• 优化油菜样品模型应该选择全部预处理方法,根据优化结果选择最佳模型

    When optimizing the model for the small-sample rapeseed, all of the spectral pretreatment methods should be selected. The best model was then selected according to the optimizing result.


  • 没有现成的指南过程样品模型形式实例可供你复制。

    There are no policy or process samples, no templates, no forms, and no examples to copy.


  • 易腐、易损或者危险品不得作为样品或者模型提交

    Articles that are easy to rot or become broken, or articles that are dangerous, may not be submitted as sample or model.


  • 该文影响机理入手,分别建立了地化热解资料样品重量孔隙体积重质不同组分校正模型

    In this paper, the correction models of light, middle and heavy components ard sample weight, porosity and volume were established from the view point of influence mechanism.


  • 所有提供卖方样品图纸规格或者其他与爱模型生产相关文件,均一直是爱必居独有财产

    All samples, drawings, specifications or other documents relating to Habitat Models or production thereof submitted to Seller shall remain the sole property of Habitat.


  • 不同未知样本进行了预测,结果表明,所建模型具有一定稳定性,对未知样品蛋白质浓度的测量偏差较小,最大偏差超过1.0

    The model is good by predicting protein concentration of wheat flour with different unknown sample groups. Its error is less than 1 0.


  • 由于费用等原因造成能够投入试验样品基于这种小子数据开展视情维修研究关键在于确定状态描述模型

    The condition model based on small sample is studied to overcome the lack of samples in experiments, which appears as the difficulty of experiments.


  • 本文一部分玉米粉末样品,用漫反射法测定玉米粗蛋白含量,研究了近红外仪器能量变化分析模型预测效果影响。

    In the first part of this thesis, the effect of NIR instrument's energy level on the model predictive power was studied with maize sample.


  • 同时,比较了不同样品用量定标模型影响

    Meanwhile, this project analysed the effects of different sample size on calibration models.


  • 配制22个样品介电进行了分析,预测乙醇含量不同数学模型做了比较

    The dielectric spectra of 22 samples are analysed and different mathematical models for predicating ethanol content are compared.


  • 累计应用模型筛选放线菌真菌发酵液样品1 600个,其中获得阳性菌株56个,阳性率3.5%。

    A total of 1 600 microbial fermentation samples were screened with this model, among which 56 positive strains were found, with a positive rate of 3.5%.


  • 讨论采用最小二乘法PLS建立校正模型过程中样品预处理利用常规吸收优选波长方法

    The sample pre-treatment during setting up the correcting model by partial least-squares (PLS) and the way of optimizing wavelength according to normal absorption peak are discussed.


  • 马克测试方法货币材料实物模型最佳外的样品性能比较糖尿病测试机型

    Method of DM test is to use the model with best out-of-sample performance within a kind of currency material to compare with other models for DM test.


  • 着重介绍具有已知先代拟合指出有序样品聚类模型的应用特例

    We delt mainly with the fitting problem with known ancestors and pointed out that the clustering of ordered sample is a special case of this model.


  • 评审并不要求运送样品模型极为欢迎。

    Sending a sample or mockup is not a requirement for the final round of judging, but it is highly recommended.


  • 同时实验发现玻璃样品费尔德常数333k以上时会出现反弹理论模型不符有待进一步研究

    In addition, the Verdet constant of the terbium glass sample rebounds when the temperature goes higher than 333k, which is out of accord with the theoretical model and need to be further researched.


  • 收集700个具有代表性样品光谱建立相应指标的近红外模型

    Spectra of 700 typical samples were collected to develop the calibration models, among which the raw spectra were pretreated with first derivative and partial least square.


  • 运用模型以及样品生动形象我们展示节能环保重要性以及深远意义

    The use of models and samples vividly shows us the importance of environmental protection with energy conservation and its far-reaching significance.


  • 研究了模型定位模型单元构造样品组合数据搜索问题并且给出了样品组合数据搜索一些方法

    Studied the question of model orientation, cell block structure, sample combination, data search etc, and presented a few methods of sample combination and data search.


  • 此次验证试验选取了16个品种共计110批样品样品通过药品检测车上近红外光谱仪进行模型识别。

    This experimentation contained 16 varieties, came to 110 samples, and every sample had be identified by near-infrared spectroscopy model in the drug testing vehicles.


  • 应用模型以此为基础一个检测算法自动升级更新新的恶意软件样品提交用户我们服务器上

    This model is used as a basis for a detection algorithm which is automatically enhanced and updated with new malware samples submitted by our users to our servers.


  • 使用安体舒通粉末药品红外漫反射光谱数据建立人工神经网络模型预测未知样品

    A real data set from near -infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of spironolactone pharmaceutical powder was used to built up an artificial neural network model to predict unknown samples.


  • 本人携带样品光学模具制造模型树脂类型演员

    I carry the sample of the manufactured optical molding model, resin type, and cast.


  • 方法通过醋酸扭体模型、甩、纳洛酮拮抗试验豚鼠回肠离体标本研究样品镇痛活性及机制。

    METHODS the writhing model of mice induced by acetic acid, hot plate test (sc, icv), tail flick test and the model of electrical stimulation induced contraction of guinea pig ileum were used.


  • 多种分析计算数学模型方便不同材料不同样品分析测量

    It has several mathematical analysis and calculation models to analyze and measure different materials and samples.


  • 采集的样品用于各种定量模型因此区域矿产资源定量预测工作广泛应用价值。

    The samples might be used for various quantitative modelling. Thus, it is beneficial to quantitative predication of regional mineral resources.


  • 无限势阱模型分析量子样品电子根据荧光参数估算量子点尺度。

    The electronic states were investigated using a model of spherical square well with infinite depth, and the radii of the quantum dots were estimated from the parameters of the luminescence data.


  • 方法:将造模成功的高血脂大鼠随机分为:分别为模型对照组仙人掌剂量组,后者按高、中、低三种剂量给予样品

    METHODS:Rat models with hyperlipemia were divided into four groups:model control group and high, middle and lower dose opuntia powder groups.


  • 方法:将造模成功的高血脂大鼠随机分为:分别为模型对照组仙人掌剂量组,后者按高、中、低三种剂量给予样品

    METHODS:Rat models with hyperlipemia were divided into four groups:model control group and high, middle and lower dose opuntia powder groups.


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