• 第五研究核心节点调度算法dsp并行处理

    Chapter 5 primarily studies the core node's scheduling algorithm with many DSP parallel process.


  • 阐述了核心节点基本结构主要模块功能实现

    The base structure of the core node is introduced, as well as the functions and realization of the main modules.


  • 相应的,发明公开了一种通信网络核心节点

    Accordingly, the invention also discloses a communication network and a core node.


  • 本文dsn研究基础上展开的对核心节点的研究实现

    This article is a research and implementation on the core node of the DSN.


  • 论文主要针对感知网络硬件平台核心节点实现进行研究

    In this paper, aimed at self-sensing optical network hardware platforms and core nodes, the author has made the implementation and research.


  • OBS网络边缘节点核心节点组成,网络边缘节点完成业务接入

    An OBS network is composed of the edge nodes and the core nodes, the service access is performed at the edge nodes of the network.


  • 第二对光突发网络基本原理、网络节点结构包括核心节点边缘节点进行了叙述。

    Chapter two points out the principle of OBS, network node structure includes core node and edge node.


  • 带领大家走逛包括驻村艺术家、窟、庭电影俱乐部、藏岩、术农园聚落内核心节点

    The site tour will be include visiting the current residential artists' studios, Treasure Hive, Duku Collective Bookstore, Family Cinema Club, Treasuer Hill temple, and Windmill art Farm etc.


  • 通过OBS核心节点硬件化边缘节点突发收发应用进一步验证可定制的OBS实验平台实用性

    The applications of the platform in related OBS research, including core node and edge node implementation, verify the practicability of the platform again.


  • 最后重点介绍基于多级管理动态口令系统中的中央管理服务器通信管理服务器认证服务器三类核心节点设计实现

    Finally, introduced the design and implement of the three core nodes in the new system, including center management server, communication management server and authentication server.


  • 目前国内外研究中,OBS实验平台核心节点边缘节点都倾向使用灵活低成本FPGA(现场可编程阵列)实现

    In the current domestic and international study, the core node and the edge node of the OBS experimental platform tend to be implemented by the flexible, low-cost FPGA (field programmable gate array).


  • 他们的集群一系列节点一个单一核心交换机组成的。

    Their clusters are set up as a set of nodes with a single core switch.


  • 向下滚动:核心节点模块提供一个很长的权限列表可以编辑工作流时选择正确的权限。

    Now scroll down: The core node module provides a lengthy list of rights you can tailor to an editorial workflow.


  • 基本节点显示顶部,包含少量核心字段

    The basic node is shown at top and includes a modicum of core fields.


  • 当然核心可管理事例或者Drupal节点

    Of course, the core also manages stories, or what Drupal calls nodes.


  • 这个清单核心defnode宏,它获取节点类型一个字段矢量,创建一个构造函数创建类型的映射

    The core of the listing is the defnode macro that takes a node type and a vector of field names, and creates a constructor function for creating maps of that type.


  • 查询表达式一个组装核心单元节点,用于指定CriteriaQuery

    Query expressions are the core units or nodes that are assembled in a tree to specify a CriteriaQuery. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of query expressions defined in the Criteria API.


  • 现在 8 路节点进行相同优化tcpblast线程固定核心0,2 所产生的吞吐量 4节点相同。

    The same tuning and tcpblast thread pinning to cores 0,2 now provides the same throughputs on 8-way nodes as it does on 4-way nodes.


  • 处于查询执行核心可以包含多个不同类型运行节点

    The run tree is at the heart of query execution and can consist of many different types of run tree nodes.


  • 其次,将BOM各种数据结构进行分析选择了表示型数据结构存储bom,同时利用二叉树型的BOM实现核心企业节点企业的任务分解

    Next, it analyzed various kinds of data structure of BOM and chose binary tree as the data structure to save BOM, and realize duty decomposition from the core enterprise to the node enterprise.


  • 每个核心应当至少包含WebSphereApplicationServer管理流程例如节点代理部署管理器流程。

    Each core group should contain at least one WebSphere Application Server administrative process; for example, a nodeagent or deployment manager process.


  • 对于WebSphereApplicationServerNet workDeployment多个进程(例如部署管理器节点代理应用程序服务器等等)一个核心所有成员

    In the case of WebSphere application server Network deployment, multiple processes (for example, deployment manager, node agents, application servers, and so on) are all members of a core group.


  • 2020年,建成核心、实验舱、节点舱、载人飞船货运飞船组成的总重80空间站

    By 2020, an 80-ton space station will be completed, consisting of the core module, laboratory, node cabin, manned spacecraft and cargo ship.


  • 嘉定青年中心位于嘉定新城核心处,是紫气东来公园远香之间联系纽带,更是城市中心公共空间系统中的重要节点

    Situatedin the center of New Town, Jiading Youth Centre ambitions to connect Ziqidonglai Park and Yuanxiang Lake, thus becoming an significant node of public space of this district.


  • 模型核心使节点队列长度与成正比节点,为分配参数)。

    The core of this model is to make the queue length of node proportional to ( is the degree of node and is an allocation parameter).


  • 交换网络性能主要核心交换节点决定

    The performance of an optical switching network is mainly determined by its core node structure.


  • 系统采用分布式控制,节点嵌入式微控制器核心,实现电梯群控系统的硬件系统。

    The distributed control technology is used in this system and every node is based on embedded microprocessor.


  • 安装程序二级节点安装所需核心系统文件

    Setup will install a set of core system files required on the secondary node of a cluster.


  • 智能节点设计以LPC 2119芯片核心具有硬件简单、封装小巧软件模块化强特点

    The developed intelligent node with hardware core of LPC2119 chip had characteristics of hardware in brief, smart pack, and software in blocking.


  • 智能节点设计以LPC 2119芯片核心具有硬件简单、封装小巧软件模块化强特点

    The developed intelligent node with hardware core of LPC2119 chip had characteristics of hardware in brief, smart pack, and software in blocking.


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