• 这样关系中,个人梦想家,一个人就要成为承担现实角色

    In such a relationship one is always the dreamer, and it falls to the other to be the practical party.


  • 注意我以梦想棱镜其他人视为理想角色时交流呈现出完全不同的形态。

    I've noticed that conversations take on a whole different flavor when I view them through the dream lens and when I address the other person as a dream character.


  • 女性告诉艾丁梦想白色尖桩围栏,她遇到男人无法满足这个愿望,所以她只能成为一个单亲妈妈,同时肩负着母亲、父亲培育者还有供养着的角色

    “I want that white-picket-fence dream, ” one woman told Edin, and the men she knew just didn’t measure up, so she had become her own one-woman mother/father/nurturer/provider.


  • 如果依然希望可以去演戏梦想角色什么?

    If you do still want to act, what's your dream role?


  • 谦卑纯真之来扮演角色勇敢地去梦想与渴望更好世界

    Take up your role with humility and innocence of heart, and be courageous with your dreams and desires for a better world.


  • 科顿大部分作品几分高雅感觉,虽然可能很快转化愤世嫉俗而且角色经常梦想破灭所打垮。

    There's a subtle decency to most of Cotten's work, though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast, and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams.


  • 很多正在提升具备进入领导层角色可能性质需要为了完成这一梦想而直面受难的恐惧

    Many with this nature who are ascending and have the possibility of stepping into a leadership role will require confronting their own fear of crucifixion in order to fulfill upon this dream.


  • 科顿大多数作品略微正派尽管情节在后半段很快变得愤世嫉俗所塑造角色梦想破碎而被击垮。

    There's a subtle decency to most of Cotten's work, though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast, and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams.


  • 看完这部电影之后就产生了一个奇异梦想:我也妈妈互换角色

    After watching this movie, I have a new dream: I want to change places with my Mom.


  • 还是个小孩子时候,梦想非洲因为我非常喜爱人猿泰山嫉妒幸运的珍妮,我认为是个没用角色我会的比她好的

    When I was small and dreaming of going to Africa, because I was in love with Tarzan, I was jealous of Tarzan's Jane, I thought she was a wimp, and I'd have made a much better mate for Tarzan myself.


  • 自从老友记》1994年播出,观众们就梦想着能那些角色一样,跟朋友在中央公园咖啡馆聚会

    Since friends debuted in 1994, viewers have dreamed of hanging out with a bunch of friends in Central Perk cafe, like the characters did.


  • 认为即使扮演角色出自不同时代背景,两者因为共同追求梦想而完美契合。

    He thinks that, even though he and his character are of different eras, they are connected by their pursuit of a dream.


  • 因此现在我们各多陆地王国和海洋王国来帮助共同指挥地球提升梦想因为就是我们意识物种角色之一

    So now we will have one additional land based and sea based kingdom helping to co-direct the dreams of ascension of earth as this is one of our roles in full consciousness.


  • 这部片子儿时梦想脑海每个角色细致的刻画,”张艺谋,“我一直相信人世间有英雄

    This film was my boyhood dream, I have a precise mental image of every character, " said Zhang, "I always believed in true heroes.


  • 演员人尊敬且承载着无数少男少女光辉梦想社会角色

    Actor is a respected social role, which carries the glorious dream of countless young boys and girls.


  • 特森周一书上公布这一消息,她说这个角色她儿时的梦想,现在梦想成真了。

    Announcing the news on Facebook on Monday, Watson reveals the role is a childhood dream come true.


  • 很多著名演员梦想着能够扮演哈姆雷特这一角色

    Many famous actors dreamed of playing the role of Hamlet.


  • 为什么每个都会有梦想人们心里起着如此重要角色呢?

    Why such a thing, that everyone has, can play such an important role in one's heart?


  • 剧中设立了一个典型gay角色,吉米鼓励这个破产的好友追寻自己遗失梦想

    She encourages her broke roommate, a new spin on the gay-best-friend stock character, to pursue his lost dream.


  • 亲爱的梦想即将结晶,不管朋友群体联系似乎扮演一个角色

    A dream dear to you is about to crystallize, and whatever it is, your association with friends or groups seems to play a part.


  • 80年来,唐亚伟一直坚持着同样梦想因为始终认为“速记记录历史的过程中仍然扮演着十分重要角色。”

    Nearly 80 years later, Tang said he shares the same dream because "stenography still plays a key role in recording history".


  • 随着时间推移成为他们之中某个角色梦想深深地埋每个人心底

    As time went on, to become like their role of a dream deeply buried in each heart.


  • 动画世界我们收到礼物之一就是没有边界的广阔天地,可以让我们想象力自由发挥,创造出任何我们能梦想到的角色世界。

    One of the gifts we have in animation is the boarderless playground of our imagination to create whatever characters and worlds we can dream up.


  • 梦想着能一部电影里角色

    She is always dreaming of playing a character in a movie.


  • 痴迷梦想是因为它们唯一地方,他可以看到他死去的妻子,马累,玫瑰人生明星玛丽歌迪亚的角色

    He, too, is addicted to his dreams as they are the only place he can see his dead wife, Mal, played by la Vie En Rose star Marion Cotillard.


  • 痴迷梦想是因为它们唯一地方,他可以看到他死去的妻子,马累,玫瑰人生明星玛丽歌迪亚的角色

    He, too, is addicted to his dreams as they are the only place he can see his dead wife, Mal, played by la Vie En Rose star Marion Cotillard.


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