• 避免中心位置(大多时候一个构成错误),将它们安置靠近重要构成位置,这基本摄影规则一致的。

    I avoided the central position (in most cases it's a composition mistake) and located them close to one of the important composition points which are consistent with basic photography rules.


  • 为了证明我们选择有趣照片它们混排在一起,构成十分精彩情景构图人物

    To prove this to you, we have selected the best quality funny photographs and mixed them here to form a fabulous mixture of funny situations, compositions, and characters.


  • 业务应用程序服务构成SOA重用入口

    Business application services constitute the reuse entry point for SOA.


  • 业务流程模型构成流程关键活动决策抽象表示

    The business process model is an abstract representation of the key activities and decision points that constitute the process.


  • iso - quanta具有相同目标函数构成空间中的条线

    An iso-quanta is a line in space formed by points with the same objective function value.


  • 因为WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper本身基于行业标准面向服务体系结构概念所以它构成业务服务逻辑集成

    Since WebSphere Integration Developer itself is based on the concepts of an industry-standard Service Oriented Architecture, it forms a logical point of integration for business services.


  • 所以如果三边构成一个平行六面体如果P不在这个平面内,这个平行六面体体积

    So, if I try to form a parallelepiped with these three sides, and P is not in the plane, then it will have some volume.


  • 这里重要构造函数构成仅有一个变量因此必须在括号中包括对象序列

    The important point here is that the constructor form takes only one argument, so you have to enclose the object sequence within parentheses.


  • 空中飞行员按照数以千计虚拟构成路径驾驶飞机,其中每个自己的名字,这样空中交通管制才能告诉我们哪里怎么

    There are thousands of virtual points in the sky that pilots follow on their route, each with unique names so the air-traffic controllers can tell us where to go and how to get there.


  • 意味着可行是由这个空间中的一些离散构成因此放松某个限制可能新的多面体中获得更好的解决方案,也可能并不能获得更好的解决方案。

    This means that the feasible region consists of discrete points in space and, therefore, a relaxation in one of the constraints may or may not yield a better solution inside the new polyhedron.


  • 目前相关性某些可以构成大脑机制行为之间因果关系是有可能的。”哥莱

    "It's possible that what are now correlations could at some point become causal connections between brain mechanisms and behaviours" says Glannon.


  • 把它看作许多股票构成市场而不要把它看作整体一个股市就会精力集中在真正重要权衡风险回报

    Thinking about this as a market of stocks, rather than about the stock market, will focus you on what's really important: the trade-off between risk and reward.


  • 服务总线构成整个软件基础因此拦截通用的,这样可以最大限度地保证其适应性适用性

    The service bus underpinned the entire software base, so the interception point was made generic to ensure maximum adaptability and applicability.


  • 量子磷化半导体构成,将它们喷涂在一张透明塑料片上,然后一张塑料片进行覆盖最后将它们进行整体加热封装。

    The dots, composed of a semiconductor called indium phosphide, are sprayed onto a transparent plastic sheet that is then covered with a second sheet. That done, the whole thing is heat-sealed.


  • 作为集群成员服务器可以位于不同主机上,构成同一服务器不同,这些服务器必须位于同一主机上。

    The servers that are members of a cluster can be on different host machines, as opposed to the servers that are part of the same node and must be located on the same host machine.


  • 如果驾车人注意路况哪怕有一儿的走神儿汽车都会行人尤其是孩童构成致命威胁。

    Cars are critical to pedestrians especially to children if the driver is not looking on the road or somehow distracted.


  • 如果任意之间且只有条通路,则构成生成树。没有网络孤立的。

    It's a spanning tree if there's also at least one path between any two points, i.e., no network nodes are left unconnected.


  • 有一需要明确说明的是,这项工作并非与WS - I的工作构成竞争

    It should be clearly noted that this work is not intended to compete with the work of WS-I.


  • 大部份身体水分构成;甚至的缺水都会让精力溜走。

    The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can rob you of your “oomph”!


  • 大部份身体水分构成甚至的缺水都会让精力溜走。

    The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can rob you of your "oomph"!


  • 这一加上EJB应用服务器固有可伸缩性构成一种极其健壮的可伸缩企业消息传递解决方案

    This, combined with the inherent scalability of EJB application servers, produces a very robust and scalable enterprise messaging solution.


  • 如此事实(背景历史)、理论规范(法律上别的)构成本书一系列关注

    So: fact (background, history), theory, and regulation (legal and other) are the successive focuses of this book.


  • 而在量子力学术语中,“粒子为“基本粒子”(迄今还发现有用来构成基本粒子的更小单位)。

    In the parlance of quantum mechanics, however, to call a particle pointlike is to say no more than that it is elementary, ie, that it is not known to be made up of smaller bits.


  • 线构成的,铅笔笔刷

    Line is the mark made by a moving point, such as a pencil or brush.


  • 线构成的,铅笔笔刷

    Line is the mark made by a moving point, such as a pencil or brush.


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