• 结论新生儿足跟采血有利于提高采血成功率减少对新生儿足底软组织损伤有利于新生儿疾病查工作开展

    Conclusion neonatal blood collection in heel by diagonal puncture method can increase success rate, decrease soft tissue injury in pelma, and conduce to the development of neonatal screening.


  • 强调这封邮件工作,寄到这里邮件的筛查工作,检测工作远程站点进行,降低收件人普通大众风险

    I would underscore that the mail is screened, the mail sent here screened and these tests undertaken at remote sites to mitigate the risk both to those recipients and to the general population.


  • 没有工作居无定所,也没有朋友得忍受异国文化带来的冲击

    Chuck is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.


  • 这项工作詹姆斯·德威克爵士发现中子铺平了道路,尤其是为伊莲娜弗雷德里克·约里奥特·居里1934年发现人工放射性奠定了基础。

    This work prepared the way for the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick and, above all, for the discovery in 1934 by Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie of artificial radioactivity.


  • 1969年后,被派东欧采访,一去就是二十多年随后研究所工作在那里他编辑了《今日世界》。

    He went on to cover eastern Europe for this newspaper for over two decades after 1969, and then to work for Chatham House, where he edited the World Today.


  • 回去工作雅梅。”普利命令道,亲眼目睹一幕忠诚戏码使失去了耐心

    "Get back to work, Jamey," Chappelle commanded, impatient with what he saw as the Loyal Staff act.


  • 吉恩完成了件了不起工作

    Gene and Charlene had done a great job.


  • 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长阿育王保证采取措施,让记者不必担惊受怕,可以安心工作挫败一切企图恐吓媒体作法。

    Maharashtra's chief minister, Prithviraj Chavan, has promised steps to ensure that journalists can work without fear, and foil all efforts to "terrorize" the media.


  • 转眼几周时间过去了,每天在准备开始工作之前都会上网一下他的博客有没有更新。

    Weeks went by, and day after day, before I turned my attention to my own work, I would first check online to see if my ex had posted anything new.


  • 加斯帕·博特的工作克雷莫纳教堂,这座美丽罗马风格建筑物启迪着加斯帕创作的灵感

    Gaspar Borchardt, whose workshop is opposite Cremona's cathedral, is inspired by the beautiful Romanesque building.


  • 海滩邮件-如何工作生活综合起来?

    Checking E-mail from the Beach - How to Integrate Work and life.


  • 茱莉亚•艾兹、马克•特拉普曼,德国劳动问题研究所,《德国基本收入保障工作

    Achatz, Juliane & Trappmann, Mark Exits to Work among Recipients of Basic Income Support in Germany


  • 可以坦诚的说开始我看不上朱莉建议因为工作收件箱里的新邮件有着千丝万缕的关系。然而现在已经早上的9:30了,我还没邮箱。

    I'll be honest: I scoffed at Morgenstern's advice at first, because my work has so much to do with what's happening in my inbox.


  • 小屋所女士之家——奥斯汀太太女儿们她们朋友玛莎·劳埃德——家务和园艺中担当自己的一份工作

    Chawton Cottage was a household of ladies - Mrs Austen, her daughters and their friend Martha Lloyd - all taking part in the work of the house and garden.


  • 问题如今多数工作都和特温的工作不同,他的工作业绩主要取决于个人努力衡量起来容易。

    The problem, however, is that most jobs today aren't like Chatwin's, where performance depends largely on individual effort and can be easily measured.


  • 卫生系统无法应对工作人员、药物资金早期发现服务以及慢性病保健服务模式匮乏。

    Health systems lack the staff, the medicines, the money, the screening and early detection services, and service models for the delivery of chronic care.


  • 但是旅途算是非常值得的,-菲利普斯如是说,北卡罗莱纳州珀尔·希尔工作,距她在格拉尼特·尔斯的有164英里

    But the trips can be worthwhile, said Kay Phillips who works in Chapel hill, North Carolina, 164 miles from her home in Granite Falls.


  • 电邮朋友发来另一个链接文章链接,文中研究表明员工网上滑稽片段工作效率更高

    I've just checked my email again and a friend has sent me another link. It's to an article about how new research has shown that workers are more productive after watching a funny clip online.


  • 普林:“生育率提高是因为法国所有欧洲国家能帮助国民协调工作家庭生活关系的国家。”法国家庭部部长巴斯说:“这激励我们未来进一步实施有效的家庭政策。”

    "The deciding factor comes from the fact that it is easier to reconcile professional activity and a family life here than in most other European countries," Mr Charpin said at a news conference.


  • 因为,工作以后就不要指望谁这么耐心给东西了,老板要是让你啥,不懂的话千万别自己办法

    No matter what the boss ask you to do, don’t ask HOW, and solve it by yourself.


  • 工作那家公司真的非常照顾.

    the company that Ghad works for really takes care of him.


  • 除了造福人类工作之外,世上再也没有什么事业真正永久名声了。——·萨姆纳。

    In addition to work can bring benefits to human, there is no longer what career can be real and permanent fame.


  • 爆炸发生阿富汗巴基斯坦接壤东南边境Khost一个防御牢固的名叫普曼前线工作基地(Forward OperatingBase Chapman)。

    The bombing took place inside Forward Operating Base Chapman, a well-fortified compound in Khost province near the southeastern border with Pakistan.


  • 共和党议员 KayBaileyHutchison德克萨斯州州长周四礼堂讲话引用工作统计数据

    Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Republican who is running for governor of Texas, cited the task force’s screening statistics in a floor speech on Thursday.


  • 这个例子上,美国预防服务工作组(United States PreventiveServicesTask Force)的结论:对75以上的男人进行前列腺大于利。

    In this case, for men 75 and older, the United States Preventive Services Task Force concluded that screening for prostate cancer does more harm than good.


  • 警犬号超音速喷气式汽车研究团队首席工程师,马克·普曼(Mark Chapman):“我们一年里完成所有空气动力学的工作汽车才能完全稳定马赫为1.3的速度上。

    Mark Chapman, Bloodhound SSC's chief engineer, said: "From all the aerodynamic work we have done this year, the car is completely stable at mach 1.3.


  • 问题如今多数工作特温的工作那样业绩主要取决于个人努力衡量起来容易。

    The problem, however, is that most jobs today aren't like Chatwin's, where performance depends largely on individual effort and can be easily measured.


  • 海洋蔡尔克交流,这使牧场工作超自然优势

    She had used the Force to communicate with the cetaceans of the Chadrian oceans, having a supernatural advantage in her ranching duties.


  • 海洋蔡尔克交流,这使牧场工作超自然优势

    She had used the Force to communicate with the cetaceans of the Chadrian oceans, having a supernatural advantage in her ranching duties.


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