• 曼哈顿区区长露丝·辛杰卖力地拉选票,年轻助手马蒂·劳斯也是如此打入同性恋社会

    In Manhattan, the borough President, Ruth Messinger, worked hard for me, as did her young aide, Marty Rouse, who helped me make inroads into the gay community.


  • 提供很多网上没有菜谱包括名厨埃里尔·拉加斯、博比·弗莱贾达·劳伦蒂斯的作品。

    FoodNetwork : Offers users many of the recipes off the network including food by Emeril Lagasse, Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis.


  • 一方面,西却已经可以球王贝利马拉多纳-斯蒂法诺一高低。

    Messi on the other hand could be legitimately compared to Pele, Diego Maradona and Alfredo Di Stefano.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡卡耐基大学纳米机器人实验室主任丁·斯蒂正在使用细菌作为生物马达推动小球穿过液体

    Metin Sitti, director of Carnegie Mellon University's NanoRobotics Lab in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is using bacteria as biological motors to propel small spheres through fluids.


  • 美术作品价格世界纪录2010年2打破了,阿尔伯特•贾柯件雕塑伦敦斯比卖了$104.3m佣金税费)。

    The world record for a work of art sold at auction was broken in early February 2010, when a sculpture by Alberto Giacometti sold for $104.3m (including commission and taxes) at Sotheby’s in London.


  • 越战老兵小说家卡尔·马兰蒂斯几本书荷马诺曼·勒,告诉你关于战争麻木混乱有时惊险”的真相

    From Homer to Norman Mailer, the novelist and Vietnam veteran chooses books that tell the 'numbing, confusing, occasionally thrilling' truth about combat.


  • 卡耐基大学教授亚历山大•阿奎斯蒂(AlessandroAcquisti)说:“我们置身于一项大胆关乎隐私实验,这项实验的结果尚未明了。”

    We are all part of a brave new experiment in privacy whose outcome is unclear, ” says Alessandro Acquisti, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.


  • 瑞士赫尔佐格&事务所在公园大道军械库完成了一个19世纪时期的房屋改造工作,这个文化建筑位于曼哈顿,路易斯C凡尼设计了它的室内

    Swiss studio Herzog & de Meuron has completed the restoration of a 19th-century room at the Park Avenue Armory, a cultural building in Manhattan with interiors by Louis C Tiffany .


  • 芝加哥大学·蒂斯·罗伊说:“孩子上学他们词汇方面存在一个很大社会经济差距。”该研究结果在《科学期刊上发表。

    "When children enter school, there is a large socioeconomic gap in their vocabularies," said the University of Chicago's Meredith Rowe, whose study appears in the journal Science.


  • 这项计划首相奥克森斯蒂耳看来不切实际派出瑞典大使约翰·内斯·回访克里米亚K

    The project seemed unrealistic to Chancellor Oxenstjerna, who however dispatched with a return visit to the Crimea the Swedish ambassador Johannes Mayer K.


  • 斯蒂•扬看起来“很有气质”、“很时尚”,回答说喜欢漂亮衣服”。

    When Kirsty Young commented that her look was "pulled together" and "fashion-forward", May replied "I enjoy clothes".


  • 如果我们认识到自己就是鲁本斯贾科蒂,介于两者之间,我们就越早能够诸如暑期度假事情享受到乐趣。

    The sooner we recognise that we're a Rubens, a Giacometti or somewhere in between, the sooner we can get on with enjoying things like summer holidays.


  • 尼科·斯卡拉生活时代正是欧洲面临着天翻地覆变化时代,启蒙运动带来新的理念彻底刷新人们头脑

    Great changes had been taken place in Europe in the period which Domenico Scarlatti lived in. At that time, peoples' minds had been renovated with the new ideas of the Enlightenment.


  • 尼科·斯卡拉蒂音乐史所做出贡献不可磨灭。

    The contributions Domenico Scarlatti had made in musical history will not worn away.


  • 随着故事慢慢展开蒙蒂不得不一又一次戴斯·坎贝尔难缠妻子斯打交道,而薇斯的动机最初相比,也越来越不明了。

    As the story unfolds, Monty finds himself returning again and again to trade barbs with Dice Campbell's hard-drinking wife, Mavis, whose motives are not as clear as they initially seem to be.


  • 自从三月加拉斯因为小腿伤势一直未能上场比赛,由于担心加拉斯状况,多内克带了24名球员了蒂涅。

    Domenech had taken 24 players to Tignes because of concerns over the fitness of Gallas, who has been unavailable since late March because of a calf injury.


  • 医生周一表示罗纳尔多打破两个骨头左手下降20分钟科林蒂安'0 - 3惨败给对手帕尔·拉斯周日

    Doctors said Monday that Ronaldo broke two bones in his left hand after a fall 20 minutes into Corinthians' 3-0 loss to rival Palmeiras on Sunday.


  • 52“要知道,乌拉写下那些精彩的散文诗,”,“巴黎的时候,斯蒂芥·麦克纳朗读听。”

    52-mallarme, don't you know, he said, has written those wonderful prose poems Stephen MacKenna used to read to me in Paris.


  • 位资深总裁,销售总监蒂,业务主管Mi丹尼尔斯视作接替帕尔米·萨诺的大热门(至于另候选人——硬件部门主管罗德尼c。阿德金斯,分析家们认为他机会渺茫)。

    Sales chief Virginia "Ginni" Rometty and services head Mike Daniels, both senior vice-presidents, are considered the top contenders to follow Palmisano. a third candidate, hardware chief Rodney c.


  • 位资深总裁,销售总监蒂,业务主管Mi丹尼尔斯视作接替帕尔米·萨诺的大热门(至于另候选人——硬件部门主管罗德尼c。阿德金斯,分析家们认为他机会渺茫)。

    Sales chief Virginia "Ginni" Rometty and services head Mike Daniels, both senior vice-presidents, are considered the top contenders to follow Palmisano. a third candidate, hardware chief Rodney c.


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