• 根据警方报告这辆货车飞驰而去,警方进行了追赶。

    The van raced away, according to police reports, and police gave chase.


  • 根据警方报告卢米斯事故委员会正确地判定了麦克劳相当粗心

    On the basis of the police report, the Lummis accident committee correctly determined that Mclaughlin had been quite careless.


  • 根据警方报告昨天九龙有五辆豪华汽车失窃

    According to police report, five luxury cars were stolen in Kowloon yesterday.


  • 根据警方报告,改男子在与室友争吵已经喝醉

    According to police reports, the man was drunk when he argued with the woman.


  • 根据警方说法,持枪歹徒射杀了这位理发师起码一位顾客后,又把整家店给炸毁。

    Gunmen killed the barber and at least one customer before blowing up the shop, according to police.


  • 根据警方的报告,卡车司机20名扶轮社员受伤立即被送附近2家医院接受救治

    According to police, the truck driver and approximately 20 Rotarians were injured. They were immediately rushed to two area hospitals for treatment.


  • 日本世界上自杀最高国家之一根据警方统计数字最近13年里,日本每年3万多人自杀。

    Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, with more than 30,000 people taking their lives in each of the past 13 years, according to police statistics.


  • 根据警方的叙述,篮球比赛途中发生打斗,来自皇后区的一19岁的篮球被一支残刺死

    A 19-year-old basketball player from Queens was fatally stabbed with a broken-off table leg today after a fight broke out during a basketball tournament, the police said.


  • 根据警方报道SomerThompson姐姐放学回家的路上人引发冲突,Somer开了。

    According to a police report, Somer Thompson's sister brought up the fight on their way home from school and Somer ran off.


  • 胡可4岁女儿周五床上发现了妈妈,根据警方调查,女孩向房子附近工作庭院设计师说了此事,随后园丁报了警。

    Houk's 4-year-old daughter found her in her bed Friday, according to police. The child alerted landscapers working near the home, who then called authorities.


  • 绝对可以列为糟糕首次约会之一,根据警方表示名男子先是不付餐厅帐单就离开然后又偷走约会对象车子

    In what must rank as one of the worst first dates in history, police say that a man first skipped out on the restaurant bill - and then stole his date's car.


  • 根据警方的消息,在倒在其中处被袭地点法兰西体育场外袭击者尸体附近找到一本叙利亚护照CNN记者与法国第二电视台其他法国媒体合作报道

    Syrian passport was found near the body of an attacker outside one of the targeted sites, the Stade DE France, according to a police source, CNN affiliate France 2 and other Frenchmedia reported.


  • 警方根据谋杀的假定展开调查。

    The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered.


  • 2002至2007年间,根据死亡登记数据得出道路交通伤害死亡率几乎高达警方报告数据得出死亡率的倍。

    For 2002-2007, the rate of death from road traffic injuries based on death registration data was about twice as high as the rate reported by the police.


  • 相信日本警方根据当地情况作出判断,相信日方一定会提供积极有效协助

    I am convinced that the Japanese police will make decisions based on their judgment of the situation there and provide proactive and effective assistance.


  • 警方表示他们不是根据消息决定加深马德琳的肤色地。

    Police said they were not acting on new information in deciding to darken her skin.


  • 根据当地警方弟弟发生了口角

    According to local police, he had an argument with his brother.


  • 根据新奥尔良打击犯罪联盟近期份调查显示,每五个市民只有两个人信任警方

    It is already so bad that, according to a recent survey by the New Orleans Crime Fighting Coalition, only two in five citizens trust it.


  • 根据当地媒体报道警方获准在必要火车站广场的旅客进行抽查

    According to local media reports, police were allowed to conduct random inspections of rail yards when necessary.


  • 根据这个研究大约只有60%绑架事件从一开始报告警方

    According to the study, only about 60 percent of kidnappings are ever reported to police in the first place.


  • 2009中期以来,警方已经逮捕了1000多人,对其中782提起了公诉根据起诉书的指控,782人中87名系犯罪分子勾结的官员

    Since the middle of last year, police have arrested more than 1, 000 people and to date have prosecuted 782, including 87 government officials allegedly in cahoots with the criminals.


  • 2009中期以来,警方已经逮捕了1000多人其中782人提起了公诉根据起诉书的指控,782人中87名系犯罪分子勾结的官员

    Since the middle of last year, police have arrested more than 1,000 people and to date have prosecuted 782, including 87 government officials allegedly in cahoots with the criminals.


  • 天后实验对象根据记忆使用EvoFIT警方经常使用,传统的人像合成系统PRO-fit重建张脸

    Two days later the subjects used both EvoFIT and a traditional composite system commonly used by the police, called PRO-fit, to recreate this face from memory.


  • 天后实验对象根据记忆使用EvoFIT警方经常使用,传统的人像合成系统PRO-fit重建张脸

    Two days later the subjects used both EvoFIT and a traditional composite system commonly used by the police, called PRO-fit, to recreate this face from memory.


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