• 程序用户可以定制他们搜索标准例如物品状况出售者反馈,以将搜索结果缩小他们可能会购买的范围内。

    Users of the app can set standard criteria for their searches, such as the condition of the item and seller feedback, limiting search results to just those items they might purchase.


  • 这些道具中重要莫过于了,但是面馆”的世界中,枪只是新奇物品,离标准装备依然相去甚远

    The most important of those is still a gun, but in the world of “Noodle Shop” this is a novelty rather than standard equipment.


  • 美国标准公司的“冠军厕所系列成为了报纸头条,展现了轻松冲洗各种物品的能力,其中包括18个高尔夫

    The American Standard Champion toilet series has made headlines, demonstrating its prowess by flushing several items with ease, including 18 golf balls.


  • 关注个体对于成瘾物品使用需求情况的同时,对于上瘾诊断还应注重以下五个标准

    In addition to noting a preoccupation with using and acquiring the abused substance, the diagnosis of addiction focuses on five criteria.


  • 标准公有物品例如路灯一个使用并不影响其他人

    With a classic public good, such as street lighting, one person’s usage does not affect anyone else.


  • Marian满足商定行李标准预对需要花费现金做了适当预算并且把要带到婚礼上的物品列表中的物品了包。

    Marian meets the agreed-upon luggage criteria, she has budgeted the proper spending cash, and she's packed the items that were on her list of things to bring to the wedding.


  • 这些道具中重要莫过于了,但是面馆”的世界中,枪只是新奇物品,离标准装备依然相去甚远

    The most important of those is still a gun, but in the world of "Noodle Shop" this is a novelty rather than standard equipment.


  • 避免气压过大湿度温度超出规定标准通风不良易燃、易爆、强腐蚀性物品场所使用、贮存。

    Avoid operate or reserve in the room with high air pressure, humidity and temperature out of the required standard, airless, or the objects of flammable, explosive, corrosive materials.


  • 检查服务台物品准备情况,确保遵守餐厅标准

    Monitor the preparation of station assignments, ensuring compliance to restaurant standards.


  • 由于人的需要的满足程度一个动态标准,所以物品的使用价值量能够精确计量的。

    Because satisfaction degree is a dynamic standard, there is no possibility that the Qu can be precisely measured.


  • 按照标准每天整理11客房及时补充消费物品易耗品。

    Everyday make up 11 guestrooms up to the standard set up by the hotel and supply guestroom with consumed articles in time.


  • 客人有贵重物品遗留时,要报告值班经理保安部始终按照标准程序处理类似事件

    Informs the Duty Manager and/or Security Department if valuables are left in the open. Follows standard procedures in handling this and similar situations at all times.


  • 此外CSD技术员通常负责病人护理部门补充常用物品原材料(标准水平)。

    In addition, CSD technicians are often responsible for replenishing stock (par level) of frequently used supplies on patient care units.


  • 任何超出预先规定价值标准物品必须公司声明上交

    Anything beyond a preset monetary value must be declared or turned in to the company.


  • 无论发送标准单据还是易碎品,我们提供各种布、箱盒软垫材料用以保护运输中的物品

    Whether you're shipping standard documents or fragile items, we offer an assortment of packs, boxes and cushioning material to protect your items in transit.


  • 第四、有关物价题目中的某些物品价格货币表示标准

    The currency standard for commodity prices in some subjects of prices.


  • 用于危险物品标示办公室停车位仓库划线工程、车尾末端警示作用。标准色样:白红、白绿、黄黑。、黑白、黄、兰、白、红、绿等。

    It is used to indicate dangerous materials, and warning signs for office ares, parking lot, warehouse lines, engineering, and car end ect.


  • 为了资格获得优先关税待遇物品必须符合其中至少一个下面标准

    NOTE: In order to be entitled to preferential tariff treatment, each goods must meet at least one of the criteria below.


  • 托盘现代物流货架带来效益主要体现在:可以实现物品包装单元化、规范化标准保护物品方便物流和储存

    The benefits of tray shelf industry to modern logistics: goods packaging unit, normalization and standardization can be achieved to protect the items, to facilitate the logistics and storage.


  • 由于最初研究主要集中标准拍卖物品的拍卖,最近几年延伸物品拍卖。

    However, as the initial research focused on standard auction and single item auction, in recent years it has extended to more goods auction.


  • 对于直接食物接触物品需要符合非常高标准

    Things that come in direct contact with food products must also meet high standards.


  • 建立DNA指纹制定相关鉴定标准一条从根本上规范我国种业市场有效途径

    It is a effective way to normalize the seed market radically that establish the DNA fingerprint database of crop varieties and the relevant variety identification standard.


  • 尽管他们收入按照国际标准衡量还是处于低水平,但是全国人民毫不犹豫地尽他们所能捐献——不管是还是物品——帮助那些受难的同胞们。

    Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can — be it money or goodsto help their needy fellow citizens.


  • 对我国不同气象(侯)条件下标准温室的温室效应分布规律进行比较研究选择适宜温室种植物品相应的种植方案提供理论基础

    Furthermore, the laws of greenhouse effect existing various climate conditions were compared, which can lay the foundations for selecting the proper crops and planting plans.


  • 本文主要介绍了欧盟美国食品致病菌检测标准和技术的进展,分以下四个部分:1食品微生控制

    Thisarticle introduces EU and USA new progress on criteria and technologis of detection of pathogens in food from the followingfour aspects: 1) quality control of food microorganism;


  • 空气尘埃粒子、沉降菌及物品表面细菌菌落数均达到国家标准

    The counts of dust particles and the CFU of sedimentary bacteria in the air of COA and the CFU of surface b...


  • 空气尘埃粒子、沉降菌及物品表面细菌菌落数均达到国家标准

    The counts of dust particles and the CFU of sedimentary bacteria in the air of COA and the CFU of surface b...


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