• 提高构图能力的另一种方法你的照片那些崇敬作品相比较。

    Another way to improve composition is to compare your images with those of others whose work you admire or respect.


  • 最好方法使用强烈的形状构图以及光线角度来衬托场景中的纹理

    The best way to play it up is to use strong shapes, composition, and light angles that compliment the textures in the scene.


  • 很多方法可以使展示开始显得人性化,人性化并不意味着一个长长的自我介绍,或者组织构图介绍自己背景,或者说明为什么有资格这里进行展示

    There are many ways to make the opening personal, but personal in this case does not mean a long self-introduction about your background complete with org charts or why you are qualified to speak.


  • 不管是拍什么,下面构图方法作品有吸引力:寻找穿透林冠的光束,阳光地面上光斑

    Whatever it is, compose in such a way to lead the viewer to it. Look for shafts of light penetrating the canopy or one spot on the forest floor directly lit by the sun.


  • 一个好的方法主题构图

    A good way to start is to fill the frame with your subject.


  • 序章介绍研究背景动机目的意义内容方法以及研究

    Have introduced on the background and motivation, purpose and meaning, content and methods and research organization chart.


  • 本文给出交流电力测功器系统结构图、系统工作原理控制电路组成功率测量方法

    In this paper the dynamometer's structure block diagram, system principle, power measurement and the control strategy have been given.


  • 这种方法他们可以建立大脑连接详细构图有助于研究大脑如何工作。

    In this way they will be able to build up a detailed diagram of the brain's wiring, which will help to study how it computes.


  • 应用有限元分析方法计算对称四脊矩形波导TE模式的传输特性,即截止波长构图传输特性。

    This paper describes the application of finite element method for obtaining the TE mode′s cutoff wavelength and the field pattern of symmetric quadruple-ridged rectangle waveguide.


  • 本文研究适合于彩色系统交互式包装构图设计方法

    This paper discussed the interactive design method of packing structure graph in color preprinting system.


  • 给出了控制系统的传递函数模型构图适应训练方法

    The transfer function model, the structure chart and the adaptive training method are proposed.


  • 本文通过素描观察方法构图安排、方法步骤表现形式手段空间观念五个方面阐述明暗素描设计素描差异性

    This paper discusses the differences between black-white sketches and design ones in the following aspects as observation and composition, methods and steps, form of expression, and means and space.


  • 实验结果表明传统方法相比算法构图主观质量得到了明显增强,提高了峰值信噪

    The experimental results show that the performance of this algorithm is better than the traditional method both in vision effect and peak signal to noise ratio.


  • 针对构图,提出一种基于分形规则构图方法

    This paper proposes a method of rule composition based on fractal image primitives for fractal composition.


  • 构图基底制造基底方法记录介质磁记录装置

    Patterned substrate, method of manufacturing the same, magnetic recording media, and magnetic recording apparatus.


  • 基于实践介绍了网页课件,利用实现多级构图演示注释说明式图片的一种方法

    Based on practice, introduces a way how to implement a dynamic showing of multilevel structure map and remark map by layer in homepage courseware.


  • 结构利用结构构图方法制造液晶显示器方法

    Mold structure, patterning method using the same, and method of fabricating liquid crystal display device.


  • 介绍涂层电控系统的组成,简述了系统部分张力控制原理方法给出了相应的控制框图和结构图

    The electric control system for color coating line is presented. In this paper, the principle of the tension control is described and the corresponding construction diagram is given out.


  • 介绍设计原理,并选择具体元器件型号,给出了该通道硬件构图进一步给出USB固件程序、驱动程序以及上层应用程序设计方法

    And it introduces the theory of the design, selects specific chip, introduces the hardware of the channel, and brings forward the method of designing USB firmware, driver, and application.


  • 该文介绍了网页制作页面构图、版式设计方法技巧

    This paper describes the composition of web page, the methods and techniques of layout design during the production of web page.


  • 首先介绍两种常用线性方法给出不同解耦方法下控制系统的结构图

    Firstly, two common decoupling linearization methods are introduced, and the structure of the systems designed by different methods are given.


  • 其次采用了两种不同方法波串级调速系统的斩波回路进行了建模分析,并得到波双闭环控制构图

    Then two different method is given to analyze chopper and mathematics model is based, so double-close-loop control chart is got.


  • 文章阐述了系统工作原理功能,并给出系统硬件软件构图,还对现有的突出预测方法进行了总结和分析。

    The working principle and functions of the system were introduced in the paper, the structure diagram of hardware and software of the system were given.


  • 运用结构化模型方法,建立影响城市轨道交通线规模因素多级递阶构图

    The hierarchy figure of factors, which affected urban railway transit network scale, was established by the structure model method in system engineering.


  • 分析转速转差闭环交流调速系统动态构图基础上提出了系统的设计方法,并给出了象限运行实验结果

    On the basis of analysis of block diagram of AC speed driver system with speed and slip ratio double closed loops, a system design method is presented with the four quadrants experiment results.


  • 网状构图是以“最短路径”为主,结合车辆通过率确定路径通行费用分配方法

    The allocating algorithm of the net structure chart is the method of confirming the charge of many roads combined the pass rate, focused on the "shortest road".


  • 系统稍有不同是,这种方法需将机械系统构图作适当形。改形简单,只要将串联形式的质量元件改为并联即可。

    Differing from electrical system, the structural diagrams of mechanical system need the change of series combinations of mass elements into parallel combinations, which is very simple.


  • 拼贴诗性广告具典型构图方法视觉元素最为突出的版面排列形式节奏韵律诗歌具有相似艺术特质

    Collage of poetry with a typical advertising composition, visual elements are the most prominent form of the rhythm and rhythm in the art of poetry with similar characteristics.


  • 构图表达拆卸层次子拆卸单元给出递阶结构图的构造方法

    At last, hierarchical graph was defined to express disassembling units of all levels and I.


  • 构图表达拆卸层次子拆卸单元给出递阶结构图的构造方法

    At last, hierarchical graph was defined to express disassembling units of all levels and I.


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