• 现在极端分子有种宿命情绪

    There's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals.


  • 极端主义正在全美蔓延,保守派脱口秀节目主持人共和党鼓励下煽风点火,宣扬一系列疯狂阴谋

    Across the country, extremism is surging, inflamed by conservative talkshow hosts, encouraged by Republican leaders and propagating a series of wild conspiracy theories.


  • 正如上次所说的,自由意志这个主题或者说自由意志,决定,因果,责任,问题,极端困难复杂物理问题

    Now, as I said last time, the subject of free will--or free will, determinism, causation and responsibility, this cluster of problems-- is an extremely difficult and complicated physical problem.


  • 而且因为它们之间存在交互——或者说没有星体物质在它们间流动——我们提供处独特的星体实验室,在这个实验室里我们可以寻找广义相对引发的效果并且探测极端重力

    And because there is no interaction-or star matter streaming between them-we may have a unique stellar laboratory here to look for effects of general relativity and probe for extreme gravity.


  • 正如可以想象得到那样,讲演极端信仰一类的;这圣保罗神学已经得到阐述:只要信仰基督就可以释罪。

    The sermon, as might be expected, was of the extremest antinomian type; on `justification by faith, as expounded in the theology of St Paul.


  • 太阳日冕存在较强的磁场大量高能电子磁场中极端相对电子产生同步加速辐射

    There exists strong magnetic field and abundant energetic particles in active coronal region, in magnetic field the extremely relativistic electrons will produce synchrotron radiation.


  • 哈耶克文明生成模式陷入非理性怀疑主义极端相对主义中,整体不可接受,其中包含着一些可取的观念

    Hayek's theory of civilization formation pattern, falling into the irrational scepticism and radical relativism, is unacceptable on the whole, though of it spring out some desirable ideas.


  • 本文建立量子热机循环模型,该量子卡诺热机循环无限阱中极端相对粒子系统为工质

    In this paper, a new cyclic model of quantum Carnot heat engine whose working substance consists of non-interacting extreme relativistic particles confined to an infinite potential well, is set up.


  • 文章认为极端实在极端唯名可能世界学说是错误的,真正具有可行性的可能世界学说温和的实在

    The dissertation holds that possible worlds doctrines of extreme realism and extreme nominalism are both mistaken, and that the really feasible one should be moderate realism.


  • 本文给出理相量子气体高温条件极端相对状态方程热容量规律进行物理分析

    This paper gives equation of states, enthalpy and heat capacity of the perfect quantum gas under the high temperature and briefly analyzes the laws.


  • 艺术功能是马尔库塞美学思想一个重要组成部分具有极端的审美乌托邦色彩具有深刻的启示意义

    As an important part of Marcuse's thought of aesthetics, the thought of art function not only has an extreme color of aesthetics utopia, but also has a deep meaning of enlightenment.


  • 许多科学家朋友极端无神其实科学要求确立无神。采取不信不过许多个人观点里的一

    Many of my scientist friends are violently atheist, but there is no sense in which atheism is enforced or established by science.


  • 只有在极端情况下牛顿动力学两项修正才需上场极高速率( 狭义相对极强重力广义相对)。

    The two proven extensions of Newtonian dynamics come into play under extreme conditions, such as extreme speeds (special relativity) or extremely strong gravity (general relativity).


  • 极端相对量子系统能谱问题

    The energy spectral problem of the ultrarelativistic quantum systems is investigated.


  • 经济至上现实中经济重要性推向极端合理性价值理念。”

    The economization is an irrational value sense while pushing the economic importance to its extreme in theory and reality.


  • 山庄西侧找到所有服务支持计划正逐步变成隐私级别向东东部地区极端主人结束

    On the west side of the Villa you find all services and support and program progressively turns into levels of privacy towards the east, ending with the master room on the extreme east.


  • 塞尔批判二元现代极端唯物主义,因为二元割裂意识与身体联系现代的唯物者更是取消了意识的存在

    Searle criticizes the dualism and modern crass materialism, because the dualism of the consciousness split body-mind contact, and the modern materialistic is cancelled the existence of consciousness.


  • 三段思维模式绝对自由裁量”式思维模式法官判案思维的极端表现但是揭示了法官判案思维的基本特性。

    The thinking mode of "syllogism" type and the thinking mode of "absolute discretion" type are two kinds of extreme performance of the mode of judge thinking, but uncover the basic characte.


  • 传统博弈模型解释这种条件下企业决策行为,只能得到对应现实两种极端情况的两重纳什均衡。

    The traditional game theory model gave two Nash equilibriums to explain the decision of enterprises in this condition.


  • 另外第四中,我们研究极端相对方程组相对整体极限问题。

    Moreover, in Chapter 4, we also consider the non-relativistic global limits of entropy solutions to the extremely relativistic Euler equations.


  • 文章通过对功能主义及其引起相关批判性反思认为关于本体问题过于极端

    The paper critically inspects the functionalism and the argument about it, we deem it should not excessively extreme at the ontological problem of mind. Basing on


  • 文章通过对功能主义及其引起相关批判性反思认为关于本体问题过于极端

    The paper critically inspects the functionalism and the argument about it, we deem it should not excessively extreme at the ontological problem of mind. Basing on the premise...


  • 文章通过对功能主义及其引起相关批判性反思认为关于本体问题过于极端

    The paper critically inspects the functionalism and the argument about it, we deem it should not excessively extreme at the ontological problem of mind. Basing on the premise...


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