• 格林伯拉比送给索菲一个门柱经卷做礼物

    Rabi Greenberg gifts Sophie a mezuzah.


  • 索菲英语希伯来语演讲时沙洛姆·格林伯拉比在旁帮助

    Rabi Shalom Greenberg helps Sophie as she gives her speech in English and Hebrew.


  • 格林伯格拉比在夏里之后讲话,已经做好了准备让大家转换一下情绪

    And so, when Rabbi Greenberg followed Shari, he was ready to change the mood.


  • 今天下午,代表利物浦队董事会出庭发言格拉比内勋爵将希克斯吉列达拉斯禁令称为古怪的、荒谬的不公正的”。

    Speaking on behalf of the Liverpool board in court this afternoon, Lord Grabiner QC called Hicks and Gillett's Dallas restraining order a "grotesque parody, preposterous, unfair, unjust."


  • 然而对比规模原则上显得有些怪异格拉式苏维埃制度体现;而关塔那摩则美国的一个污点

    Yet the comparison seems odd in scale and in principle: the gulag embodied the Soviet system; Guantánamo is a blot on the American one.


  • 拉布德·卡尔马里认为气候变化长期趋势任何短期数据更为重要,后者是美国梅林银行二氧化碳排放业务全球主管。

    Grubb and Abyd Karmali, global head of carbon markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, both said that long-term trends in the climate series are more important than data for any single year.


  • 一家人正打算起身问候时,格拉夫上校举起只手制止他们卡萝塔修女则手指嘴上

    But when Bean and his family got up to greet them, Graff held up a hand to stop them and Carlotta put her finger to her lips.


  • 2008年8月28日|日内瓦——苏格兰格拉斯哥市郊区,新生儿的预期寿命13公里外的新生儿少28岁。

    August 2008 | GENEVA — a child born in a Glasgow, Scotland suburb can expect a life 28 years shorter than another living only 13 kilometres away.


  • 照片拍摄于1979年,拍这幅照片时候,格拉拉根本没有细看取景器取景器却正好完整地捕捉到了沃伦·比蒂。

    When shooting, Galella doesn't look through the camera's viewfinder but instead makes eye contact: a technique rewarded by Warren Beatty in this 1979 photo.


  • 今天格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上,数千音乐爱好者目睹世界杯英格兰队以1比4的耻辱比分被德国队淘汰。

    Thousands of music lovers at Glastonbury Festival today joined forces to watch England's World Cup humiliating 4-1 defeat against Germany.


  • 自我少女时初次体验的那些坐车兜风以来夜间驾车的轮遍及四处——拱形沙滩(Camber Sands)格拉斯顿伯里(Glastonbury)、伦敦周围,直至威尔士(Wales),穿行过密西西比州马萨诸塞州缅因州

    Since those first teenage excursions I have taken night drives all over this land and others – to Camber Sands and Glastonbury, round London, up to Wales, through Mississippi, Massachusetts, Maine.


  • 戈登•布朗终于被迫简要地表示尊重释放洛克比空难[2]制造者阿布德尔巴塞特•阿尔-迈格拉希决定。

    Gordon Brown has finally expressed, under duress, laconicrespect” for the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》1月15日报道,英国格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学(Glasgow Caledonian University)的神经学家们发现,每天下约罐碳酸饮料就能使记忆力提高五分之一。 心理学讲师利-莱比博士是此项研究的负责人。

    Consuming the equivalent of two cans of soft drink can boost memory retention by a fifth and combat dementia in older people, found neuroscientists from Glasgow Caledonian University.


  • 另外几位入围前十名男星分别是本月下旬领衔出演格拉斯顿伯里音乐节庆典布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀、导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格、篮球运动员科比·布莱恩特

    Bruce Springsteen, who will headline the Glastonbury Festival later this month, director Steven Spielberg and basketball player Kobe Bryant complete the top 10.


  • 比阿:苏格拉底根本知道这样做有棒。

    Hippias: Socrates, you have no idea just how fine this is.


  • 根据国际货币基金组织上一次统计记录,现在格拉人均GDP刚果高出24因此刚果为了寻求生计纷纷奔向安格拉。

    Angola's GDP per person is now 24 times bigger than that of Congo at the IMF's last count, so the Congolese keep coming over to seek a living.


  • 然而读者却能清楚地看出苏格拉底认为智术应当求真理,他蔑视智术牟利做法,因此阿嗤之以鼻。

    The reader, however, sees clearly that Socrates despises the use of intellect to make money, rather than to search for the truth, and hence has complete contempt for Hippias.


  • 比格拉基特先生颇感意外口气发出一番感叹目光落到了奥立弗身上,翻身起来,什么

    Uttering this exclamation in a tone of great surprise, as his eyes rested on Oliver, Mr. Toby Crackit brought himself into a sitting posture, and demanded who that was.


  • 希比阿以为苏格拉底夸奖

    Hippias thinks Socrates is complimenting him.


  • 伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥苏格兰人说话听懂纽约人说话更难。

    A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.


  • 苏格拉底:希比阿,真好恰恰体现了智慧显示出今人古人的确不一样啊。

    Socrates: what a fine thing to say, Hippias! It's very indicative of your own wisdom, and of what a difference there is between people nowadays and the ancients.


  • 一般都将「认识自己」四个字归因于苏格拉底,但实际上苏格拉底还要久远以前许多体系学校基础

    "Know thyself. " These words, which are generally ascribed to Socrates, actually lie at the basis of many systems and schools far more ancient than the Socratic.


  • 比阿:怎么苏格拉底? 还不是因为他们无能不会智慧运用个人国家,这两方面有所作为

    Hippias: What do you think it could be, Socrates, other than that they were incompetent and not capable of using their wisdom to achieve in both areas, public and private?


  • 约莫走了四分之一英里,三个在孤零零四周有围墙宅院前边停住脚步托比格拉基特几乎没顾得上口气,一转眼上了围墙。

    After walking about a quarter of a mile, they stopped before a detached house surrounded by a wall: to the top of which, Toby Crackit, scarcely pausing to take breath, climbed in a twinkling.


  • 约莫走了四分之一英里,三个在孤零零四周有围墙宅院前边停住脚步托比格拉基特几乎没顾得上口气,一转眼上了围墙。

    After walking about a quarter of a mile, they stopped before a detached house surrounded by a wall: to the top of which, Toby Crackit, scarcely pausing to take breath, climbed in a twinkling.


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