• 可以更改字体XML放在标签任何地方

    You can place the XML to change a font anywhere inside the tag.


  • 两个标签添加项目改善表格外观感觉

    Two items were added inside the tags to enhance the grid’s look and feel


  • 可以标签内SQL(结构化查询语言)语句传递数据库

    Inside a tag, you pass SQL (Structured Query Language) statements to your database.


  • 清单3清单4中,colorfont标签都处在标签

    In Listings 3 and 4, color and font tags are inside the tag.


  • 上面正则表达式匹配h 1标签以及标签内所有

    The above regular expression is looking for an h1 tag and all of its contents.


  • 如果喜欢显示标题页首只需他们放在注释标签内

    If you'd like the title or headers not to be displayed, simply wrap them in comments.


  • 例如可以创建完整层级或是更新特殊标签内文本

    You can for instance create a full layer content or update only text in a specific tag.


  • name属性作为ID提供因此可以标签使用这个查询结果

    The name attribute is given as an ID, so you can use the results of this query within the tags.


  • 如果有人试图移动标签或者带走标签商品标签内微型发声器将发出警报

    A small speaker in the tag emits an alarm if someone attempts to remove the tag or to leave the store with tagged merchandise.


  • 比如说想开发一个widget需要样式表放在head标签容易做到

    For example, if you are developing a widget that needs to add a stylesheet inside the tag of the page, it's simple to do so.


  • 通过为轴温探测设备增加车号、车次识别功能可以实时取得车辆电子标签信息

    By adding the train number identification function on the hot box detection equipment, the real time information in the electronic label can be obtained.


  • 另外对于经过手术治疗患者中,基因标签内某些特定的基因也有望成为辅助治疗的靶点

    In addition, specific genes included in these signatures should be evaluated as potential targets for adjuvant treatment, following surgical intervention in HCC patients.


  • 如果这个字符串包含标签我们相应地对该字符串分段分别将单独的包括新的样式标签内

    If this string contained tags, we would segment the string accordingly and enclose each single segment separately between the new style tags.


  • 一般来说,标签版本信息带来的麻烦好处还多,这个属性HTML4已经废弃了。

    In general, version information within the tag is more trouble than it is worth, and this attribute has been deprecated in HTML 4.


  • 更好连接性:在单一网站整个网络所有具体事物有关的都会被连接组织单一标签内

    More connected: All content related to a particular concept is connected and organized by a single tag, both within individual sites and across the Web.


  • 许多意见比如重要标题放在恰当HTML标题标签内还有网址中的关键字等,非常简单易懂、容易实现

    Many of the suggested changes, such as putting important headings in the proper HTML heading tags and including keywords in URLs, were easily implemented.


  • 扩展FlexUIComponent的Flex组件允许作为属性设置常见样式换言之,即MXML组件声明标签内(参见清单1)。

    Flex components that extend the Flex UIComponent base class allow you to set common styles as properties inline-in other words, within the MXML component declaration tag (see Listing 1).


  • 例如atextinitalics也是underlined一个下划线但不在italics巢套标签文本另一个标签结束标签前面必须结束标签

    Example: a text in italics, that is also underlined, another text that is underlined and not in italics Nested tags must have their ending tags come before the ending tags of another tag.


  • 半个小时他们根电缆标签

    In half an hour, they'd switched the tags on every cable.


  • 这个标签一个密匙环必须惟一的证书创建导入设置

    The label must be unique within a keyring and it is set when a certificate is created or imported.


  • 每辆自行车都会贴上小型电子标签自行车“自行车树”车辙后,一个传感器会记录车主详细信息

    Bikes are fitted with a small electronic tag. When the bike is placed into the ruts of the bike tree machine, a sensor logs the owner's details.


  • 15中,命令按钮标签现在出现在页面合适的位置上。

    In Figure 15, the commandButton tag inside the column is now appearing correctly in the page.


  • 生产公司便所有容器上加贴了警告标签提醒消费者注意两机制

    Within weeks the manufacturing company had placed warning labels on all containers alerting consumers to the two-click mechanism.


  • 热压灭菌器,可回收废弃物在高温、高压旋转搅拌的共同作用下,被彻底清洁甚至标签粘胶都被完全清洗,一点痕迹都不留。

    The combination of heat, motion and pressure cleans recyclable items, even washing off labels and glue.


  • 标签规则使这些管理信息模块都处在舒服的可控的范围,如果你开了第三个网页那么就会超出你的控制范围。

    The Two-Tab Rule keeps the chunks of data that you're trying to manage in that comfortable range, and, yes, that third TAB pushes you out of that range.


  • 如果多次访问某个网站那么可以设置网站的应用程序标签页。

    So when you have a site that you visit a lot during the day, you can now have an App Tab specific to that site.


  • 简单芯片叫做无线射频识别(RFID)标签被激活之后可以范围发送很短的一段数据,现在,其造价只要4美分一片。

    A far simpler kind of chip called a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag, which sends a tiny quantity of data over a short range when activated, can already be manufactured for 4 cents apiece.


  • 简单芯片叫做无线射频识别(RFID)标签被激活之后可以范围发送很短的一段数据,现在,其造价只要4美分一片。

    A far simpler kind of chip called a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag, which sends a tiny quantity of data over a short range when activated, can already be manufactured for 4 cents apiece.


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