• 纳姆格亚尔夏尔登山队希望带回至少两千公斤垃圾年前遇难名登山者尸体运回来。

    Namgyal Sherpa's team hopes to bring down at least 2, 000 kg of garbage and the corpse of a climber killed two years ago.


  • 纳姆格亚尔夏尔登山队希望带回至少两千公斤垃圾年前遇难名登山者尸体运回来。

    Namgyal Sherpa's team hopes to bring down at least 2,000 kg of garbage and the corpse of a climber killed two years ago.


  • 曾七次登上世界最高峰的纳姆格亚尔 夏尔巴说:“我们第一死亡区这么地带清理垃圾,难度很大,很危险。”

    This is the first time we are cleaning at that height, in the death zone.


  • 他们的设计灵感来源于亚尔斯贝

    Their design was inspired from Jarlsberg.


  • 没有浪费一点时间颌骨交给澳大利亚dna检测中心之后驱车赶往阿得雷德南部奥尔,去向84海伦·布莱克伯恩请求一份的DNA标本

    He didn't waste any time. After handing the jawbone over to the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, he drove south of Adelaide to Aldinga, to ask 84-year-old Helen Blackburne for a sample of her DNA.


  • 但是索尔那时候,现在也是有钱出口商人,做火腿奶酪生意,而米莉亚跟娱乐界曾经有过的故事的“间谍机构”得好好的

    But Sol was, and is, a prosperous importer of hams and cheeses, and any connection he or Miriam ever had with show business is well hidden by the Salinger counterintelligence apparatus.


  • 尔特亚冻原地带鹿群一起度过冬天大部分时间。

    Skaltje spends much of the winter on the tundra with his herd.


  • 发现头因鹿角在一起饥饿驯鹿尸体之后,斯尔特亚切除了这些鹿角。

    After finding the carcasses of two female reindeer that starved to death with their antlers locked together, Sven Skaltje removed their antlers.


  • 针对那些捂住钱包等待下周黑色星期五才开始爽快消费的顾客,位于皇后购物中心维多利亚秘密专卖店经理梅丽莎·尔科个小建议

    For those brave enough to plunge into the fray with wallets open next week, Melissa Geick, a manager at the Victoria’s Secret Pink store at the Queens Center Mall, has some advice.


  • 卡罗尔·拉斯科洛丽亚·布暂时接管工作

    For the time being, Gloria Cabe and Carol Rasco took over his responsibilities.


  • 这话斯特•布瑞尔,一位上了年纪的职业书评女儿米莉亚以及孙女卡特一起佛蒙特,他在这里度过一个个白天与失眠夜。

    The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya.


  • 星期六,斯托尔腾前往乌托亚附近一家宾馆,救援队伍一直在那里运送幸存者

    On Saturday, Stoltenberg traveled to a hotel near the island, where rescue teams have been transporting survivors.


  • 车队在一起度过最后一天阿尔塔雷·希亚。

    My last day with the group was spent in Alta Gracia.


  • 影片中科林·费斯饰演严重口吃困扰国王乔治六世杰弗里·拉什则扮演一位正统澳大利亚言语治疗师莱昂纳尔·洛。正是两位杰出的表演开启了我们愉悦的观影体验。

    The pleasure starts with two magnificent performances: Colin Firth as King George VI, afflicted by a terrible stutter, and Geoffrey Rush as an unorthodox Australian speech therapist, Lionel Logue.


  • 哥伦比亚大学专门从事肺病研究医学教授尼尔·W·施拉( Neil W.Schluger博士说:“要证明这个方法稳定性还有长的要走。”

    “They’re a long way from demonstrating the robustness of their technique, ” said Dr. Neil W. Schluger, a professor of medicine at Columbia University who specializes in lung diseases.


  • 好似地球一直每天香烟”,报告首席作者,澳大利亚海洋科学家奥乌豪厄-古尔教授说道。

    "It's as if the Earth has been smoking two packs of cigarettes a day", said the report's lead-author Australian marine scientist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.


  • 德国消费者保护部部长伊尔莎纳向25岁Facebook创始人马克扎克伯发起挑战中,很难说大卫王,谁是歌利亚。

    IN THE challenge by Ilse Aigner, the German minister of consumer protection, to Mark Zuckerberg, the 25-year-old founder of Facebook, it is hard to say who is the David.


  • 澳大利亚能源部长马丁·“戈尔工”“普路托”工程可以年内使澳大利亚每年液化天然气出口价值加倍240亿澳元。

    Martin Ferguson, Australia's Resources Minister, says Gorgon and Pluto could double the value of Australia's LNG exports to A$24 billion a year in eight years.


  • 2007年选举挑战萨科齐社会党候选人塞莱纳.亚尔接受欧洲第一广播电台采访时说,这个新闻令人震惊。

    Interviewed on Europe 1 radio, Segolene Royal, the Socialist contender against Sarkozy in the 2007 race, said the news came as a shock.


  • 我们离开伊斯坦布尔,经过长达12小时旅程来到土耳其中部尔米卡帕多基亚(Göreme和Cappadocia)。

    We head out of Istanbul for a 12-hour drive to Göreme and Cappadocia in central Turkey .


  • 沃尔·伯公司最近欧洲展示了飞机澳大利亚印度尼西亚机构接洽。

    The company recently demonstrated its plane in Europe and is talking to agencies in Australia and Indonesia, Wahlberg says.


  • 丹麦建筑师亚克。因尔斯他的设计团队美国纽约曼哈顿市设计了住宅建筑将矩形拉动一角形成一个三角塔。

    Danish architects Bjarke Ingels Group have designed a residential building for Manhattan, New York, with a rectangular plan pulled up at one corner to form a triangular tower.


  • 沃舒波特兰附近注入哥伦比亚河。

    The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland.


  • 现年26岁澳大利亚营养学家丝卡·斯帕尔30岁的先生迪恩·斯坦却想人们证实,即便结婚无须中断他们健康生活方式

    But Australian nutritionist Jessica Sepel, 26, and her new husband Dean Steingold, 30, wanted to prove their healthy lifestyle didn't need to be placed on hold just because they were getting married.


  • 现年26岁澳大利亚营养学家丝卡·斯帕尔30岁的先生迪恩·斯坦却想人们证实,即便结婚无须中断他们健康生活方式

    But Australian nutritionist Jessica Sepel, 26, and her new husband Dean Steingold, 30, wanted to prove their healthy lifestyle didn't need to be placed on hold just because they were getting married.


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