• 介绍项目型企业概念特点

    The article also introduces the conception and feature of project-based enterprise.


  • 第一个部分会展旅游概念特点

    Part one is the concepts and characteristics of MICE tourism.


  • 其次作者探讨了电影字幕翻译概念特点

    Subtitle translation is subject to some constraints both in technical aspect and linguistic aspect.


  • 网络课件分类基础上首先提出了课件的概念特点

    First, on the basis a classification of network courseware, the concept and characteristics of streaming courseware system are proposed.


  • 本文归纳了作为个性化营销基础市场细分相关概念特点

    This paper summarized all relevant theory, concepts and features of the market segmentation, which is the base of the personalized marketing;


  • 第一论述服务营销概念特点,说明服务营销组合的要素

    The first chapter introduces the classical service marketing theory and the seven factors of service marketing.


  • 本文通过医学计量概念特点描述医学计量做了一个全面系统介绍

    This article on medical measurement concepts and features of the description, the medical measurement made a comprehensive presentation of the system.


  • 介绍了X - H轧制基本概念特点推荐了X - H孔型设计的基本方法。

    The basic conception and characteristic of X-H rolling method are introduced and X-H pass design technology is recommended.


  • 本文专业集成化服务模式概念特点着手,论述了该模式实施体系结构原则方法

    The article starts from the integrated special library service and its features, discusses the implementing system and structure and the principle and methods of the patten.


  • 主要包括城市滨水区概念特点长沙湘江滨水区范围界定的依据滨水区范围的划分。

    Including urban waterfront concept and characteristic, Changsha Xiang River waterfront district basis and concrete waterfront district range.


  • 文章介绍数字证书概念特点分析了工作原理作用其重要应用领域进行了探讨。

    The article introduces the concept and characters of digital certificate, analyzes its principle of operation and its role, and expounds its important applications.


  • 介绍粗糙理论基本概念特点尝试其与震害预测工作联系,建立一种群体震害预测模型

    This paper introduce the basic concept and character of rough set theory, and attempt to combine seismic damage prediction, then set up a model of congregated seismic damage prediction.


  • 论文需要概念特点入手通过三种具有代表性需要理论介绍得出需要问题的认识。

    The article begins with the concept and features of need, and come to a conclusion by the introduction of three representative theories on need.


  • 此文介绍了技术基本概念特点,所用的实验设备参数实验结果实验结果分析

    This paper describes basic conception and characteristics of quickly hot rotary forging, parameters of experimental equipment and experimental results, and the analysis of results.


  • 文章社区社区研究概念特点入手,以摩尔根塞纳部落其它印第安部落所做的实地调查来论证一观点。

    To this end, the paper discusses the concepts and characteristics of community, and community study, based on morgon ' s investigations into the seneca and other native american tribes.


  • 文章社区社区研究概念特点入手 ,以摩尔根塞纳卡部落其它印第安部落所做实地调查来论证这一观点。

    To this end, the paper discusses the concepts and characteristics of community, and community study, based on Morgon's investigations into the Seneca and other native American tribes.


  • 介绍接入网概念特点阐述了可靠性光纤接入网设计应用路由构造算法可靠性算法比较传统方法的异同。

    This paper introduces the concept and character of access networks, proposes route construction and reliability algorithm used in the design, and compares the new method with the conventional method.


  • 本文首先介绍了数字图书馆自建数据库概念特点,并自建数据库的建设项目、建设方法和途径以建设原则等问题进行了具体探讨

    This paper firstly introduces the concept and characteristics of self-built database in brief, and then explores the contents, methods, principles in building it.


  • 介绍了复合型导电高分子材料概念特点重点讨论共混复合型导电高分子材料制备方法影响共混复合型导电高分子材料导电性主要因素

    The conception and characteristics of conductive blending polymer composite are introduced, putting stress on the preparation and the main effecting factors on the conductivity of the composite.


  • 根据工程项目一次性不确定性风险性特点阐述了工程项目目标管理概念内涵

    According to the characteristics of one-off, uncertainty and high risks in engineering, the conception and meaning of engineering objective management are discussed.


  • 通过虚拟仿真技术概念高校校区建筑施工特点阐述,就虚拟仿真技术新校区建筑施工中的应用进行了探索分析。

    The concept of virtual simulation technology and new campus construction features are described, the application of the virtual simulation technology in the new campus construction is explored.


  • 本文牙周感染特点,牙周医学概念牙周病全身系统性疾病相互关系进行综合阐述。

    In this paper, the character of periodontal infection, the conception of periodontal medicine and the relationship between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases were summarized.


  • 论文首先介绍信用销售基本概念业务流程特点详细介绍目前比较前沿全程信用管理模式

    Firstly, the paper introduces credit sales and the feature of its business process, and introduces the present advanced whole credit management model in detail.


  • 论文共分三个部分一部分回顾了传统文化中的修身修养理论基础提出道德修身教育概念特点

    The first part reviews the theory of self-cultivation in our traditional culture and then, on the base, puts forward the concept of moral self-cultivation education and its characteristics.


  • 本文分析了总量控制概念特点,并结合我国县区情况,探讨了总量控制实施技术条件提出县区实施总量控制的几点建议。

    This paper discusses the concept and characteristic of TQNC. Together with the condition of county region, the technical conditions and some advice for enforcement of TQNC is discussed in this paper.


  • 阐述热源环状管网出现背景特点概念系统组织,重点介绍了探索多热源环状管网设计方法

    This paper explains background, feature, concept and system of multi-heat source circle pipe net and introduces design method to explore multi-heat source circle pipe net.


  • 本文主要陈述知识经济概念特征国际贸易出现了哪些特点中国国际贸易形势进行展望。

    This paper briefly states the concept and the characters of knowledge economy, the new characteristics of the international trade, and the prospect of Chinese international trade.


  • 总结著录信息源产生特点作用同时,重点论述取消主要信息源概念及有关规定理由

    Discusses the origin, features and functions of the source of information in description and studies the reasons for cancelling the chief source of information.


  • 介绍了鸡尾酒概念调制鸡尾酒的常用酒类名称主要特点产地

    The concept of cocktail, and the names, main characters and producing areas of several alcoholic drinks used in cocktail making are introduced.


  • 介绍了鸡尾酒概念调制鸡尾酒的常用酒类名称主要特点产地

    The concept of cocktail, and the names, main characters and producing areas of several alcoholic drinks used in cocktail making are introduced.


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