• 根据法案我们知道人人生来平等

    We know from the Act that every man is borne equally.


  • 根据法案第七章和国家起源提出支持论点目的了解美国劳动法表现

    The objective is to assess what the performance of the US labor law looks like when it comes to implementing its purpose for which it stands for.


  • 其中包括杜宾的修正法案根据法案作者的意思,旨在控制银行过度盈利——抨击银行收费

    This includes the Durbin amendment---which, according to its author, was aimed at curbing the banks "excessive" profits relating to swipe fees.


  • 意见征求提出根据美国消费品安全改进法案CPSIA)第106部分要求,委员会根据法案要求对标准的上述条款进行评估有必要则定为强制性规则

    The move is prompted by Section 106 of the CPSIA which directs the Commission to assess certain areas of the standard and draft mandatory rules if needed.


  • 根据权利法案权利什么

    And what are your rights according to the Bill of Rights?


  • 这项储蓄计划根据《1990年金融法案》及其下设规定提供

    This savings plan is only available under the Finance Act 1990 and any regulations made thereunder.


  • 委员会根据议会法案1974年设立

    The committee was constituted in 1974 by an Act of Parliament.


  • 加州根据名人权利法案》规定,名人人格权他们可以持续70

    In California, under the Celebrities Rights Act, the personality rights for a celebrity last for 70 years after their death.


  • 根据项联邦法律,即《职业安全健康法案国家劳动关系法案》,工人有权拒绝某些安全工作任务

    Workers have the legal right to refuse certain unsafe work assignments under two federal laws, the Occupation Safety and Health Act and the National Labor Relations Act.


  • 这项法案,所有16周岁及以上的水禽狩猎者必须每年购买并持有一枚联邦鸭票。

    Under this Act, all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.


  • 根据美国国家航空航天管理局(nasa)格伦研究中心太空法案协议条款INPROX公司传感器开发接受NASA的监督

    INPROX is developing the sensors under supervision of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under terms of a Space Act Agreement (SAA) with NASA Glenn Research Center.


  • 根据成本此项法案一看似乎提供了突破口

    On cost, the bill appears at first blush to offer a breakthrough.


  • 根据普华永道计算,只有不到2%的日籍高管照此法案公布薪水。

    Fewer than 2% of Japanese executives are expected to be ensnared by the rule, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.


  • 根据记者格林穆报道罗伯逊所写的部分法规“广泛批评整个法案松软部分。”

    Ryam Grim reported that the part of the bill that Roberson worked on "has been criticized as one of the weakest elements of the package."


  • 2004年CIA关于虐待审讯报告近期资料,根据信息自由法案》来披露。

    More recent papers, such as a 2004 CIA report about abusive interrogations, have emerged under the Freedom of Information Act.


  • 根据“2010平等法案”,残疾人士是指身体心理障碍

    According to the Equality Act 2010 a disabled person "has a physical or mental impairment."


  • 个由13组成委员会成立了,该委员会负责根据亨利·克莱妥协案起草一份法案

    A committee of thirteen men was named to write a bill based on Henry Clay's compromise.


  • 根据美国计算机欺诈滥用法案第1030条(a)(5),故意散布计算机病毒蠕虫进行拒绝服务攻击其他安全入侵的行为是违法的。

    Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U. S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it's against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.


  • 过程中逐渐熟悉可访问性标准,该标准是根据1998年美国康复法案508条款的修正案建立的。

    In the process, you've developed some familiarity with the accessibility standards established by the section 508 amendments to the U.S. Rehabilitations Act of 1998.


  • 根据萨班斯·奥克斯利法案这种行为构成重罪但是美国法院可能无法起诉

    Such behavior is a felony under Sarbanes Oxley, but the U.S. will most likely be unable to prosecute.


  • 根据目前版本法案要求2020年,与2005年的水平相比减少17%的温室气体排放——欧盟目标多。

    In its current incarnation, the bill calls for a 17% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels by 2020 - which is much lower than the European Union's targets.


  • ABC新闻台听说了这个项目之后,根据信息自由法案》(FOIA)提请要求公开这些照片

    ABC News got wind of this photography project and filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to get the images released.


  • 罗伊·威德法案赋予妇女根据需要选择堕胎权利但是如果能避免做出此类选择岂不是更好?

    Roe v. Wade guarantees that women have the right to an abortion if they need one, but wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to make that difficult choice?


  • 根据美国计算机欺诈滥用法案第1030条(a)(5),故意散布计算机病毒蠕虫进行拒绝服务攻击其他安全入侵的行为是违法的。

    Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it’s against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.


  • 根据位于艾莫斯特马萨诸塞大学MeelisKitsing研究表明,最初法案获得最多评论27条(有三分之一法案一条评论也没有)。

    In the first two years, according to a study by Meelis Kitsing of the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, the most comments any bill got was 27 (one-third got none).


  • 至于被当成替罪羊非裔美国人严重怀疑亚利桑那人数根据2006年人口统计,仅占3.8%)该对禁止同性恋结婚法案的通过负责

    As for scapegoating African-Americans; I seriously doubt the black population in Arizona (3.8% as per 2006 Census Bureau) is responsible for the gay ban there.


  • 至于被当成替罪羊非裔美国人严重怀疑亚利桑那人数根据2006年人口统计,仅占3.8%)该对禁止同性恋结婚法案的通过负责

    As for scapegoating African-Americans; I seriously doubt the black population in Arizona (3.8% as per 2006 Census Bureau) is responsible for the gay ban there.


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