• 本文的研究内容基于单个摄像机车辆检测跟踪主要是本车前方的运动车辆进行检测跟踪

    The research content of this paper is vehicle detection and tracking based on a single camera. It is mainly to detect and track front vehicles.


  • 提出一种基于粒子滤波复杂环境人脸检测与跟踪算法

    A particle filter based face tracking algorithm under complex environment is provide.


  • 运动目标检测跟踪应用视觉运动图象编码研究领域一个重要课题许多领域有着广泛应用

    Moving objects detection and tracking is one of the most important issues in applied vision and moving image coding and has wide applications in many fields.


  • 话题监测话题检测跟踪领域一项重要研究

    New topic detection is an important research in the field of topic detection and tracking.


  • 视频图像序列运动目标检测跟踪计算机视觉图像处理领域广泛研究热点之一

    Moving targets detection and tracking in video sequences is one of the hotspots that having been widely researched in computer vision and image processing fields.


  • 第三主要介绍了基于TMS320VC33- 150数字信号处理芯片雷达目标检测跟踪系统硬件实现

    In Chapter three the realization of hardware of radar targets' detection and tracking system based on the TMS320VC33-150 DSP chip is mainly introduced.


  • 由于现在运动车辆检测跟踪技术不够成熟,所以需要不断的研究加以改善

    Now the technology of the detection and tracking of moving vehicles is not mature, so we need to do research and improve the performance.


  • 一般采用差分法作为多目标检测跟踪初始分割或者其他方法结合使用。

    Difference method can also be used for initial segmentation in multi-object detection and tracking or be integrated with other methods.


  • 针对远距离目标检测跟踪采用折反射成像方式,设计了一分辨力全向视觉系统

    To implement target detection and tracking in long distance, a kind of high resolution omni-directional vision system is designed by catadioptric imaging.


  • 提高高速公路上车道线识别快速性和棒性,提出了一种有效的车道线检测跟踪方法

    An efficient method of lane detection and tracking is proposed to improve robustness and efficiency of lane recognition of highway.


  • 运动人体检测跟踪运动分析重要内容,也是计算机视觉研究重要领域之一

    The detection and tracking of human motions is key to the visual analysis of human movement, it is also one of important fields to computer visions research.


  • 人体运动检测跟踪人体生物力学研究的主要内容,近年来日益受到人们的广泛关注。

    The detection and tracking of human motion is key to biomechanics, and attach more and more importance recent few years.


  • 针对复杂天空背景弱点目标检测跟踪提出了一利用多窗口、尺度多次差影融合点目标图像快速检测与跟踪方法

    In order to detect and track dim-point targets under the complex background of sky, a high speed method is put, which uses multiwindow, little yardstick, repetitious subtracting and fusing images.


  • 基于红外序列图像中小目标典型特征提出一种新的红外目标检测跟踪算法

    Based on the typical feature of small target in sequence infrared images, a new algorithm is proposed for detecting and tracking small targets in sequence images.


  • 系统按照搜索、捕获、跟踪、记忆跟踪四个状态及其转换运行实现运动目标实时检测跟踪

    The system is running in the four states to accomplish the detection and tracking of the moving video object.


  • 视频运动背景检测跟踪运动目标通常需要背景进行补偿校正。

    The compensation of motion background is always necessary for detection and tracking motion object.


  • 本文重点研究了MPEG压缩视频流中的运动目标检测跟踪问题。

    This thesis focuses on moving object detection and tracking in MPEG-compressed videos.


  • 载波恢复高精度频偏检测跟踪高性能相位环路实现必要条件。

    High precise measuring and tracking of carrier frequency-deviation is necessary to the realization of a high performance phase locked loop in carrier recovery.


  • 对比度目标检测跟踪算法研究电视跟踪领域关键技术之一

    Detection of small target with low contrast and the research for tracking algorithm is one of the key techniques in TV tracking field.


  • 视频目标检测跟踪数字视频处理分析应用的一个重要领域民用军事上有着广泛的应用。

    Video Target detection and tracking is a very important field in digital video processing and analysis. It is widely used civilly and militarily.


  • 基于PC机终端开发了一个摄像机人体自动检测跟踪系统

    Developing a system of multiple cameras human detection and tracking based on PC.


  • 实现基于运动矢量预测弱小多目标检测跟踪算法

    This paper address an algorithm of detection and tracking dim small multi-targets based on motion vector estimation.


  • 运动目标检测跟踪紧密关联两个过程跟踪始于检测目标后续图象序列中的重复检测有助于目标跟踪

    These two processes are closely related because tracking usually starts with detecting objects, while detecting an object repeatedly in subsequent image sequence is often necessary to verify tracking.


  • 本文详细描述基于视频技术的车辆检测跟踪,分析研究了车辆超速、超车交通事件,提出相应的具体检测方法并给出实验结果。

    Several methods based on vehicle detecting and tracking, which are used to detect traffic incidents such as over-speed, have been described in detail in this thesis.


  • 瞳孔检测跟踪可分为三个阶段人脸检测、瞳孔检测、瞳孔跟踪

    There are mainly three steps in pupil detection and tracking: face detection, pupil detection and pupil tracking.


  • 针对图像序列中红外弱小目标检测跟踪遇到难点即信噪比、帧间相对位移问题,提出基于小提升框架小波能量的目标检测算法。

    To solve the difficulties in dim target detection, such as low SNR and small-scale displacement, a new automatic target detection algorithm based on lifting scheme and wavelet energy is proposed.


  • 实验结果证明了本文采用运动目标检测跟踪算法的有效性,此外该算法具有良好的通用性,用于可见光图像序列也能收到好的效果。

    Experimental results show that the proposed moving objects detection and tracking algorithm works well in not only infrared image sequences but also visual ones.


  • 提出了一基于模糊聚类卡尔曼滤波运动目标检测技术将其应用车辆检测与跟踪

    A kind of technique for detection of multiple moving objects based on fussy clustering and Kalman filtering was brought forward, and has been applied to vehicle detection and tracking.


  • 话题检测跟踪TDT)技术可以帮助人们把分散信息有效地汇集并组织起来,从整体上了解一个事件全部细节以及事件其它事件之间关系

    Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) can help us to organize the potential information so that we can grasp all the details about events and the relations between events.


  • 话题检测跟踪TDT)技术可以帮助人们把分散信息有效地汇集并组织起来,从整体上了解一个事件全部细节以及事件其它事件之间关系

    Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) can help us to organize the potential information so that we can grasp all the details about events and the relations between events.


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