• 诸如“信用卡授权”、“税款计算”、“获取项目”、“查找图书”、“检查股票简单时间请求-响应服务占据支配地位。

    Simple, short-lived, request-response services like Credit Card Authorization, Calculate Tax, Get Item, Find Book, Check Stock, and so on, dominate the landscape.


  • 插件检索对应对象检查对象类,再次查找对应的属性计算规范

    The plug-in retrieves the corresponding objects, checks their objectclass, and looks again for a corresponding attribute evaluation specification.


  • 报道医生检查八月二十四个月婴儿查找大脑紊乱症状

    It said doctors should look for signs of the brain disorder when they examine babies at eighteen months and twenty-four months.


  • 扫描输出日志来查找这样结果不可行的因此需要自动工具检查响应是否是所需要响应。

    It is not feasible to scan output logs looking for such results, so the automated tool needs to check that the response is the response that is expected.


  • 因为使用RPM时应当检查配置文件确保它们没有变更查找新的样例文件,以防版本包含可能使用的新选项

    As when using RPM, you should check your configuration files to be sure they haven't been changed and to look for new sample files in case the new version includes new options you might want to use.


  • 这个方法中,检查两样东西字段是否是我所查找的,操作是否是一个存储过程

    Within this method, I just check two things: that the field name is the one I'm looking for, and that the operation is a store.


  • 然后通过请求url查询字符串查找传入的UNID,并进行最小错误检查

    We then look for the UNID passed-in via query string of the requesting URL with minimal error checking.


  • 这些代码维护起来会很麻烦避免不必要的查找以及执行适当错误检查更加困难(参见捕获错误部分)。

    This can be cumbersome to maintain, and it can be more difficult to perform appropriate error checking (see the section, "Trap for errors") and to avoid unnecessary lookups.


  • 拼写检查查找/替换功能也出现在了文本工具

    Spell check and a find/replace feature rounded out the updates to the text tool.


  • 检查所有查询最终记录处理适于进行联系人查找简化格式显示用户

    When all of the query words have been checked, the final records are processed and displayed to the user in a simplified format suitable for contact lookups.


  • 段代码用于执行查找检查错误条件

    In this code, we perform the lookup and then check for an error condition.


  • 检查员根据这种检查列表阅读源代码查找这些问题相关的缺陷。

    Using such checklists, reviewers read through the source code, looking for areas related to these questions.


  • 例如应用程序可以调用服务检查WSRR查找能满足功能性能需求服务实例。

    For example, an application can check WSRR just before invoking a service to locate the service instance best satisfying its functional and performance requirements.


  • 如果需要复杂需要更复杂的模式检查数据;可以中(在参考资料列出了)查找一些其他方法。

    If your needs are more complex, you'll need more complex patterns for checking the data; see my book (listed in Resources) for some alternatives.


  • 经常检查尿布以查找需要更换可见迹象

    Regularly check diapers for visual signs that a change is needed.


  • 用于查找可用类型检查属性功能称为自检api

    The ability to find out the types you have available and examine their properties is called the introspection API.


  • 服务管理器检查部署服务的列表查找SOAP消息所需服务

    It checks the deployed services list for the required service in SOAP message.


  • 直通式交换机执行任何错误检查,它查找目的MAC地址相应交换机端口将帧转发。

    Cut-through switches do not perform any error checking of the frame because the switch looks only for the frame's destination MAC address and forwards the frame out the appropriate switch port.


  • 然后,它使用SHIP操作符外表BAD_CREDIT,散列连接检查生成查找表。

    IT then reads from the outer table BAD_CREDIT using the SHIP operator, hashing the join column values, and checking in the lookup table generated for the inner table.


  • Sigilphp脚本XML和拼写相结合,查找和修复使用常规EPUB检查例程无法检测错误时非常有用工具

    Both Sigil and PHP scripting with XML and spelling libraries are helpful tools in finding and fixing errors that cannot be detected using normal EPUB checking routines.


  • 清单1中的脚本查找检查html页面运行分页

    The script in Listing 1 finds and reviews the HTML pages and runs through the page breaks.


  • 如果通过所有检查Eclipse将查找class字段标识

    If all the checks pass, Eclipse finds the class identified in the class field.


  • 如果怀疑一个大型过度繁忙进程导致问题那么应该检查ps工具输出查找进程大小内存百分比cpu利用率

    If you suspect that the problem is due to a large or overly busy process, then you should check the output of the ps tool, look for the process size, the percentage of memory, and CPU being utilized.


  • 检查查找finalize方法各种问题例如空的终结函数调用其他方法的finalize方法,finalize的式调用,等等。

    This group of checks seeks out various issues with finalize methods, such as empty finalizers, finalize methods that call other methods, explicit calls to finalize , and so forth.


  • 可以调用超类中的invoke方法同时检查这两者(beforeafter),并根据查找结果发送before和after通知。

    I can check both (before and after) by calling the invoke method in the superclass and sending before and after notifications, depending on what I find.


  • 一个任务定制wrappers,使它能够进行规则检查查找查找验证(如果需要的话)、记录生成程序使用标题

    The next task is to customise wrappers to allow rule checking, lookups and lookup verification (if required), logging, spawning programs and the use of banners.


  • 内核检查硬件加载设备然后查找文件系统的init程序执行程序。

    The kernel checks the hardware and mounts the root device and then looks for the init program on the root filesystem and executes it.


  • 然后我们模式匹配通过检查传入Personcase查找AliceBob

    Our pattern match then looks for Alice and Bob by inspecting the values passed to the constructor of the Person case class.


  • 我们验证客户进行JMS请求检查WebSphere控制台查找XML消息如图43所示。

    We still need to verify that the JMS request made it to the consumer, examine the WebSphere console, and look for the XML message, as shown in Figure 43.


  • Wikipedia上查找几个完全之后,可以编写一个测试,它检查实际上是否可以找到完全数。

    After checking with Wikipedia to find the first few perfect Numbers, I can write a test that verifies that I can in fact find perfect Numbers.


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