• 乔纳国际著名音乐家作家教师声音疗愈先锋

    Jonathan Goldman is an internationally acclaimed musician, author, teacher and pioneer in sound healing.


  • 处子赛季艾弗走,状元表现符合甚至超乎状元标准

    Sub-Department of the season, Iverson opened higher following a high, he was No. 1 show, in line with the performance of the top or even exceed the standards.


  • 墨水19乔纳声音疗愈介绍讲座研讨会世界各地为期一周强化培训课程世界知名权威

    INK 19 Jonathan Goldman is a world-renowned authority in the field of sound healing who presents lectures, workshops and weeklong intensive training sessions around the world.


  • 斯蒂芬建议需要进行的限制包括:晚九点禁止播放脂肪盐分含糖量食品电视广告限制此类广告广告牌上和电影院里的出现频次。

    Stephenson suggested potential restrictions could include banning TV advertisements for foods high in fat, salt or sugar before 9 pm and limiting them on billboards or in cinemas.


  • 是文··中的夜晚主题

    You were writing about the theme of night in the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh.


  • 奥林巴斯的新总裁山秀说道,公司的三名管牵连其中,执行总裁久志董事会解职(依然作为公司的董事)。

    Yet only one, Hisashi Mori, a vice-president, was dismissed by the board. (He chose to remain as a director.)


  • GE航空业务管的沃担忧之处在于一旦中航工业掌握了足够的技术,他们踢开(GE),自己单干。

    The fear is that 'once AVIC knows enough about how to do this, they'll kick [GE] out and be on their own, ' he says.


  • 个别来看,只有罗斯海区显著的活动趋势而在别林斯晋海阿蒙,海冰层实际上已经减少了。

    Considered individually, only the Ross sea sector had a significant positive trend, while sea ice extent has actually decreased in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas.


  • 当时并未告诉买家他们购买保尔亲自挑选贷款的一部分权益,而保尔本人次贷市场看法非常悲观

    Goldman did not tell the purchasers that they were buying an interest in loans hand-picked by Mr Paulson, who took a very bearish view of the subprime market.


  • 特··经常自己比作个链子中的

    Vincent Van Gogh often referred to himself as a link in a chain.


  • 保尔对冲基金公司并未受到指控。发表声明声称作为第三担保人,ACA对于CDO所构成证券选择享有唯一权利

    Paulson &Co has not been charged; the firm issued a statement saying that ACA, as the third-party collateral manager, had sole authority over the selection of securities in the CDO.


  • 苏丹·81寸,官方记载世界,同时,也是最大手掌大脚的记录保持者。

    At 8 '1 ", Sultan Kosen is officially the world's tallest man, he also holds the record for the largest hands and feet."


  • 画家特··信函中揭示自己不稳定精神财政状况英国皇家学院今天宣布这些珍贵易碎的信函明年冬季在皇家学院进行展出

    Fragile letters in which the painter Vincent van Gogh revealed the precarious state of his mental health and finances will be displayed next winter at the Royal Academy, it was announced today.


  • 英国艺术历史学家、史上年轻国家展览馆馆长肯尼斯·克拉克爵士曾经塞缪尔·帕尔默英国的文特··

    SIR KENNETH CLARK, a British art historian and the youngest ever director of the National Gallery, once described Samuel Palmer as the English Vincent van Gogh.


  • 乔纳·施瓦兹只有经验但是公司工作了十多年

    Jonathan Schwartz only had two years of high-level management experience, but he had a decade of company commitment.


  • 保尔先生入主财政部,则是他的前同僚,乔治·布什的首席参谋乔希·博尔滕的长期求爱所打动。

    Mr Paulson was persuaded to move to the Treasury only after prolonged wooing by a fellow Goldman Sachs executive, George Bush’s chief of staff, Josh Bolten.


  • 马丁•弗里争辩说收益拖欠创下了历史最低记录:现在只有3%,历史均值为4.5%。 这样,又需要换个视角来看待息差

    Martin Fridson argues the defaults on high yield are at historic lows: about 3% now versus 4.5% historically – which puts the spreads in a different light.


  • 倒是《千禧杂志社》身体欠佳编辑•布洛姆奎斯特拉尔几分肯定。 米•布洛姆奎斯特因萨兰德这个女孩形象享受巨大的成功不用每天工作16小时

    There is doubtless something of Larsson in Mikael Blomkvist, the trilogy’s out-of-condition editor of Millennium magazine, who enjoys great success with women when not working 16 hours a day.


  • 华盛顿任职之前曾担任投资银行总裁保尔滥发房屋贷款原因归咎于监管不利。

    Paulson, who was a top executive of the Goldman Sachs investment bank before coming to Washington, blamed weak regulation for the abuses in mortgage finance.


  • ·萨瓦亚,名36岁律师令人难以置信艺术作品震惊世界

    Nathan Sawaya, a 36-year-old former lawyer has stunned the world with his incredible LEGO artworks.


  • 片尾上字幕时候呈现了几种古文明的绘画形式,此外模仿了几位艺术家的风格,其中包括·凡·乔治·奥古斯特·雷诺

    The end-credit montage not only contains artwork in the style of many ancient cultures, but also mimics specific artists such as 'Vincent Van Gogh', Georges Seurat, and Auguste Renoir.


  • 而默选择管时理由也很奇怪现任华尔街日报》执行主编的罗伯特·汤姆突然迷恋上”此人的。

    In turn, Mr Murdoch's choices of executives are made on curious grounds, such as the "crush" he is said to have developed for Robert Thomson, who now edits the Wall Street Journal.


  • 因为所谓巴拉萨——萨缪尔效应新兴国家最佳通胀率往往要比发达国家的

    The optimal inflation rate in an emerging economy is often higher than in the developed world because of something called the "Balassa-Samuelson effect".


  • 虽然警告说短期会有利润回吐,但还不至于让索罗斯保尔以及他们对冲基金兄弟们清盘

    Though, Goldman warns a short-term lift could spark profit-taking. Hasn’t turned the big holders like Soros and Paulson and their brethren in hedge funds into liquidators yet.


  • 虽然警告说短期会有利润回吐,但还不至于让索罗斯保尔以及他们对冲基金兄弟们清盘

    Though, Goldman warns a short-term lift could spark profit-taking. Hasn’t turned the big holders like Soros and Paulson and their brethren in hedge funds into liquidators yet.


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