key techniques, and the content of the main researches.


  • 法律经济学概念具有多元化动态法学经济学结合本质特征

    The concept of legal economics has the basic traits of pluralism, dynamics, the combination of law and economics.


  • 采用频率特性分析数值计算结合物理概念清晰使调整PSS参数很强的适应性

    By the combination of frequency characteristic analysis and quantitative calculation, its physical concept is clear, and the PSS parameter has strong adaptability after adjusted.


  • 林中树木概念设施条形码操作要求相结合,产生建筑设计语言

    The conceptual idea of the trees in the forest in tandem with the operational requirements of the facility - the barcode - led to the building's design language.


  • 伴随着嵌入式软硬件技术迅猛发展,将嵌入式技术CAN总线网络技术相结合提出嵌入式车载网络系统概念

    As the rapid development of the embedded system technology. The embedded-tech combined with CAN_BUS network system brings forward the concept of embedded Automobile network system.


  • 材料发射研究力学过程的研究,材料断裂损伤等破坏过程的研究结合提出了声发射过程的概念

    In combination of studies on AE and mechanical process with that of fracture and damage of material, the concept of AE process is proposed.


  • 概念设计阶段研究人员虚拟现实技术CAD环境相结合创造新的设计环境。

    In the conceptual phases of product design, researchers combines together the VR technique and CAD to created a new environment of design.


  • 网络控制论控制理论计算机网络技术相结合而产生全新学科,受控网络概念即是此基础提出的。

    Network Cybernetics is a totally new subject based on control theory and computer network, and the conception of under-controlled network is coming from it.


  • 遥控轮式诸元装平台一种轮式运载工具机器人战士结合概念机电一体化装置

    Data setting of remote wheeled platform is a new concept for mechanical and electrical integrated equipment which is combined wheeled vehicle with robot.


  • 本文介绍了记忆概念,首次提出了一种与adf检验相结合长记忆性判断方法。

    In this paper, we provided the concept of long-memory. A diagnostic checking of long memory joined ADF test is given.


  • 该文电脑词汇定义为:单义方式信息技术领域科学概念命名信息技术与社会结合而带来的固定结构词语之总和

    This article defines vocabulary concerning computer as the combination of the words giving the technical terms in IT field a sole meaning and the new set phrases of IT coming up in social life.


  • 基础上提出了局域扩散概念产生了单点扩散结合图象置乱算法

    On the basis of this, the concept of local single point spreading is introduced and the image hashing algorithm combining into single point spreading and hashing has been also generated.


  • 专家系统人工神经网络相结合提出了复合专家系统概念

    The concept of the neural expert system which combines ES and ANN is put forward.


  • 信息建筑学基础上,理论实际相结合分析了可索性的概念提出网络环境中的重要性在宏观与微观两个方面实践意义

    Based on Information Architecture, the paper analyses the concept of findability and its importance and practical significance in both macro and micro side in network environment.


  • 研究结论:引入概念规划理念方法强化土地利用战略研究,引导空间分区指导用地指标分解以及用途管制规则,促使指标控制与分区控制相结合

    The ideas and approaches of conceptual plan can be useful in strengthening land use strategic study, conducting land use zoning, guiding land quota allocation and making land use control rules.


  • 本文现代风险管理理论我国水电工程实际相结合提出了水电工程项目风险管理的概念

    This thesis combines the modern risk management theory with the hydropower projects' features and practices in our country, raises the conception of the hydropower project risk management.


  • 该文介绍了RBAC代理机制相结合所带来授权问题,在定义了角色屏蔽概念的基础上,提出了面向代理机制的角色访问控制模型

    This paper discusses the authorization problem and defines the conception of covered role, presents a proxy mechanism oriented role-based access control (PRBAC) model.


  • 论文率先提出一种基于多级菱形思维模型的复杂产品定性定量相结合概念设计方法

    The paper raises a qualitative and quantitative combined conceptual design method, which is based on multi-stage rhombus thought model.


  • 本文危险源理论煤矿瓦斯事故相结合,提出煤矿危险源这一全新概念,用三类危险源思想来分析瓦斯事故危险源。

    In this paper, hazard theory is combined with coal mine gas accident and coal mine hazard is put forward, analyzing gas accident hazard by the three class of hazard.


  • 本文危险源理论煤矿瓦斯事故相结合,提出煤矿危险源这一全新概念,用三类危险源思想来分析瓦斯事故危险源。

    In this paper, hazard theory is combined with coal mine gas accident and coal mine hazard is put forward, analyzing gas accident hazard by the three class of hazard.


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