• 球形金刚石薄膜二次方式繁衍生长

    The ball-like diamond films grow up by means of multiplying of second nucleating.


  • 实验结果表明:电压与电解液温度等工艺参数影响涂层羟基磷灰石含量以及沉积过程中晶体长大方式

    The results show that: the parameters affect the content of HA and the style of the growth and the formation of the crystals.


  • 因为这个一个反应堆摆脱热量方式并且阻塞那些快速移动微粒

    Because of this, every nuclear reactor has ways of getting rid of the heat, and blocking those fast-moving radioactive particles.


  • 本轮会谈中,我们将进一步深入涉及两个主要问题,如何实现包括范围方式以及解决各方关切;

    The first one is how to realize denuclearization, including the scope and means of nuclear dismantlement, and at the same time address the concerns of all parties.


  • 但是大学研究者用意想不到的方式挑战衰变速率恒定这个假设相比于原子衰变,他们随机数兴趣。

    But that assumption was challenged in an unexpected way by a group of researchers from Purdue University who at the time were more interested in random Numbers than nuclear decay.


  • 各方范围方式冻结对应措施方面仍然存在不少分歧甚至对立

    The parties still have quite a few differences, sometimes even confrontations, with regard to the scope and means of nuclear abandonment, nuclear freezing and corresponding measures.


  • 至于1500以前资料两位研究人员利用他人论文中挑选出的间接数据,年轮以及珊瑚生长方式

    For earlier years, the two researchers relied on indirect data such as ice cores, tree rings and the growth patterns of corals that they culled from other people's papers.


  • 指出一点它们不同方式,有效z事实上不同原子的,电荷量,因为屏蔽效应。

    And the point that I also want to make is the way that they differ, z effective actually differs from the total charge in the nucleus due to an idea called shielding.


  • 大部分快捷方式与脑下皮层边缘结构有关包括基底神经节海马体丘脑神经句作者卖弄解剖学知识的话,Cloud把它变灰了...)

    Most of these shortcuts involve limbic structures at the sub-cortical level, including the basal ganglia, hippocampus, thalamus and nucleus accumbens.


  • 融合技术可能需要超过20才能被用于用,无中子融合技术提供了一种替代方式

    While practical hydrogen fusion may be twenty years away, aneutronic fusion offers an alternative.


  • 正是在尾存储类似如何打字、如何开车的行为方式乏味习惯

    It's here that patterns and mundane habits, such as knowing how to type and drive a car, are stored.


  • 生物基因生物的基因组织形式表达方式方面有哪些主要的区别

    What are the most significant differences between the organization and expression of prokaryotic genes and eukaryotic genes?


  • 两种同属稀土金属元素中,围绕原子旋转的电子排列方式不寻常,因此具有异乎寻常的强大磁性能。

    These two elements, part of a group called the rare-earth metals, have unusual configurations of electrons orbiting their nuclei, and thus unusually powerful magnetic properties.


  • 不同衰变方式半衰期放射性生物医学领域不同应用

    Radioactive ion beams with different decay modes and half-lives can be applied in many aspects of bio-medical fields.


  • 授权检验主管ANIS客户提出整改要求采用内部整改相同方式进行控制

    The corrective action required by Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (ANIS) and customer shall be considered and controlled in the same manner as internal corrective action.


  • 发育4—6个细胞时,胚囊珠孔瑞游离之间形成细胞壁。细胞壁的形成是以自由方式从珠孔端到合点自外向内进行。

    The free cell wall formation occurs first in the micropylar end when the embryo is 4-6 celled stage, then to the chalazal end and the center.


  • 模块化方式采用顶向下的设计思路重点阐述光纤通道链路硬件设计方法,并给出了IP相关接口

    Focused on the hardware design of the fibre channel link layer, this paper applied modularization thinking in the top-down design process, with relevant IP core interfaces.


  • DNA甲基生物DNA正常内源性修饰方式DNA甲基化转移酶催化发生。

    DNA methylation is a kind of normal endogenous modified mode, which is fulfilled by DNA methylation transferase.


  • 电子离原子越近量值就越大意味着以下面的方式看到这些

    And the closer it gets to the nucleus the greater the amount of energy, which means that you see this in the following manner.


  • 尾气处理过程重金属以均匀异相沉积等方式烟气浓缩中。

    During the treatment process of flue gas, heavy metal was concentrated in fly ash by the way of homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous deposition.


  • 本文介绍秦山电厂空气净化系统设置,系统功能及运行方式净化部件性能参数。

    This Paper describes the components of nuclear air-cleaning system, system function, operational mode and the performance of cleaning components in Qinshan nuclear Power Plant.


  • 结合动态模型使用苹果例子,通过对模式(这里把它叫做属性或特征)划分方式的不同经典的联想记忆模型进行了比较

    The model using the same example as apple is compared with a classic associative model by the way of classifying the patterns what we named here the properties in a distributed manner.


  • 很多高等低等生物糖蛋白是以糖基磷脂酰肌醇(GPI)锚定的方式连接上。

    Many glycoproteins of lower and higher eucaryotes are attached to the plasma membrane by means of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI) .


  • 黄鳍结节病巨细胞哺乳类动物巨细胞差别在于数量排列方式

    The differences between the giant cells of the tuberculosis of black bream and those of mammal are the numbers and arrangement of the nuclei.


  • MCNP/4B程序活化反应计算中的截断能量通量计数方式数据库、阈探测器之间扰动等因素的影响了分析。

    With MCNP/4B code, the influence of cut-off energy, flux tallies, nuclear databases and perturbation on the reaction rates calculation with neutron-activation method are analysed.


  • 模型认为环状区域同时存在强制对流沸腾两种换热方式

    The model assumes that forced convection and nucleate boiling coexist in the annular flow regime.


  • 模型认为环状区域同时存在强制对流沸腾两种换热方式

    The model assumes that forced convection and nucleate boiling coexist in the annular flow regime.


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