• 工作负荷中进行抽样最大查询

    Maximum number of queries to be sampled from the workload.


  • 同时添加报表分析项目越多,越降低发送据源查询数

    The more items that are added to a report or analysis at the same time will reduce the amount of queries sent to the data source.


  • 名为查询图表中,可以基于特定时间段追踪查询

    In the chart named number of queries, you can track the count of queries based on the date, week, month, or specified period.


  • 时间折线该图显示查询用户变化以及平均和最差响应时间。

    Time line chart: This chart shows the changes in number of queries and users along with the average and worst response time.


  • 因此个例子,如果处理项目,最小查询20,那么效果就是每一个项目延迟20

    Thus, for example, if you process one item a day and have a minimum queue of 20, the effect is to delay every item by 20 days.


  • 代码开始几行获得生产据库连接接着一系列showstatus查询计算分钟查询数类型它们分开。

    The initial lines of code obtain a connection to the production database, followed by a series of show status queries that let you calculate queries per minute and then break them down by type.


  • 因此如果减少每个HTTP请求连接,将一个连接用于多个查询,则可以提高处理器磁盘网络性能

    Therefore reducing the number of total connections per HTTP request by reusing a connection for more than one query improves processor, disk, and network performance.


  • 这个代码编写起来非常容易但是伸缩性不好因为必须完成大量工作计算满足每个面值表示查询记录

    The code is fairly easy to write, but it does not scale well because of the amount of work that it must do to count the number of records that satisfy the query that each facet value represents.


  • 查询返回 2005 年6 月20下午 1 点 24 分之后所有观察值线程

    This query will return the thread count for all observations after June 20th, 2005 at 1:24 PM.


  • 如果通过使用Cartesian产品计算超过设定阈值,将NONempty应用查询

    If the number of tuples, calculated by using the Cartesian product, exceeds the set threshold; the NON EMPTY clause is applied to the query.


  • 很多选择可以加速DB2环境中的查询同时又可保证不增加索引

    You have plenty of options for accelerating queries in a DB2 environment while holding the line on indexes.


  • 极大改善一个多个集群限定选择那些查询性能

    This can greatly improve the performance of queries that constrain and select data along one or multiple clustering dimensions.


  • 查询用户常常要等分钟甚至小时,这取决于为了产生用户所请求结果需要多少进行搜索。

    Query users can often wait for minutes or even hours, depending upon how much data must be searched in order to produce the result set requested by the user.


  • 容易查询结果(参见清单14)。

    You can easily count the number of results from your query (see Listing 14).


  • 由于查询结果之间共有向量非常多,因此相应文件于搜索结果的顶部

    Due to the large number of vectors in common between the query and results, the appropriate files are listed at the top of the search results.


  • 对于访问关系查询现在所需读取页面远远超过实现内联时需要读取的页面

    Queries that only access the relational columns of the table now need to read a much larger number of pages than without inlining.


  • 7显示查询响应时间作为文档(范围1,000100,000)(使用索引索引)。

    Figure 7 shows the query response times as a function of the number of documents in the table, ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 documents (when no indexes or side tables are used).


  • 这些作为查询一部分发送给imaginary-search-engine,imaginary-search-engine可以利用它们选择搜索引擎设置返回结果

    They're sent to the imaginary-search-engine as part of the query, and the imaginary-search-engine can use them to select a search engine and set the number of results to return.


  • 下一步查询进程列表以查找其中httpd进程

    Next, the process list is queried for the number of HTTPD processes within it.


  • 一些重要车辆信息比如当前的里程、车辆识别码OnStar的账号信息可以程序中进行查询

    Important vehicle information, such as current odometer reading, vehicle VIN and OnStar account number also will be readily accessible within the apps.


  • 预订机票旅游代理有关航空公司查询可累积之飞行事宜。

    Please consult your travel agent or the relevant airline at the time of reservation to determine mileage accrual eligibility.


  • 证明关于查询等价有限引理讨论不同条件下信息检索算法复杂度试验中验证了信息动态路由算法可行性和高效率。

    The lemma of query equivalent and lemma of limited steps was proved and the complexity of information query algorithm in different conditions was discussed.


  • 这些对象可以保留来自许多不同信息由此减少必须查询使用的表

    These objects can hold information from many different tables and can therefore reduce the number of tables you must use in a query.


  • 首先为了减少CAN网络查询提高搜索效率本文指针概念引入CAN网络中。

    First of all, this issue introduces the concept of the pointer gauge to the CAN network so as to reduce the query hops of the CAN networks and improve searching efficiency.


  • 某一分辨级水平上进行曲线形状相似性查询度量同时对于局部相似性局部曲线进行匹配

    Similarity of the basic curve figures is queried and measured at some resolution ratio level, in the meantime, the fractal dimension in local similarity is matched.


  • 用户能够通过查询特定临床样品特征个别基因拷贝变化构建定制据集

    Users can build custom datasets by querying for specific clinical sample characteristics or copy number changes of individual genes.


  • 编码技术扩展标记语言(XML)查询处理基础传统编码技术利用自然进行编码,很难支持XML动态更新。

    Labeling scheme is the basis for Extensible Markup Language (XML) query processing. The traditional labeling schemes use Numbers based on natural order, which is hard to support XML updating.


  • 查询字串预设是停用状态。

    By default, query-string arguments are disabled.


  • 查询字串预设是停用状态。

    By default, query-string arguments are disabled.


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