• 可能今日些时候周一进行磁共振检查

    He could undergo an MRI later today or Monday.


  • 星期四进行MRI核磁共振检查出来盘间突出

    An MRI exam on Thursday showed the herniated disc.


  • 明天早上纽约接受磁共振检查并且会有结果

    The MRI results will be taken in New York tomorrow morning.


  • 美国癌症学会称,核磁共振检查与X光检查结合使用,而不是代替。

    An MRI should be used in conjunction with, not instead of, a mammogram, according to the ACS.


  • 奥多核磁共振检查结果证实伤情恢复良好未来几天稍微加强训练力度。

    Massimo Oddo: he had a resonance control which evidenced the progress of his healing. In the next few days he will be able to intensify his workloads.


  • 今天克利夫兰诊所接受核磁共振检查队医已经确定威廉姆斯缺阵4 - 6

    After getting an MRI today at the Cleveland Clinic, team doctors have determined Williams will miss 4-6 weeks.


  • 倒霉安德拉德今天上午接受磁共振检查现在看起来,他的伤势似乎严重

    The unlucky player will undergo an MRI in the morning, but it already seems that the injury is serious.


  • 今年只有21岁的拜纳姆经X光显示为良性,今天做了核磁共振检查据说具体伤情明天才能知道

    The 21-year-old, 7-footer didn't return, but X-rays were negative. He underwent an MRI on Sunday, but the team said results would not be known until Monday.


  • 通过对“网瘾症”(IAD)少年大脑进行磁共振检查,可以发现他们脑白质中的健康神经元纤维比较少

    Magnetic Resonance Scans of teens afflicted with Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) revealed less healthy neuron fibers in the white matter of their brains.


  • 请恕直言想要这三位专家推荐核磁共振检查,还有你电视上看到治疗一个小时访问

    So let me get this straight: you want a referral to three specialists, an MRI, the medication you saw on TV, and an extra hour for this visit.


  • 磁共振检查存在问题阳性率相当也是为什么乳腺癌风险非常高的妇女提出建议的原因。

    One problem with MRIs is that they have a quite high rate of false positives... that is why the recommendation is for women at very high risk of developing breast cancer.


  • 世界排名第三的网坛名将玛丽亚莎拉波娃上周四接受核磁共振检查发现右肩有条肌腱轻微撕裂,因此宣布退出北京奥运会

    [Agencies 2008-08-05 09:03 ]--World number three Maria Sharapova pulled out of the Beijing Olympics on Thursday after an MRI scan on her right shoulder revealed two small tears.


  • 同时研究参与者要进行功能性核磁共振检查,来扫描脑部活动。扫描将分别呈现出卡路里食物、低卡路里食物食用性项目的不同结果。

    At the same time, participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of their brains while being shown pictures of high-calorie and low-calorie food, and non - edible items.


  • 同时研究参与者要进行功能性核磁共振检查,来扫描脑部活动。扫描将分别呈现出卡路里食物、低卡路里食物非食用性项目不同结果。ꏩ。

    At the same time, participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of their brains while being shown pictures of high-calorie and low-calorie food, and non-edible items.


  • 这种白色树脂模型长3.6英寸透明外形母体的盒子里。 孕妇接受核磁共振检查公司可以通过3D打印技术制作胎儿模型

    The 3.6-inch resin model of the white foetus, encased in a transparent block in the shape of the mother's body, is fashioned by a 3D printer after an MRI scan.


  • 研究中给了受试者一个机会他们功能性磁共振成像仪中检查大脑为了金钱利益而欺骗自己,该仪器可将血液导向大脑活跃部位

    In studies, he gave subjects a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.


  • 今天上午接受了不同检查磁共振扫描后,医生肩部发现处轻微的肌腱撕裂

    After taking a few different exams and MRIs this morning, the doctors found two small tears in the tendons of my shoulder.


  • 至于人类,我们稍稍有限,我们使用一种被称为分辨率核磁共振成像技术,其实和我们对动物做的组织学检查相比,这个也没多高分辨率

    With humans, we're somewhat limited.We do this - use this technique called high-resolution MRI, which, by the way, isn't very high resolution compared to histology that we can do with animals.


  • 至于人类,我们做的稍稍有限,我们使用被称为分辨率磁共振成像的技术,其实和我们对动物做的组织学检查相比这个多高分辨率

    With humans, we're somewhat limited. We do this - use this technique called high-resolution MRI, which, by the way, isn't very high resolution compared to histology that we can do with animals.


  • 举例来说,如果不用核磁共振成像扫描计算机层析成像扫描,而用简单的血液检查能够查出严重疾病,就能节省费用医疗资源

    For example, if asimple blood test could be developed to rule out a serious problem without anMRI or a CT, it would save loads of money and resources.


  • 研究人员对研究对象心脏进行了磁共振成像检查,来检测他们心肌纤维化瘢痕早期症状

    The different groups underwent a new type of magnetic resonance imaging of their hearts that identifies very early signs of fibrosis, or scarring, within the heart muscle.


  • 又作CT扫描磁共振成像结肠镜检查

    So did the CT scan, the MRI and the colonoscopy.


  • 有点担心,”医生,“我会尽快安排脑部磁共振成像检查。”

    "I'm concerned," the doctor said. "I'm scheduling a brain M."R.I..


  • 现在诸如磁共振之类健康检查,先会在宠物身上一遍(我的疑问,这钱要记在病人身上吗),减少病人的担心

    Some pets now are used prior to health tests like MRIs to reduce patient fear.


  • FDA今天建议患者在进行MRI(磁共振)检查告诉医生他们正在使用的任何医用皮肤贴剂避免产生贴剂部位烧伤

    The FDA today advised patients undergoing MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans to tell their doctor if they're wearing any medicated skin patches, in order to avoid burns at the patch site.


  • 一般情况下青少年特发性侧弯并不产生背痛神经系统问题如果出现这些症状需要进行包括磁共振在内的深入检查

    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis generally does not result in pain or neurologic problems. If these symptoms occur, further evaluation and testing may be necessary to include an MRI.


  • 一般情况下青少年特发性侧弯并不产生背痛神经系统问题如果出现这些症状需要进行包括磁共振在内的深入检查

    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis generally does not result in pain or neurologic problems. If these symptoms occur, further evaluation and testing may be necessary to include an MRI.


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