• 我们众多王国中一个后裔

    We are the offspring of one of Her many kingdoms.


  • 这个动荡不安局势下七个最后朝圣者踏上前往时间的征程,劳伯实现他们中一个愿望

    Into this turbulent situation come those who will be the last seven pilgrims to make the journey to the Time Tombs and the Shrike, there to ask one wish of it.


  • 这个转变来自于华尔街GM公司减少八大品牌中的一个中间压力但是GM公司星期二会不会宣布清楚

    The changes come amid pressure from Wall Streetfor GM to cut some of its eight brands, but it wasn't clear whether GMwould make such an announcement Tuesday.


  • 创业过分依赖一个客户有风险的。

    Heavy reliance on one client is risky when you are building up a business.


  • (英国)负责孤独问题部长巴隆尼斯·巴伦说:“几乎每个都会时刻感到孤独。”

    "Loneliness touches almost every one of us at some point," its Minister for Loneliness Baroness Barran said.


  • 可以比较粗略描述成是发生固定周期这个周期通常一次)包含物种很多成员的集体旅行,并且只有长途旅行后才有回报

    It can loosely be described as travel that takes place at regular intervalsoften in an annual cyclethat may involve many members of a species, and is rewarded only after a long journey.


  • 研究了领导不同方法,领导品行以及更广泛背景是如何决定一个领导者效力

    He examines different approaches to leadership, the morality of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a particular leader.


  • 希望应用程序如何一个用户隐藏信息一个用户显示信息?

    How do you want your application to hide information for one user and display it to another?


  • 伽利略所提出观点太阳黑子确实太阳的一个特征知道是什么特征。

    What Galileo proposed was that sunspots were indeed a feature of the Sun, but he didn't know what kind of feature.


  • 今年,Barbizon电影节参展作品都会提交到10个类别中的某一个类别。

    This year, each film submitted to the Barbizon Film Festival was submitted in one of ten categories.


  • 与此同时如果套廉价前景未卜房子,那就英格兰海岸一个危险地区房产经纪人

    Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.


  • 如果某一个和弦持续时间两倍或者只有一半我们不规则和声改变——和声改变的不规则比率

    If one chord holds twice as long or only half as long, then we have an irregular harmonic change--irregular rate of harmonic change.


  • 记住我们需要它乘以体积,乘以某一个我们定义的球体体积。

    Remember that we need to multiply it by the volume here, the volume of some sphere we've defined.


  • 只是微笑着说:“在某一个问题方面,难道你不会有更好的主意吗?”

    He only said with a smile, "Won't it be better for your ideas on a certain problem?"


  • 还有可能反复执行其中多个任务直到特定的性能问题解决

    Also, you might need to iterate through one or more of these tasks several times until a particular performance issue is resolved.


  • 尽管维度几个因素构成,但是大多数研究是关注一个维度中的某一个因素。

    Although each dimension is composed of several ele-ments, most studies center on one element within each dimension.


  • 设计具体一个领域的时候,设计也可以描述创意

    Design may be described as creativity deployed to a specific end.


  • 这样类型可能包括添加对比(颜色对比,形状对比,纹理对比等),或者移除一个重复物件

    Broken repetition might include adding a contrasting object (color, shape, texture) or removing one of the repeating objects.


  • 这一成员一个领域内的专家

    Each member of the group is an acknowledged expert in some area.


  • 我们需要的协调战略最好是全球统一协调行动,不是一个国家的行动。

    What you need is a coordinated strategy and preferably a coordinated strategy across the world and not just in one country.


  • 项目偏离正确轨道,一般不是因为一个团队功能紊乱,往往由于整个组织的方向偏离

    When projects go astray, it is typically not because any one team is dysfunctional, but because the entire organization is misaligned.


  • 全球失衡问题发表意见一背景下进行。 我一直尽力表达这样的观点,失衡不是单独某一个国家责任

    Whenever I have commented on global imbalances, it has been against that backdrop and I have gone out of my way to say that no single country is to blame for the imbalances.


  • 每个代表国家铁路线火车;用户们可以通过筛选查看地图上一个站点所有火车

    Each dot represents a train on the national network; visitors can filter the map to see all the trains bound for a particular station.


  • UNION操作一样连接操作符本身同步每次只能处理来自连接操作符某一个分支输入

    As with the UNION operator, the join operator itself remains synchronous and is only able to process input from one leg of the join at a time.


  • 通过索引4建议索引进行比较我们认识到已有索引某一个索引子集

    By comparing the first index to the recommended ones in Figure 4, we realize that it is a subset of one of the existing indexes.


  • 如果你们观察连续颜色之间分色那些就是函数等高线,它们告诉某一个定点温度

    If you look at the separations between consecutive colors, these are the level curves of a function that tells you the temperature at a given point.


  • BISAC等级补充国会图书馆主题词,让读者能够带有导航功能的系统进入具体的主题

    BISAC levels of specificity complement Library of Congress Subject Headings, allowing patrons to drill down into a topic in an intuitive system of guided navigation.


  • 对于包含多个空间DB 2取得用于一个表的时,这个不会影响对其他访问

    For table Spaces containing more than one table, when DB2 acquires locks on a table, that lock does not affect access to segments of other tables.


  • 老实说宁愿一个穷酸的法国姑娘五十法郎,至少她们还给人一点儿报偿。

    Frankly, I'd rather give fifty francs to some poor French girl; at least they give you something in return.


  • 一个晚上典型演讲写下记住个关键开头

    For a typical evening's lecture, he would write and memorize key beginnings.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定