• 为了通过儿童权利公约报告过程增进卫生监测活动,正在根据儿童权利公约制定儿童青少年卫生的主要指标

    To increase health monitoring through the CRC reporting process, the Department is developing key indicators on child and adolescent health in the context of the CRC.


  • 因为设计者们所使用方法处理过程确保大众最终一定会成为这个发明使用者并且客户的需求永远进一步完善产品的首要根据

    Because the methods and processes designers use ensure that the people who will ultimately become the idea's users and customers are always central to how it is developed.


  • 用户根据过程当时稍后填写表格。

    It can be filled in then or later, depending on the user's process.


  • 握手过程中,服务器客户机发送证书然后,客户机根据信任证书核实证书。

    During the handshake, the server sends a certificate to the client, which the client then verifies against a set of trust certificates.


  • 过程逐渐熟悉可访问性标准标准是根据1998年美国康复法案508条款的修正案建立的。

    In the process, you've developed some familiarity with the accessibility standards established by the section 508 amendments to the U.S. Rehabilitations Act of 1998.


  • 存储过程接受两个输入参数,即雇员一个评分然后根据给定评分更新雇员工资奖金

    This stored procedure accepts two input parameters, the employee number and a rating, then updates the employee's salary and bonus depending on the rating given.


  • 得分价值成熟度等级关键过程得分根据组织中是否存在一个文档化的过程而且该过程得到应用

    Scoring and Goodness: Maturity level and key process area scores are based on whether a documented process is in place and being used.


  • 清单7展示了一个存储过程例子存储过程根据业绩评分评定雇员新的工资奖金

    Listing 7 shows an example of a stored procedure that determines an employee's new salary and bonus, depending on their performance rating.


  • 创建保存存储过程定义设计器允许根据存储过程所属连接DB 2平台进行一定程度的更改

    After creating and saving the stored procedure definition, the designer allows you to make certain alterations to the stored procedure depending on the DB2 platform of the connection it belongs to.


  • 客户机服务器远程调用根据远程过程调用(rpc)协议生成的,协议20世纪80年代存在

    This remote call by the client to the server has its roots in remote Procedure call (RPC) protocol, which has been around since the 1980s.


  • 完成过程所需的时间根据vpuserinfo .nsf数据库隐私文档大小数量而有所不同。

    The time it takes to complete this procedure varies depending upon the size and quantity of privacy documents in your vpuserinfo.nsf database.


  • 模型组织学习功能,可以根据每次学习误差不同不断调整学习速率加速收敛过程,充分排除数据样本的随机性影响

    The network model can organize and study itself, according to different study error, continuously adjust the study rate, and accelerate refrain process, expel influence of the data sample.


  • 压缩过程函数进化方式使硬件能够根据图像特点探索预测函数。

    In the process of compression the function evolution way makes the hardware can explore the optimized prediction function according to image characteristics.


  • 根据模块几何特点,分析了模块的对接过程相邻两模块对接的几何约束关系,给出了当存在几何及控制确定性完成对接最基本的几何约束条件

    The docking process of the module was analyzed. When the uncertainty about control and geometry occurs, the basic geometric condition is analyzed to finish the docking action.


  • 通过分析CMM模型体系结构成功地设计建立了一个软件过程导航数据库,数据库可以根据实际需要进行扩展。

    By analyzing the architecture of CMM, a software process navigation dat-abase is designed and implemented successfully, which is extended according to practical requirements.


  • 根据理论研究成果基于关系数据库开发了冲突解决支持工具工具支持分布式协同设计过程冲突解决

    On the basis of theoretic research, a collision solution support tool is developed based on relation database, and the tool can help solving collision in the distributed cooperation design course.


  • 根据理论,学习过程就是随机信息源产生输入信号驱动神经网络参数不断修改过程

    The learning process of a neural network is considered the process in which neural network variables are changed with a time series of input signals generated from a stochastic information source.


  • 根据原理,在图文诊断报告模板制作动态生成图文诊断报告方面提出新颖方法给出具体实现过程

    According to the principles, it was introduced a novel method and concretely implementation process in making multi template of diagnostic reports and finishing a dynamic diagnostic report.


  • 根据决策理论,将综合决策模型应用于水资源规划,并桂林市山新城区供水规划演示了应用模型进行城镇多水源组合供水方案优化的决策过程

    As an example, the water supply planning of new Yanshan town of Guilin is shown in the decision process of optimizing water supply scheme from combination of multi-water sources.


  • 根据时间分割的思想,提出了一螺旋线插补算法介绍了方法的基本原理推导过程

    A practical calculating algorithm for spiral-line interpolation is prompted based on the time-divided method and the principle is also deduced in detail.


  • 根据模型采用卡尔曼滤波算法,实现光纤陀螺惯导系统对准导航过程光纤陀螺随机误差实时滤波

    According to this model and the Kalman filter arithmetic, the FOG random error was filtered in real time in the process of initial alignment and navigation of FOG inertial navigation system.


  • 根据翻译目的论,主导整个翻译过程主要原则翻译行为目的

    According to Skopostheorie, the primal principle that determines the whole translation process is the Skopos (purpose) of the overall translational action.


  • 我们维修408ul文档输出设备电源过程中,根据实物绘制电源的电路原理

    During the maintenance of power in 408ul file output device, we have drawn the circuit diagrams of power according to material object.


  • 方法根据过程控制采集现场工作数据实时地计算出蒸发器的传热系数

    By using this method and the operation data collected by the process control computer, the heat transfer coefficients will be achieved in real time.


  • 模式基本思想服装CAD系统人体建模过程中,不要拘泥一种固定的人体建模方法而是根据系统不同方面的需求进行灵活的选取

    The basic thesis implicated in this mode is that in the course of mannequin modeling for garment CAD, should take different methods rather than relying only one.


  • 医疗服务过程中,患者享有根据医生提供诊疗信息自主做出医疗决定的权利知情同意权,实现知情同意权的关键则权利的行使。

    In the course of medical services, patients have the right under the clinical information provided by doctors to make their own medical decisions, that is the right of informed consent.


  • 医疗服务过程中,患者享有根据医生提供诊疗信息自主做出医疗决定的权利知情同意权,实现知情同意权的关键则权利的行使。

    In the course of medical services, patients have the right under the clinical information provided by doctors to make their own medical decisions, that is the right of informed consent.


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