• 另一些人则给出根本解释汽车黄金时代终结了

    Others offer a more fundamental explanation: the golden age of motoring is over.


  • 英国,请问我们你们语言Chinean一个合理根本解释吗?

    Can you English people explain it, reasonably and from the root, for us who understand your language?


  • 艺术作品艺术家艺术关系根本解释循环发生在艺术作品与艺术之间

    In the relations among works, artist and art, the cardinal interpretation of circle occurs between the works and art.


  • 关于一亿重要时期没有化石,有一种解释早期动物软体动物根本不会变成化石

    One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft-bodied and simply did not fossilize.


  • 出色解释智能手机优点根本没有谈论它们缺点

    You did an excellent job explaining the good points of smartphones, but you didn't talk about their bad points at all.


  • 平衡理论解释发生色盲绿色盲根本原因

    It explained the basic reason for protanopia and deuteranopia occurrence with the equilibrium theories.


  • 父亲首先尝试跟他解释不要孩子就是孩子,根本

    His father first tried to explain not to play with knife but obviously a kid is a kid, he won't listen.


  • 也同样解释为什么智慧如此独一无二概念:事实上根本存在“智慧”这种东西

    This explanation also suggests why wisdom is such an elusive concept: there's no such thing.


  • 弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)的科技系教授化学家亚伦•戈尔斯坦解释快速冷冻意味着冰晶根本来不及形成

    The quick freeze means ice crystals don't have as much time to form, explained Aaron Goldstein, a chemist and Virginia Tech professor.


  • "是史纳皮捣鬼,"罗恩解释,"荷米恩我看见一直盯着,他在诅咒你的扫帚。"" 胡说,"格力说,他根本不知道台上发生过什么事。"

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at one another, wondering what to tell him.


  • 认为如果读者们能够接受信息万物根本理论,那么所有实际存在的事物都找到解释

    He argues that all of reality can be explained if readers accept that information is at the root of everything.


  • 然而往往解释结婚镇静效应”,实际上根本不是一种解释,“目标实现才是更好解释

    However, it tends to be explained as "the calming influence of marriage", which is not really an explanation at all. "Ambition fulfilled" is a better one.


  • 如果自己清楚的话,你根本就不可能有效可信地搭档们解释每一件你需要完成事情

    You can't effectively and credibly explain to your partners everything that you need to accomplish if you don't know these things yourself.


  • 就是为什么派克先生根本我们解释的原因。因为的工作——永远老师一边

    This would almost explain why the principal wouldn't even listen to what I said, because it was his job to always side with the teachers.


  • 根本法律问题18世纪提出版权概念可能想象得到技术背景下如何解释版权的概念。

    The underlying legal issue is how copyright should be interpreted in a technological context that the 18th-century framers of the concept could not have imagined.


  • 李小姐这样解释为什么女人应该和男同性恋结婚的:“她们丈夫根本把她们放在眼里他们愿意接近她们,触摸她们。”

    Mrs Li explains why she thinks a woman should never marry a gay man: "their husbands don't want to look them in the eyes." They're not willing to get close to them or touch their bodies.


  • 人们无法根本解释为何美国世界科技中心当时,美国是世界上许多科学家唯一感到安全的国家。

    There is no fundamental reason why the US should be the center of the scientific world but for a time it was the only place in the world safe for many scientists.


  • 玛丽.里斯出生于1881年,1951年某天,人们佛罗里达的屋内发现她时她几乎全身烧焦了,奇怪的是,她的左腿却完好无损,这用常理根本无法解释

    Mary Reeser, born in 1881, found almost all over her body burned in a fire in her own house, Florida in 1951. But strangely, despite all of her body burned, her left leg was still smooth.


  • 得失角度解释人类社会人类行为是最根本有效的法子。

    From the Angle of gain and loss, we can explain human society and human behaviour most thoroughly and effectively.


  • 如果正确情况中选择正确的理念,那么释者便能完整地或是部分解释根本无需梦者辅助说明

    Provided one hits on the right idea on the right occasion, one may solve dreams of this kind, either completely or in part, independently of any statements made by the dreamer.


  • 查尔斯·赛弗提出我们苦苦追寻根本存在模式目的时,却蒙蔽自己双眼,看不到“许多不是可以完全预料解释的。”

    By desperately seeking patterns and purpose where none exist, argues author Charles Seife (Proofiness), we blind ourselves to the fact that "many events are not fully predictable or explicable."


  • 帮助索伊进行过竞选的公关专家尤卡·尤苏拉语调柔和地解释说:“什么时候需要希望呢?根本没有希望的时候。”

    "When do you need most hope? When there's no hope at all," Jukka Jusula, the spin-doctor who has run Soini's nine previous elections, explains softly.


  • 我们知道大脑皮层对于解释面部表情颜色特征发挥绝对根本作用。

    The other thing we know about the brain is that the cortex is absolutely essential for is interpreting the features such as that facial expression, color.


  • 继续解释女性大脑如何一个大球电线连接所有东西而且根本没有分区。

    Then I go on to explain how a woman's brain is like a big ball of wire where everything is connected to everything and there is no compartmentalizing at all.


  • 女性繁衍后代角色根本不足以解释她们机构高层职务晋升巨大空白

    Women's role in perpetuating the species is not nearly enough to explain the huge gap in opportunities at the top of organisations.


  • 以下一项可以解释Obel博士认为最根本的原因适应性不是生理性的这个观点?

    Which of the following can explain Dr Obel's opinion that the ultimat cause is adaptive rather than pathological?


  • 这个真知灼见有助于解释经济学一个根本之谜工人失业但是想要工作时,为什么工资直到有人原意雇佣才下降呢?

    That insight helps to explain a fundamental puzzle in economics: when workers are unemployed but want jobs, why don't wages fall until someone is willing to hire them?


  • 也许这个的解释就是纵然我们口头上我们某些根本的层面上我们其实并不相信

    Well, maybe the explanation is, although we give lip service to the claim that we're mortal, at some more fundamental level, we don't truly believe it.


  • 也许这个的解释就是纵然我们口头上我们某些根本的层面上我们其实并不相信

    Well, maybe the explanation is, although we give lip service to the claim that we're mortal, at some more fundamental level, we don't truly believe it.


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