• 我们知道你们瑞克·梅菲尔做了什么。

    We know what you have done to Merrick Mayfair.


  • 生意伦敦菲尔上流住宅区雇佣了25个人

    The business employed 25 people in London's Mayfair.


  • 我会因为菲尔价格划算,而且大多数地方

    I think I just might as the price for Mayfair was very good and most everything ran smoothly.


  • 梅菲尔科克画廊克里斯蒂人们现在造访画廊主要去参加活动

    People now visit galleries mainly to go to events and to be seen, says Alan Cristea, a gallery owner on Cork street in Mayfair.


  • 伦敦旗舰位于伦敦梅菲尔邦德13也同时迎来其开业一周年庆典。

    London flagship store in Mayfair District No. 13 Old Bond Street, also welcomed the opening of its first anniversary.


  • 第3集游戏布里八卦听到菲尔区的房子勉强推荐一个妇科医生苏珊

    3: The Game :Bree gossips about what she overheard in the Mayfair house and reluctantly recommends a gynecologist to Susan;


  • 他们巴黎香奈儿鞋子,在伦敦物色菲尔地产,在罗马喝早茶而不是意面

    They are in Paris, buying Chanel shoes. They are in London, scouting Mayfair property. They are in Rome, ordering dim sum instead of pasta.


  • 伦敦中心菲尔区的住宅价格飙至55000英镑平米(相当于82000美元)。

    Residential property in Mayfair, in central London, can go for as much as 55,000 (82,000) per square metre.


  • 问及父亲悬挂梅菲尔区Dalia办公室国旗作何感想时,回答道:“无可奉告。”

    Asked what his father might think about the banners hanging outside the Dalia office in Mayfair, the man replied, "I couldn't comment."


  • 颁奖典礼伦敦菲尔区克拉里奇酒店举行,欧蒂娜•戴克表示自己“职业生涯上的一项莫大荣誉”。

    Speaking at the ceremony, which took place at Claridges hotel in London's Mayfair, Odile Decq said it was "a great honour to walk in her path".


  • 高级助理菲尔哈密尔顿布拉德肖处与我公用办公室但是一般离开这里会组织两三次会议。

    My executive assistant shares my office at Hamilton Bradshaw in Mayfair, but I can normally do two or three meetings from here before I leave.


  • 安藤忠雄一如既往伦敦布莱尔业务协会合作最近设计了一个真正独创的水景,伦敦市中心梅菲尔唤起了自然

    True to form, Tadao Ando, in collaboration with London practice Blair Associates, recently designed a truly original water feature that evokes nature right in the centre of London: Mayfair.


  • 苏珊娜·瑞斯曼就是位帮助客户争取这项权益律师曾经民权法律师,现在伦敦中部菲尔私人客户律师。

    One lawyer fighting for her clients' right to do so is Suzanne Reisman, a former civil rights lawyer, who is now a private-client lawyer in Mayfair, central London.


  • 即使他们伦敦餐厅大餐增值税菲尔(译者注:伦敦上流住宅区)的公寓所上交的印花税布朗的额外收入

    Even if all the tax they pay is VAT on expensive meals in London restaurants or stamp duty on flats in Mayfair, it is still additional income for Mr Brown.


  • 这个时候,如果继续把普通职员退休金存折上资金到康涅狄格的格林威治、伦敦梅菲尔这些豪门望族的手里,完全没有必要

    There is no need to transfer yet more money from the retirement savings of ordinary employees to the grandees of Greenwich, Connecticut, and Mayfair, London.


  • 始于绝佳地理位置不论是(伦敦上流住宅区梅菲尔)的哲曼还是这里美丽的乡村,”,“然后供应顾客想吃那种食物。”

    "It starts with a great location, whether that's Jermyn Street [in Mayfair] or out here in beautiful countryside," he says. "Then it's about serving the kind of food your customers want to eat."


  • 皇家授权品牌之旅也很吃香:参加该行程游客得以一览菲尔区(Mayfair)各皇家授权商店的“机密档案材料特殊珍藏品牌资产遗产物件”。

    The Royal Warrant tour is another: it promises visitors access to "secret archive material, special viewings of treasured brand assets and heritage pieces" of Mayfair's Royal Warrant holders.


  • 那些超级富豪真正大把花钱地方购买黄金地段的地产菲尔(Mayfair)、骑士桥(Knightsbridge切尔西(Chelsea)等地,今年房价上涨了25%到35%。

    Where the ultra-rich really splash out is on prime property, with prices of houses in Mayfair, Knightsbridge and Chelsea rising by between 25 per cent and 35 per cent this year.


  • 来自西伯利亚煤炭而不是本地煤矿的用来驱动瑟蒂德菲尔(Merthyr Tydfil)的蒸汽火车

    Coal from Siberia is being used to power a steam train in Merthyr Tydfil rather than coal from the local mine.


  • 波士顿环球报》马特·菲瑟尔虽面临截稿压力,但仍凭借对白宫出色报道获得“丽曼·史密斯”。

    Matt Viser of the Boston Globe, winner of the Merriman Smith Award for outstanding White House coverage under deadline pressure.


  • 星期一女朋友黛尔。斯蒂德曼女婴齐。罗克珊,长着娃娃脸阿尔菲巴顿便当了父亲

    Baby-faced Alfie Patton, became a dad when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to a baby girl Maisie Roxanne Monday.


  • 菲奥拉的下一步计划就是追查董事长奇尔斯·普林帝国非法出卖企业专区管理局机密一案。

    Fiolla next planned to pursue the Prex, Chils Meplin, for illegally selling CSA secrets to the Empire.


  • 看到自己又呆滞开启的门前,门菲尔根。多么熟悉的个人!只要一眼,我就可以看出两双脚各属于哪个人。

    I see myself stunned at the opened door again, inside was Phil and Megan, whom I was so familiar with that I could tell their feet apart within the glance at the two bodies in bed.


  • 布朗安德鲁拜纳姆争取时间上场,主教练菲尔杰克逊表示只有两个位置

    Chris mihm, kwame brown and andrew bynum are fighting for time there, but coach phil jackson indicated there was room for only two at the position.


  • 律所团队悉尼合伙人大卫·坦普尔带领成员包括驻悉尼的合伙人塔·科特瑞尔墨尔本的巴顿·富菲。

    The firm's team was led by Sydney partner David Templeman and included partners Melita Cottrell and Baden Furphy, based in Sydney and Melbourne respectively.


  • 想想一系列的箭头人物,科比菲尔布兰德马盖蒂,拉武,科林斯,“我们在这的时候关注我们!”

    Think of a group shot of Bryant, Phil Jackson, Elton Brand, Corey Maggette, O. J. Mayo, Kevin Love and Darren Collison with the caption, "See us while we're here."


  • 想想一系列的箭头人物,科比菲尔布兰德马盖蒂,拉武,科林斯,“我们在这的时候关注我们!”

    Think of a group shot of Bryant, Phil Jackson, Elton Brand, Corey Maggette, O. J. Mayo, Kevin Love and Darren Collison with the caption, "See us while we're here."


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