• 天线高压极性脉冲发生器激励

    That the antenna is excited by the high? Voltage bipolar pulse generator is described.


  • 提出采用大功率IGBT设计极性脉冲MIG逆变弧焊电源。

    The high-power IGBTs are adopted to design the dual inverter arc-welding power source for variable polarity pulse MIG welding.


  • 应用极性脉冲传输信号避免了因远距离电缆放电带来波形畸变

    Application of bipolar pulse in transmitting signal can avoid distorted wave caused by charge or discharge in a long cable.


  • 极性脉冲高压引入介质阻挡无声反应器可以高效注入能量,兼有脉冲电晕放电介质阻挡无声放电特点

    The silent discharge reactor induced bipolar pulse power-supply can combine advantages of short pulse corona discharge and dielectric barrier discharge as well.


  • 单片机协调控制极性脉冲MIG脉冲电流电弧极性、电弧电压熔滴过渡频率,实现稳定焊接过程

    Pulse current, arc polarity, arc voltage and metal transfer of variable polarity pulse MIG welding are controlled by 80c196kc coordinately to implement the stable welding procedure.


  • 仪器采用极性脉冲电压作为电导率测量的激励好地解决纯水电导率测量中的极化效应电容效应对测量结果的影响。

    The instrument adopts the bi-directional pulsed voltage as its exciting source, which has a better solution to the negative of capacitive and polarizational effects at the electrodes.


  • 电场就如同一个加速电流脉冲脉冲可选中携带电子,或极性逆转时选中并携带质子

    Viewed from inside the tube, this field looks like an accelerating electrical pulse, and it is this pulse that picks up and carries the electrons-or, if the polarity is reversed, the protons.


  • 如果娃能够截取鲍勃发送的这两道脉冲改变间距,就可以诱使爱丽丝方发送出与原计划略有不同极性光子

    If Eve intercepts Bob's pulses and changes the separation between them, she can trick Alice into sending photons that have slightly different polarisations from those that were intended.


  • 本文阐述极性采样倒编码数字脉冲压缩处理器参量CFAR特性

    The nonparametric constant false alarm rate (CFAR) property of digital polarity sampled phase reversal coded pulse compressors is described.


  • 该文深入分析研究了高频脉冲交流环节逆变器稳态原理特性极性控制策略

    The steady principle of the inverter with a high frequency pulse AC link and the unipolarity phase shifting control strategy are investigated.


  • 通过载波信号频谱分析,提出了分离治疗疼痛阈值的无极性指数脉冲

    After analyzing the spectrum of a group of signals, non-polar differential exponent pulse signal was selected as carrier wave, which can separate therapy threshold and ache threshold.


  • 提出深入研究了高频脉冲交流环节逆变电路拓扑及其极性移相控制策略

    A circuit topology family of inverters with high frequency pulse AC link and a double polarities phase-shifting control strategy are proposed and deeply investigated.


  • 平行极化、方向指向阳极样品,只要极化电场强度不是很大,宜选用极性极化脉冲

    The positive polarity pulse will make better result for the samples than use negative polarity pulse.


  • 电源实现极性方波交流直流脉冲电流多种输出

    The power can output several kinds of welding current such as variable polarity square wave AC, DC and pulse current etc.


  • 讨论了采用联双极性晶体管结构超宽带极脉冲发生器,并电路极性晶体管雪崩工作原理进行了具体分析

    The paper analyses the electric circuit and the working principle of the avalanche of the bipolar transistor of the pulser with a cascade connected bipolar transistor structure.


  • 克服高频脉冲交流环节逆变存在电压过冲现象,本文提出研究了极性极性控制策略

    To overcome voltage stress existed in the inverter with high frequency AC pulse link, single polarity and double polarities phase shifting control strategies were proposed and studied in this paper.


  • 课题研制了台采用三角形电流脉冲输出的单极性微弧氧化试验电源

    This paper brought forward a new kind of power supply whose outputting current pulse is positive right-angled triangle.


  • 交流脉冲MIG其焊缝熔深焊丝熔化速度不仅焊接电流有关,而且与负极性比率有关。

    Weld penetration and wire melting speed of AC PMIG welding not only have relationship with welding current but also with electrode negative ratio.


  • 这些参数包括输出脉冲频率宽度不同极性两个脉冲间隙

    The parameters such as frequency, width of each pulse and the interval between successive pulses with inverse polarity can be changed easily in program.


  • L 297芯片产生脉冲信号信号作为极性桥式功率驱动电路的输入信号,放大驱动步进电机

    L297 chip generates pulse phase sequence signals of which the pulse width is adjustable. The signals are the input ones of dual bridge driving circuit and drive the stepper motor after amplification.


  • 提出深入研究了高频脉冲交流环节逆变器电路拓扑及其极性控制策略

    A circuit topology family of inverters with high frequency pulse AC link and a double polarities phase shifting control strategy are proposed and deeply investigated in this paper.


  • 极性电路,空脉冲促使环路流向传号脉冲相反方向流动。

    In a polar circuit it causes the loop current to flow in a direction opposite to that for a mark impulse.


  • 介绍了测量薄膜开关特性重要仪器——极性脉冲发生器,以及利用极性脉冲测试铁电薄膜电滞回线的原理

    The measuring principle and the use of bipolar double pulse generated by measuring instrument for measuring switching characteristics with ferroelectric thin films are discussed.


  • 为了保证精度设计采用区间判别精读数组合法。在线路中还采用了极性锁存和峰值脉冲采样等措施。

    In order to ensure the accuracy, this design adopts region differentiate method and combination method of rough and accurate data.


  • 设计制造新型的永磁单相单拍运行进电动机,极性脉冲控制实现连续的起动和进运动,电机绕组通电和断电时各转动一个步矩角

    A new type single-phase permanent-magnetic stepper motor is designed and manufactured. It realizes the stepping rotating action controlled by the inputting electric pulse's on-or-off point.


  • 设计制造新型的永磁单相单拍运行进电动机,极性脉冲控制实现连续的起动和进运动,电机绕组通电和断电时各转动一个步矩角

    A new type single-phase permanent-magnetic stepper motor is designed and manufactured. It realizes the stepping rotating action controlled by the inputting electric pulse's on-or-off point.


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