• 核心路由协议一种基于状路由结构动态无线路由协议。

    KTR is a dynamic wireless routing protocol based on the tree structure.


  • 然后本文将DMPH算法应用CBT核心,通过两者相结合达到增强CBT服务质量保证能力的目的

    Then this thesis puts DMPH into use in Core Based Tree (CBT), which can achieve the aim of improving service quality of CBT.


  • 可以使用其中一些核心部件作为UI控件比如菜单部件选项卡小部件等等。

    You can use some of the core widgets as UI controls, such as the menu widget, tabs set, tree widget, and more.


  • 查询表达式一个组装核心单元节点,用于指定CriteriaQuery

    Query expressions are the core units or nodes that are assembled in a tree to specify a CriteriaQuery. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of query expressions defined in the Criteria API.


  • 其次,将BOM各种数据结构进行分析选择了表示型数据结构存储bom,同时利用二叉型的BOM实现核心企业节点企业的任务分解

    Next, it analyzed various kinds of data structure of BOM and chose binary tree as the data structure to save BOM, and realize duty decomposition from the core enterprise to the node enterprise.


  • 垂直方向形成空间结构结合成为竖向空间沟通核心

    The 'tree' -like spatial structure formed in the vertical direction, combined with the 'light court' has become the core of vertical space communication.


  • 赐予这样吧,渗透生命核心里,那儿蔓延下来,不见的流经生命之,并开花结果

    Send me the love that would soak down into the centre of being, and from there would spread like the unseen SAP through the branching tree of life, giving birth to fruits and flowers.


  • 以及局限反应,也就是关系中的”,“我”就是冲突核心

    There is the tree, and the conditioned response to the tree, which is the "me" in relationship, the "me" who is the very centre of conflict.


  • 本文作者分析讨论路由协议生成构建方法基础上进一步对IP组播技术核心组播路由协议算法进行了分析。

    This paper intends to discuss the way to construct the spanning tree, on which the algorithm for routing protocol, which is the kernel of the IP multicasting, shall be analyzed.


  • 通过标记以及分层标记划分,提高系统对于文档核心意义判定能力

    Through the marked tree and the layering mark symbols, increase the system ability to judge the core meaning of the web page.


  • 这个模型核心基于推荐的信任模型,被组织成信任授权(TDT),证书形式进行授权

    The core of this model is the recommendation-based trust model, organized as a trust delegation Tree (TDT), and the authorization delegation realized by delegation certificate chains.


  • 大部分数据挖掘工具采用规则发现决策分类技术发现数据模式规则核心归纳算法

    Most data mining tools use rule discovery and decision tree technology to extract data patterns and rules; its core is the inductive algorithm.


  • 视线正对入口墙上特意降低开口穿过,看到大片的水面中心站立石榴就是建筑的核心空间—水

    When visitors look through the slice wall with a reduced open, a pomegranate standing in the center of water courtyard can be seen.


  • 数据采掘数据库知识发现核心,详细描述了数据采掘中概念方法模糊性问题中的应用。

    Data mining is the core of knowledge discovery in databases. Concept tree method is one of the most important methods. In this paper, presentation of an approach to deal with fuzziness was discussed.


  • 本文实际问题出发,数据挖掘中用于分类核心算法之一——决策方法进行了深入地研究

    As for the problem above, the paper in-depth researches one of the core algorithms which are applied to classification-decision tree algorithm.


  • 核心思想超过带宽浪费门限情况下最小化聚合数量使之覆盖所有组。

    The core idea of Aggregated multicast is to minimize the number of multicast trees without violating a given bandwidth waste threshold, enabling these trees to cover all the groups.


  • 答:四个核心类船型不会改动它,正如看到日本驱逐舰即将加入的苏联驱逐舰,我们包括通过引入分线科技中加入的“子类船型”。

    The four core classes aren't going anywhere but, as you've likely seen with Japanese destroyers and incoming Soviet destroyers, we're including "subclasses" by introducing splits in the tech tree.


  • 文中详细的阐述了决策基本知识相关算法,并几种典型的决策算法进行了分析比较,核心经典算法—ID3算法;

    Firstly, the basic knowledge about decision tree and some representative algorithms for inducing decision tree are discussed, including ID3, which is classical;


  • 文中详细的阐述了决策基本知识相关算法,并几种典型的决策算法进行了分析比较,核心经典算法—ID3算法;

    Firstly, the basic knowledge about decision tree and some representative algorithms for inducing decision tree are discussed, including ID3, which is classical;


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