• 空间无疑电影梦中

    The dream of theft is undoubtedly the space movie dream dreams.


  • 我们当时一起工作研究梦中概念

    We were working together. We were exploring the concept of a dream within a dream.


  • 不过是一梦中

    Is but a dream within a dream.


  • 扭曲梦中故事不是好莱坞目前大片盛行的取材自漫画电影

    The twisty dream within a dream story isn't based on a comic book or an older movie, Hollywood's current preferred building blocks for blockbusters.


  • 本片结合梦中无限回圈原理黑色幽默手法描述主角一生起落过程。

    This film combined dreams within dreams and the principle of circulation, describing the up-and-down life of the main character in black humour.


  • 不过这次梦中非常清晰,并且记得很多事情是我在以前的梦中梦时没有体验过的(以前我也就是见我飞了段时间)。

    I was having a normal dream during a regular nap, and something about the dream made me suspect I was dreaming.


  • 深深的愿望恐惧——尤其是童年起就有的愿望或恐惧——经常出现梦中许多都满足这些愿望。

    Deep wishes or fearsespecially those held since childhoodoften appear in dreams, and many dreams fulfil such wishes.


  • 一定做了一个愉快因为微笑

    She must have had a happy dream, for she was smiling in her sleep.


  • 几个小时以来,无法这些分开尽管梦中哀嚎

    For hours he could not be separated from these dreams, though he wailed piteously in them.


  • 也许所有梦中普遍就是那些很少注意或是没有注意的,出现公共场所前的那些令人觉得可耻的

    Perhaps the most universal dream of all is that disgraceful dream of appearing in public places and in society with very little or nothing on.


  • 感谢你们阅读!感谢你们梦中支持如果希望。

    Thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting me in my dream. If you have a dream, it is possible.


  • 每当清醒的时候,在开始普通无异,接着梦中意识清醒起来。

    Usually when I have a lucid dream, it starts out as a regular dream, and then I become conscious within the dream.


  • 现在我们知道清醒可以做到的,清醒梦中能够意识甚至改变自己

    We now know that lucid dreaming is possible. During lucid dreaming people can be aware of and alter their dreams.


  • 橙色欢快,是可以激励的;梦中常常被用来渲染生活恢复活力的项目

    Orange is cheerful and can be energizing; in dreams it often colors items in need of rejuvenation in the dreamer's life.


  • 在睡梦中潜意识尝试交流我们入睡时,我们生活产生了影响他们倾听我们身体健康象征

    While you sleep, your subconscious mind tries to communicate with you. Dreams have an impact on our lives when we are awake. They lend an ear that is a sign of health and wellness.


  • 醒来就立刻确定梦中有什么困扰你,设想一下你所希望的结局,下次再做同样的试图醒来控制进程

    As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course.


  • 我们知道不真实性是否因为未来变幻莫测,也不知道未来到底多久才来,更不知道这种测能力的自然结果是什么

    Whether this is related to dreams not being entirely literal, the future constantly changing, how far in the future the events take place, or simply a natural consequence of the power is unknown.


  • 一部电影空间》中,大师级小偷能够进入别人梦中盗取他们潜意识中的秘密,甚至还能够植入一个别的

    In the new movie, "Inception," a master thief is able to infiltrate peoples' dreams and steal their subconscious secrets-even plant a dream idea they'll think is their own.


  • 不管怎么说荣格诸多梦中,有两个女人彼此时间

    In any case, in one of Jung's dreams, the two women also asked each other the time.


  • 一个始终在的脑海中挥之不去,梦中,斯凯勒知道了我母亲

    The one dream I couldn't let go was to have Skyler understand that I was his mom.


  • 空间》必然会有关诺兰梦中虚幻世界争论上升到一个新的层次

    "Inception" is bound to inspire a whole new level of chatter about Mr Nolan's deceptive world of dreams.


  • 刚从睡梦中醒来常常天真地认为就算不是来自一个世界也是把人到了另一个世界。

    The naive judgment of the dreamer on waking assumes that the dream- even if it does not come from another world- has at all events transported the dreamer into another world.


  • 也许正是由于的激烈情绪,洛伊德揣测是为了满足我们的愿望

    Perhaps it was this heightened emotionality that led Sigmund Freud to speculate that dreams serve as wish fulfillment.


  • 发现早期,人们还处于悲伤时,经常回到过去,在梦中人们遇到爱人往往困惑沮丧

    She found that dreams in the earliest stages of mourning were often back-to-life dreams, in which the dreamer was confused or upset by the appearance of the loved one.


  • 即使树木不是舒适,光秃窘迫,就他们同时有了这样一个梦中他们突然低头,却发现自己忘记了穿衣。

    Even the trees looked uncomfortable, naked and embarrassed, as if they were all simultaneously having that dream in which you look down and realize you've forgotten to put on your clothes.


  • 清醒梦中意识到你自己在

    Lucid dreaming is simply realizing you're dreaming within a dream.


  • 从严格意义上来说,宣称“道德将不复存在”学者,不道德的研究就此止步

    Strictly speaking, all interest in immoral dreams should be at an end for those who assert that the moral personality of the individual falls to pieces in his dreams.


  • 从严格意义上来说,宣称“道德将不复存在”学者,不道德的研究就此止步

    Strictly speaking, all interest in immoral dreams should be at an end for those who assert that the moral personality of the individual falls to pieces in his dreams.


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