• 申请人照片改动过所以某些照片头发金色的,而有些则是红色棕色的。

    The applicant's picture was altered, so that in some photos her hair was golden, in some red and in some brown.


  • 动物为主角,各个不同视角来呈现它们(某些照片艺术化地呈现)。

    It is dedicated to animals seen from the different Angle literary on some pictures: -.


  • 某些照片中,眼睛变化非常显著(5),表明老虎眼睛在拍照运动的。

    The changes of the eye in some photos are remarkable (Fig. 5), suggesting the tiger's eye to be active and moving between shots.


  • 我们正在拍摄林肯图片,然后把它们做成林肯脸部实际尺寸包括看到某些照片自己的一些反应

    We're taking the Lincoln photographs and blowing them up to the actual size of Lincoln's face... and it will include his own reactions to some of the photographs.


  • 如果某些照片视频片段错误的或具误导性的,自己制作一段冷静的、有信息含量的视频解释为什么那些东西是错的。

    DO make a calm, informative video that explains why a photograph or media clip is wrong or misleading.


  • 有些开始参加某些活动不同地方旅行这样他们就可以拍下完美”的照片

    Some people begin to attend certain events or travel to different places so that they can snap that " perfect " photo.


  • 作为全球人力资源一部分,某些分散团队也许只能通过他们声音一张照片互相了解,他们主要通过会议电子邮件即时消息传送进行沟通

    As part of a global workforce, some distributed teams know each other only by their voice and perhaps a small picture, and communicate mostly via conference calls, email and instant messaging.


  • 此事一样,它们通常无意闹剧某些稀奇东西合法的易懂照片

    Often, as in this case, there is no intentional hoaxing: it is a legitimate, straightforward photograph of something curious.


  • 此举引起某些评论员的恐慌,他们害怕同样技术手段警察识别照片中的人物

    The move has alarmed some commentators who fear that the same technology could be used by police to identify people from photos.


  • 喜欢为一些事物拍照这样以后见到或者某些通电话时,我任然想起当时的场景(更不用说小狗那些超照片了),这个新的应用我来说简直了!

    I take a lot of pictures of things that I need to remember for later meetings or phone calls (not to mention awesome pictures of my puppies) and being able to get quick access is nice.


  • 用户可以Kindle保存阅读某些类别个人文档照片必须先把内容发送亚马逊,由其转换专有的Kindle格式。

    You can also keep and read some types of personal files and photos on the Kindle, but you have to email them to Amazon for conversion to a proprietary Kindle format.


  • 某些中世纪神学家——他们一个大头针顶上能够容纳几个天使跳舞的问题而困惑——看到已退休加拿大昆虫学家Klaus Bolte拍摄的照片将会大喜过望。

    Certain medieval theologianswho puzzled over how many angels could dance on the head of a pinwould have had a field day with this picture by retired entomologist Klaus Bolte of Canada.


  • 照片某些部位特写显示缭缭烟雾表明即使拍摄照片的时候,沙子还在流动中。

    Close ups of some parts of this image show billowing plumes indicating that the sand slides were occurring even when the image was being taken.


  • 尽可能收集有趣图片地图图画明信片照片海报可以它们清楚地解说某些中心点

    CoLlect as many interesting pictures, maps, drawings, postcards, photos and posters as possible. You can use them to explain some of the pomts more clearly.


  • 还有一群“GuessWhere”(猜猜这是哪儿团体负责在城镇某些神秘地方拍摄照片其他人辨别出这些照片在哪儿的。

    There’s the gaggle of “Guess Wheregroups in which members take mysterious photos of places in their town and other members identify where each shot was taken.


  • CanPages地图上,不光人脸和牌照做了模糊化处理地图右下角地方一个链接,用户可以提交某些可能会引发人们担忧的照片

    On the CanPages maps, however, not only are these items blurred, there's also a link at the bottom-right corner of the map that lets anyone submit concerns about that particular image.


  • 总是如果有计划时常拍摄某些,我永远不会失去他们然而照片却是所有曾经失去证据

    I always thought that if I managed to photograph somebody often enough, I could never lose them. My photographs are, however, the proof of how much I have lost.


  • 公布照片怀疑老虎一直躺在那儿没有运动——期望活体对象应该具有的某些东西

    Doubts have been expressed that, in the photos published by Zhou, the tiger is always lying there without large movementsomething not expected from an animate object.


  • 然而某些图像例如rgb图像下获得的荧光显微照片,会产生令人意外的结果。

    However, some images, such as fluorescence micrographs taken as RGB images, can yield surprises.


  • 仔细研究朋友照片中的美学然后发现某些东西并非真理

    It took studying the aesthetics in photos taken by my friends and knowing something wasn't quite right.


  • 法律专业人士埃里克·德尔·克鲁瓦某些阶段孩子可能并不希望拍照不希望自己的照片公开

    'Children at certain stages do not wish to be photographed or still less for those photos to be made public.' Eric Delcroix, an expert on Internet law and ethics, told reporters.


  • 一些关于月球某些物体照片

    There were some photo's of certain objects on the moon.


  • 某些确定一个伪造品过程需要传送照片副本不同资源评价

    Some of the processes of determining a counterfeit require you to send copies of photos to different resources for their evaluation.


  • 而是因为这些照片不仅是一段失败恋情纪念,同时也是人生某些时刻的缩影和记录它们永久的不可磨灭的记忆。

    But these pictures aren't just small monuments to a failed romance, they're high-resolution instants from your life, recorded forever, unfading.


  • 目前争议由于法律条文而发生了一个转向现在这些照片归类将来某些罪案证据假如照片向公众公布便会给判决造成偏见

    Currently, the argument is taking a legalistic turn: now the photographs are classified as evidence in future criminal cases, whose outcome may be prejudiced if they are made public.


  • 目前争议由于法律条文而发生了一个转向现在这些照片归类将来某些罪案证据假如照片向公众公布便会给判决造成偏见

    Currently, the argument is taking a legalistic turn: now the photographs are classified as evidence in future criminal cases, whose outcome may be prejudiced if they are made public.


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