• 支持图片捕捉使用户能够捕捉比赛SWF某些图片

    Support pictures capture, giving users access to capture certain picture from the playing SWF.


  • 这些算法肯定某些方面用于查找、分类分析大量图片的算法。

    They must be, in some ways, much like the algorithms used to sort, classify, and analyze large Numbers of pictures.


  • 第一个试验:61个实验对象要求浏览一些头像图片某些头像配有负面的评论,比如说图像中的这个曾经教室里向同学椅子

    In the first, 61 people were asked to view images of faces.Some faces were paired with negative gossip, such as a statement saying that the person pictured had "thrown a chair at a classmate."


  • 图片中心某些区域亮;比环水的其他区域更暗图片右下角)。

    The oil slick is brighter than the surrounding water in some places (image centre) and darker than the surrounding water in others (image lower right).


  • 不要随便乱说日后造成麻烦的话,不要公布某些日后会造成尴尬图片

    Don't say anything or publish pictures that might cause you embarrassment later.


  • 想要更好地控制某些操作例如图片显示结果文件直接保存磁盘操作)时,Web服务Render方法一个很好的备选方法

    The Render method of the Web service is a good alternative when you want more control, for operations such as displaying the results in a picture box or saving the file directly to disk.


  • (这里意味着图片而不是)图可以建模某些形状

    (Here, diagram means just a picture, not class diagram, etc.) a diagram can be modeled as some shapes.


  • 用户不再被动阅读文本查看图片他们某些事情延伸体验

    It's no longer enough for users to passively read text or look at images; they have to do something to progress their experience.


  • 这些图片用来测试是否如之前模型预测的一样,暗物质某些星系集群里密度大。

    These maps are being used to test previous results that suggest that dark matter is more densely packed inside clusters than some models predict.


  • 第一个试验:61个实验对象要求浏览一些头像图片某些头像配有负面的评论,比如说图像中的这个曾经教室里向同学椅子

    In the first, 61 people were asked to view images of faces. Some faces were paired with negative gossip, such as a statement saying that the person pictured had "thrown a chair at a classmate."


  • 尽可能收集有趣图片地图图画明信片照片海报可以它们清楚地解说某些中心点

    CoLlect as many interesting pictures, maps, drawings, postcards, photos and posters as possible. You can use them to explain some of the pomts more clearly.


  • 我们感受到某些“回归本报告愿望,采用这种文字图片完美的方法进行封面编排。

    We sensed an appetite for some back-to-basics reporting, and delivered it with this perfect juxtaposition of words and pictures.


  • 某些情况下图片窗口不是可见提高性能可以忽略自身之外(“:可见”)图像。

    There are cases when you have images which are in viewport but not: visible. To improve performance you can ignore. Not (" : visible ") images.


  • 一张图片表现TIE高级战斗机跟其它飞船一起第二上空战斗这使某些人误以为《绝地归来》中看到

    An image of the TIE advanced found its way into a collage of ships in battle over the second Death Star, leading some to mistakenly believe it can be seen in Return of the Jedi.


  • 我们正在拍摄林肯图片,然后把它们做成林肯脸部实际尺寸包括看到某些照片自己的一些反应

    We're taking the Lincoln photographs and blowing them up to the actual size of Lincoln's face... and it will include his own reactions to some of the photographs.


  • 每个人都使用一些图形按钮对于某些编码能够改变按钮文本图片检查

    Some graphic buttons for everyone to use. With some coding able to change button text and picture etc! Check it out.


  • 科学家计算机很快移向图片某些区域内。 。

    Scientists can also ask the computer to zoom in on certain small areas of the picture.


  • 我们购买某些产品之前希望亲眼看一下因为无论网上文字描述图片展示多么详尽,仍然无法代替亲眼看到实物的体验

    There are certain things we may want to see before we buy, because any written description or image on the web, no matter how detailed, is just no substitute for looking at the real thing.


  • 某些设置图片可以大大受益增强对比收购后的处理

    In certain Settings, images can greatly benefit from enhanced contrast after post-acquisition processing.


  • 不得过度调亮调暗或者模糊图片,不得通过图片某些部分进行掩盖从而误导读者

    No excessive lightening, darkening or blurring of the image. thus misleading the viewer by disguising certain elements of an image.


  • 缩放是否产生质量图片某些

    Does scaling produce a lower quality image or something?


  • 用了大量时间使用模糊工具来模糊原来完美线条并且随机模糊了图片某些区域

    I also spent some time with the smudge tool getting rid of perfectly straight lines and roughing up random areas of the image.


  • 文章版权反映了夜生活趋势但是同时也那些某些原因无法参与活动的人提供资讯,浏览图片

    This website not only shows new trends in nightlife, but also gives the picture to the folks who for whatever reason could not come over to an event marked 'must-be'.


  • 如果认为论坛某些文章图片侵犯了权益可以我们联系,协商解决。

    If you believe that any article or picture in this forum violated your rights, please contact us for solution.


  • 如果认为论坛某些文章图片侵犯了权益可以我们联系,协商解决。

    If you believe that any article or picture in this forum violated your rights, please contact us for solution.


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