• 我们推理概率或者道德推理的时候,根据洛克的理论我们过去经验发现证据推理的契合,只是概率的连接并不是演示的契合。

    In probable or moral reasoning when we reason, uh from past experience according to Locke we see evidential connections but there are only probable connections not uh, demonstrative ones.


  • 根据来自测试以及客户方式使用产品经验书写白皮书会议演示FAQ

    Writing white papers, conference presentations, and FAQs based on experience from testing and using the product in a way a customer would.


  • 演示如何根据索引中的空间信息文档进行排序增强过滤

    Namely, I am going to demonstrate how to sort, boost, and filter documents based on spatial information in the index.


  • 第二场景建立第一种场景之上,用来演示如何根据调用操作应用中介策略

    The second scenario is based on the first and is used to show how mediation policies can be conditionally applied based on which operation is being called.


  • 正如我们先前讨论过那样,服务根据不同演示目的分配了不同类型使用模型

    The services have been assigned different types of usage models for demonstration purposes, as we discussed earlier.


  • 我们确实他们网络电视消费方式上存在不同至少根据他们的初步演示来看。”Ronen

    "We do have some difference for the vision of how the Internet is going to get consumed on TV, at least based on their initial demo," said Ronen.


  • 8演示转换如何CSS文件一起工作,从而根据XMLSchema约束文件本地元数据登记系统中的创建各种表单控件。

    Figure 8 shows how the transform can work together with a CSS file to create various form presentations based on the values in the XML Schema constraint file and a local metadata registry.


  • 根据计算机科学惯例,我们第一个Scala程序标准演示程序“Hello World”。

    Our first Scala program will be the standard demonstration program, Hello World, as is required by the Gods of Computer science.


  • 本文中,根据eSDD项目描述业务需求提供了代码演示如何解决方案。

    In this article, I describe the business need and provide code showing how the scenario was tackled, based on the eSDD project.


  • 清单6演示如何使用CSS - 3根据XForms输入中的class属性不同元素有条件地设置宽度

    Listing 6 shows how CSS-3 can be used to conditionally set the width inside different elements that each used a different class attribute in the XForms input.


  • 根据省时指标Acme可以分析演示产品上市时间IT支持准备情况。

    Then Acme can analyse and demonstrate the time to market and IT support readiness for new products in terms of time-saving metrics.


  • 节将使用两个ETL作业演示根据输入记录查找teradata数据步骤

    This section USES two ETL jobs to illustrate the steps to look up the Teradata data based on the input records.


  • 查询比较复杂但是更加真实;它演示如何返回XML数据多个部分例如多个 XML 节点)根据 XML 谓词限制结果

    The query is somewhat complex but provides a realistic example of how someone can return multiple portions of XML data (for example, multiple XML nodes) and restrict results based on an XML predicate.


  • 虽然演示使用是针对直接输入设计PC但是服务器远程终端也可以使用相同概念根据用户活动降低功耗

    Although demonstrated with a PC designed for direct input, servers or remote terminals can use the same concepts to reduce their power consumption based on user activity.


  • 以后文章演示如何使用UI设计以及如何根据用例构建正式动态模型

    Future articles will also show how to use the use cases for UI design, and how to build a formal dynamic model from use cases.


  • 应用程序演示如何根据原始图像数据执行基本的图像处理操作

    The application demonstrates how to perform basic image processing operations against raw image data.


  • 本文将介绍一个示例用于演示根据单元测试结果进行设计强大之处。

    This article walks through an example that illustrates the power of allowing design to emerge from the decisions around unit tests.


  • 通过使用演示模拟我们可以根据扫描器技术购物者习惯人员配备需求进行的各种更改所产生的经济等待时间上的含义提出问题

    Using the presented simulation, we can ask questions about the economic and wait-time implications of various modifications to scanner technologies, shopper habits, staffing needs, and so on.


  • 为了演示DataStudioXFG如何协同工作详细步骤需要根据结构创建一个微型的患者信息管理应用程序

    To illustrate the detailed steps of how Data Studio and XFG work together, you will create a mini-patient information management application based on the structure in the table below.


  • 演示如何使用SpringRoo数据库反向工程特性根据现有数据库创建应用程序。

    I also showed how to create an application from an existing database using the Spring Roo database reverse-engineering feature.


  • 11演示根据员工计数划分薪水处理运行时间它揭示员工数量运行时间之间相互关系

    Figure 11 illustrates the elapsed times of the payroll processing demarcated by employee counts, revealing the relative relationship between the number of employees and the elapsed time.


  • 根据Windows7的预先演示测试版测试很大的改进

    Based on my tests of its prerelease, or beta, version, Windows 7 will be a huge improvement.


  • 根据自己兴趣选择相应部分进行单独演示了解工作原理功能

    Select the separate presentations according to your own interests to learn their working principles and functions.


  • 本文演示如何使用XQuery更新根据XML请求消息生成XML响应消息,或者使用视图隐藏信息

    This article also illustrated how XQuery update can be used to generate an XML response message derived from an XML request message or how to hide information using views.


  • 3演示根据规范更新一个CDA文档

    Figure 3 illustrates the update of a CDA document according to specification.


  • 事实上根据每年的年度图文演示,列表中的走势都在不断下降

    In fact, based on the yearly annual graphical presentation there are declining patterns that have been manifested.


  • 允许用户语音输入VXML中的grammar决定的,这里只是一个用于演示简单的grammar,开发者可以根据实际需求定制更丰富强大的grammar来涵盖更广泛的用户输入。

    The grammar defines what speech input from users the system can understand. The example is simple, but you can customize the grammar to meet other scenarios and requirements.


  • 根据需要对演示仪器进行检查维护跟踪记录演示仪器状态。

    Inspect and service demo instruments as needed. Track and log demo status.


  • 演示版本港年期的行动根据以下参考

    Demo version with the qualifying period action is accessible according to the following reference.


  • 演示如何根据任意词语字段排序文本

    Shows how to sort text lines based on any word or field.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定