• 根据最新数据2010年全球的肥胖症儿童患者的人数一番。

    Childhood 1 obesity around the world will almost double by 2010 according to new data.


  • 根据最新数据,英国商店面临圣诞危机,商业街贸易额处于近半年以来最低谷

    According gto new figures, stores are facing a Christmas crisis with the weakest High Street trading for six months.


  • 根据最新数据中国已经超过日本成为世界第二大经济体这引起外界对于中国实力的担忧。

    Q: the latest data shows that China has overtaken Japan to become the second largest economy in the world, raising the outside's concern about China's national strength.


  • 根据最新数据皇马收是世界第一,2008年赢得双冠的曼联微弱劣势位居次席。

    According to the new figures, Real Madrid remain the richest club in world football as ranked by annual revenues, closely followed by Manchester United.


  • 2007年,根据最新数据表明不满16岁少女怀孕数量8200,已经超过2002年。

    In 2007, the latest figures, the number of pregnant under 16s was 8, 200 - higher than the 2002 figure.


  • 2007年,根据最新数据表明不满16岁少女怀孕数量为8200,已经超过2002年。

    In 2007, the latest figures, the number of pregnant under 16s was 8,200 - higher than the 2002 figure.


  • 根据最新数据今年将有112个国家领地参加免疫接种行动其中美洲44个地中海22个欧洲46个

    According to the latest data, 112 countries and territories are involved in the Vaccination Week initiatives this year, including 44 in the Americas, 22 in the Eastern Mediterranean, and 46 in Europe.


  • 很多经济学家根据最新数据上调英国增长预期但是几乎所有人都仍然预期英国经济在退欧表现更糟

    Many economists have been revising their forecasts up in response to the latest data, but almost all still expect the UK economy to perform worse after Brexit.


  • 根据最新数据,7高盛Sigmax平台黑池交易只有7%达到了正常机构投资者的交易量,即10000的交易量20万美元的交易额。

    In June only 7% of trades on Goldman Sachs’s Sigma X network were of a size that institutional investors typically make—ie, 10, 000 shares or $200, 000 in value—according to the most recent data.


  • 根据最新数据,2008年,超过10000名少女接受整形外科手术,而相当数量的整形手术,又很大一部分父母给予份礼物。

    According to the latest figures available more than 10, 000 teenage girls had surgery in 2008 - with many of them getting the operation as a gift from their parents.


  • 根据最新数据显示,美国97%房屋抵押贷款人被公司追踪,或者银行提交取消抵押品赎回权的提议(盖有可怕的“REO”或“房地产拥有字号)。

    The percentage of homes that banks have filed foreclosure on or repossessed (and stamped with the dreaded "REO," or "real estate owned," moniker) now account for 3% of all mortgaged homes.


  • 事实上根据盖洛普世界民意调查”提供一项最新数据分析整体生活满意度财富之间关系可能并不我们之前认为那样直接。

    In fact, according to a new analysis of data provided by the Gallup World Poll, the relationship between overall life satisfaction and wealth may not be as straightforward as previously thought.


  • 确保至少数据可用后,将根据最新的三条记录平均值设置当前匹配

    After ensuring that at least three data points are available, the current match number is set based on an average of the most recent three recordings.


  • 根据惠誉最新数据显示,欧洲货币市场基金继续降低法国意大利西班牙风险敞口

    European money market funds, too, continue to reduce their exposure to France, Italy and Spain, according to the latest Numbers from Fitch.


  • 根据澳大利亚统计局最新数据显示:在年龄在5 - 14岁之间澳大利亚孩子当中,大约三分之一拥有手机

    About a third of Australian children aged 5-14 have their own phones, according to the latest ABS data.


  • 根据来自国家冰雪数据中心NSIDC最新数字7月份平均北极海冰面积2007年后卫星纪录第2个最低点

    The Arctic sea ice extent averaged for July was the second lowest in the satellite record, after 2007, to the latest figures from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).


  • 根据全球风能委员会(GWEC)的最新数据去年美国风能发电量飚升至250亿瓦,赶超德国,成为世界第一风能大国。

    Last year America ramped up wind-power capacity to 25 gigawatts (GW), overtaking the previous leader, Germany, according to new data from the Global wind Energy Council.


  • 根据去年9月以来最新股东数据持有雅虎股票100家大型基金公司当中,有53同时持有微软和雅虎的股票。

    About 53 of the top 100 big funds in Yahoo hold shares in both companies, according to the most recent shareholder data available from September.


  • 2009年美国最新数据显示,根据联邦调查局所属的国家犯罪信息中心资料,55.8万名18以下人员失踪。

    In the U.S. in 2009, the latest data available, there were 558,493 missing persons reported under the age of 18, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center.


  • 2009年美国最新数据显示,根据联邦调查局所属的国家犯罪信息中心资料,55.8万名18以下人员失踪。

    In the U. S. in 2009, the latest data available, there were 558,493 missing persons reported under the age of 18, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center.


  • 根据市场调研公司Mintel最新数据显示,2007年起口红销量下滑一直持续2010年。

    Lipstick sales - on the decline since 2007 - continued to fall in 2010, according to the latest data on the product released by market research firm Mintel.


  • 人口统计学家根据美国人口调查局发布最新数据发现Jacksonville美国拥有同性恋人口最多城市之一

    But as demographers sift through recent data releases from the Census Bureau, they have found that Jacksonville is home to one of the biggest populations of gay parents in the country.


  • 根据comScore最新数据Bing日常搜索渗透率”('searcher penetration')推出以来最近周里一直缓慢增长,现在16.7%。

    According to the latest data from comScore, however, Bing's daily 'searcher penetration' has slowly moved up in the last three weeks since the launch and is now at 16.7%.


  • 根据最新毕业数据,在2008- 09学年获得博士学位的女性有28962,男性为28469人。

    Based on the most recent graduation data, 28, 962 women earned Ph.D.s during the 2008-09 academic year, compared with 28, 469 men.


  • 根据报告援引最新数据,2006年世界茶叶产量增长超过3%,达到360万

    World tea production grew by more than 3 percent to reach an estimated 3.6 million tonnes in 2006, according to latest available figures cited by the report.


  • 根据2009年《艾滋病流行最新情况》中的数据艾滋病毒发感染人数过去年中减少17%。

    According to new data in the 2009 AIDS epidemic update, new HIV infections have been reduced by 17% over the past eight years.


  • 根据最新数据表明商业建筑开始下降

    And the latest statistics suggest commercial construction has also started to fall.


  • 根据劳动部门最新数据生产力有所上升

    According to the Labor Department's most recent stats, productivity is up.


  • 根据最新库存数据印度90%电力来自燃烧,由此产生的温室气体占去了该国总量的三分之一

    According to the latest inventory, India relied on coal for 90% of its electricity, which accounts for more than a third of the country's emissions.


  • 根据最新库存数据印度90%电力来自燃烧,由此产生的温室气体占去了该国总量的三分之一

    According to the latest inventory, India relied on coal for 90% of its electricity, which accounts for more than a third of the country's emissions.


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