• 肌肉眼睛这类柔软部分化石记录中未能更多的保留。

    Soft parts, like muscles and eyes, don't leave much behind in the fossil record.


  • 胎儿头骨柔软部分,由“缝合线”联接一起。

    The bones of the fetal scalp are soft and meet at "suture lines."


  • 我们已经Mush找到了一些哺乳动物骨骼——尚未经过辨认——除了令人惊讶化石青蛙,它身体的一些柔软部分保留了下来

    We have already found some mammal bones at Mush - as yet unidentifiable - in addition to amazing fossil frogs with soft body parts preserved.


  • 人们认为地壳分成巨大的、可移动部分称为板块这些板块漂浮柔软岩石层上。

    The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, which float on a soft plastic layer of rock.


  • 双手触摸感知柔软棉织物注意衣物上褶皱部分并且留心周围的静寂

    Feel the soft cotton fabric on your hands, notice the areas that are wrinkled and pay attention to the silence.


  • 画面中出现大面积的高光区时,其余部分则呈现出超凡脱俗柔软光彩。

    Once large areas of the picture turn white the remaining areas take on an otherworldly softness and glow.


  • 这种体型给人感觉柔软所以身体柔软部分体型结合起来。

    This body type is softer, so you want to contrast the softness of the body with some structure.


  • 最后一实验中科学家测试诸如“铁石心肠”、“块石头”这类比喻首先作为魔术部分人们先是触摸个木块或是一张柔软毯子

    In a final pair of experiments, the scientists tested metaphors like "hard-hearted" and "she's a rock" by first having people touch either a wooden block or a soft blanket as part of a magic trick.


  • 来自挪威柔软杂技表演艺人“佛罗多船长”将部分身体挤压网球拍中。

    Contortionist 'Captain Frodo' from Norway squeezes his body through a tennis racket.


  • 这些致密骨头并不是骨架里柔软部分

    These are very dense bones, not a soft area of the skeleton.


  • 之间》Lenny一样,部分触摸到动物皮毛或者针织品时候,会觉得到达他们心里最柔软地方

    Just like Lenny in "of Mice and Men", most people find that they reach their "happy place" when touching something soft like fur or textiles.


  • 岛上部分引人入胜景致沿着白沙滩分布,柔软沙滩绵延3英里被浓密的,随风摇曳棕榈树林环绕。

    Most of the island's attractions can be found along White Beach, its three miles of soft sand lined with thick groves of swaying palms.


  • 两个孩子房间也有类似的设计每个部分组成:一张位于木制平台上的带有沙发柔软区域一个带有办公桌工作区域,它的光线效果最好。

    The two children's rooms have similar design and each consists of three parts: a bed raised on a wooden podium, a soft zone with a sofa, and a work area with a desk and most light.


  • 山脉组成山谷河流两岸部分突起,颜色米色棕色再到赤红色无烟煤色柔软灰色一直变化着

    A valley consisting of small mountains and picks rising up from the desert on both sides of the river, changing colors from beige to light brown, to reddish, anthracite and soft grey.


  • 表面加工部分以质材柔软轻轻擦拭避免质料纸张擦拭

    Surface machining parts: quality materials soft cloth gently wipe and avoid using too thick of paper wiping material.


  • 这部诗集感情真挚能够扯动内心柔软的那部分

    This poem selection with its sincere emotion can touch the softest part within your heart with its sincere emotion.


  • 椎间盘中央部分牙膏浓稠物质构成,要比外层柔软

    The central part of the disk has the consistency of thick tooth paste; it is much softer than the outer part.


  • 头部下半部分毛发柔软自然的。

    Softer hair on the head and lower legs is natural.


  • 柔软链条地面时它地面压力始终等于静止部分链条重力柔软链条的运动状态无关

    When soft chain is raised clear of ground, the pressure against ground remains equal to the gravity of static part of chain, and has nothing to do with the moving state of soft chain.


  • 柔软海泡石背景下有着翅膀状的鱼鳍玫红紫色蓝绿色交织的夜色下,永远画布神秘莫测而又奔腾激烈大海战利品的部分

    On a background of softest seafoam, with a wing-shaped fin worked in shades of fuschia, periwinkle and teal, she is a part of the mysterious, impetuous sea captured forever on canvas.


  • 有着柔软毛皮皮革般的鼻子圆圆的耳朵眼睛部分靠近无尾熊心都软了起来。

    With its soft fur, leathery nose, rounded ears, and big eyes, most people seem to melt when near one.


  • 质地柔软弹性使用立体剪裁使私人部分垂感十足适合在-的木材。

    Soft texture, have hang down feeling and elasticity, using stereo clipping, make private parts to hang down suitable feels dye-in-the-wood.


  • 就像所有体式柔软舌头眼睛喉咙部分

    As in all asanas, soften your face, tongue, eyes, and throat areas.


  • 理论家们早就预测木星巨大引力一定会使卫一内部掀起波,潮波搅动呈固态仍然柔软岩石所产生热量至少使内部的部分岩石熔化

    Theoreticians had long predicted that Jupiter's massive gravity must raise tides in IO that knead its solid but still malleable rock to produce heat until at least part of the interior melts.


  • 指责保护自己的一种方法,指责是试图去保护内心柔软敞开脆弱部分

    Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself. Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground.


  • F SS整理主要三个部分组成,即弹性剂、柔软蓬松剂。

    FSS finishing agent consists of three parts, an elastic agent, a softening agent and a fluffing agent.


  • 而另一面白色部分则适合去处干燥皮肤多余角质皮,能够的皮肤在沐浴中轻松变得丝滑、柔软

    Super soft one side to create plenty of bubbles and foam. Using the exfoliating side will help remove any dry and dead skin cells, leaving you smooth to the touch.


  • 而另一面白色部分则适合去处干燥皮肤多余角质皮,能够的皮肤在沐浴中轻松变得丝滑、柔软

    Super soft one side to create plenty of bubbles and foam. Using the exfoliating side will help remove any dry and dead skin cells, leaving you smooth to the touch.


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