• 考察了制备过程影响性能主要因素优化色谱分离条件

    Several factors affecting the column performances in the preparation procedure were investigated and the chromatographic separation conditions were optimized.


  • 该法制备及高温干燥过程中不会发生断裂塌陷现象,特点明显优于氧基硅烷前驱体制备无机整体方法

    The column bed would not rupture and collapse during drying at high temperatures. This is the biggest advantage compared with the inorganic monolithic columns using alkoxy silane as precursor.


  • 发明涉及一种粘土制备一氧化碳变换催化剂方法

    The invention relates to a method for preparing a CO shift catalyst by using pillared clay.


  • 本文工作主要分为大部分TPCC涂敷型手性制备奥美拉唑对映体色谱分离

    The project is divided into two parts: the preparation of TPCC coated chiral columns and chromatographic separation of omeprazole.


  • 综述了影响制备色谱各种因素包括技术设计温度样品粘度等

    The factors affecting flow profile were reviewed and commented, including the technique of packing column, the design of column head, the shape of columns, temperature and sample viscosity.


  • 综述了影响制备色谱各种因素包括技术设计温度样品粘度等

    The factors affecting flow profile were reviewed and commented including the technique of packing column the design of column head the shape of columns temperature and sample viscosity.


  • 纯化阶段硅胶色谱制备型薄层色谱处理提取物,正己烷沉淀结晶。

    In purifying phase, the extracts were disposed by silica gel column chromatography and preparation lamella chromatography, then crystaled by N-Hexane.


  • 天然润土进行酸化处理,对其进行无机有机无机有机撑,制备改性膨润土。

    A modified bentonite was prepared, after the natural bentonite had been treated by acidizing, inorganic, organic, inorganic and organic pillar bearing process.


  • 无菌小鼠脾脏,不锈钢制备细胞溶液,尼龙法分离T淋巴细胞

    The splenical cells of mice were prepared through a stainless steel mesh and T lymphocytes were purified through a nylon wool column.


  • 粘土矿物质一种新型纳米复合材料。介绍了这种纳米复合材料的制备方法、构与性能特征潜在的应用前景。

    Pillared interlayer clay is a new type nanocomposites. In this paper, the preparation methods, structure, properties and application prospects are summarized.


  • 研究表明,改进制备工艺提高蒙脱石稳定性、比表面积催化活性

    Through adjusting and optimizing the procedure during preparation, the structure, thermal stability and catalytic performance of PILCs can be improved.


  • 以丙烯腈单体,二乙烯苯为交联剂,采用原位聚合出了极性有机高聚物多孔- OPPLOT - A

    A new type of strongly polar organic polymer porous layer open tubular column (OPPLOT-A) was prepared by in situ copolymerization of acrylonitrile and divinylbenzene.


  • 采用溶剂萃取色谱法相结合工艺,豆油脚中制备肌醇磷脂,研究了不同洗脱剂对色谱分离脑磷脂和肌醇磷脂效果的影响。

    The soybean phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol were prepared by combining methods of solvents extraction and silica gel column chromatography from soybean oil sediment.


  • 介绍聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳电泳原理、凝胶分离组成及其制备方法

    The principle of the discoid electrophoresis of polyacrylamide gel was explained. The composition and preparation method of gel separation column was introduced in detail.


  • 结果表明制备分离过程中,在满足分离要求的前提下,可以采用超载方式操作,提高制备

    The results show that if the separation demand can be satisfied, column can be overloaded in order to achieve more preparative throughput.


  • 制备了对水体中的具有良好吸附效果的蒙脱土

    An adsorbent Ti-pillared montmorillonite (Ti-PILC) with high efficiency to remove arsenic in water was prepared.


  • 填料粒径主要压力两方面影响制备色谱应用。

    Effect of packing material size is mainly on the column pressure and column efficiency.


  • 本文结合本研究室工作,对有机聚合物整体制备条件以及生物大分子应用作一概述。

    This paper consists of the following parts: preparation of monolithic polymer column, investigation of polymerization conditions and its application to bio-molecules.


  • 本文润土制备成型及其对水中微量重金属离子有机污染物吸附进行了研究。

    This article studied the synthesis of pillared bentonites, shaping, and the adsorption of trace heavy metals and organic compounds in water.


  • 首次利用半制备采用高效液相色谱法分离制备洋葱两种主要黄酮类化合物(纯度超过98%)。

    Two main flavonoids in the onion were isolated and prepared by semi-preparative HPLC at the first time (purity more than 98%).


  • 制备阴离子交换整体,并建立了白介素18分离纯化方法

    A weak anion exchange column was prepared and a separation method of interleukin-18 (IL-18) was developed on the column.


  • 本文利用硅酸乙酯(TEOS)溶胶凝胶过程葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)进行了固定,制备不同载体下的GOD酶

    In this paper, GOD was immobilized in the course of gelation process of the sol of TEOS, and immobilized GOD columns were easily prepared with different carriers using this system.


  • 粘土矿反应制备材料有机一无机纳米复合层状材料的有效方法之一

    Pillaring reaction has been well known as one of the significant methods to prepar porous materials and inorganic-organic nanocomposites.


  • 研究中,首次报道了乙酸改性钛酸四异丙酯水解制备钛溶胶方法合成钛层粘土。

    In this study, the Ti-PILC synthesized by the pillaring of Ti-precursor from the hydrolysis of modified TTIP with acetate group in water was firstly reported.


  • 目前毛细管电色谱的研究主要集中毛细管电色谱制备技术毛细管电色谱应用两个方面

    At present, research works on CEC are mainly focused on both the preparation of columns and its application.


  • 磁性固定制备条件,受力平衡分析、长度控制最大耐受流速等进行了理论分析实验模拟

    Then the preparation of magnetic immobilized beds was investigated theoretically and experimentally, such as the force balance, the control of packing length and the allowable velocity of flow.


  • 预处理基底上,采用化学溶液沉积低温制备氧化锌纳米薄膜。

    Zinc oxide nanopillars are synthesized by chemical solution deposition on a pre-coated substrate at a low temperature.


  • 结论明胶亲和体积不变条件下,制备纤维蛋白结合素血浆加样、血浆在内停留时间密切相关

    CONCLUSION: in a given column volume of gelatin, the quantity of purified fibronectin was closely related with the plasma retention time in column and the total loading amount of plasma.


  • 采用原位分子印迹技术,单步制备一种辛可宁印迹手性整体

    A cinchonine imprinted chiral monolithic column was prepared for the separation of the diastereomers of cinchonine and cinchonidine by in situ molecular imprinting technique.


  • 综合评述毛细管色谱类型制备技术的进展情况

    The types of the separation columns used in capillary electrochromatography and its fabricated progress in the past few years are introduced.


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