• 宜家家居市场经理彼得·杰尔调查结果证实了原先关于英国睡眠不足的猜测

    Peter Jelkeby, marketing manager at Ikea, said the research confirmed suspicions Britons were not getting enough sleep.


  • 曼曾做过奈杰尔•霍索恩服装师

    Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne.


  • 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·拉夫, 德·戴夫沃森,艾伦·斯塔布斯特雷弗·斯蒂文格雷厄姆·斯图

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 我爱(节目监制杰尔,我爱瑞安(西雷斯特),我喜欢史蒂芬(泰勒),我爱兰迪(逊)。

    I love [executive producer] Nigel [Lythgoe]. I love Ryan [Seacrest].


  • 菲茨拉德说:“做了一些调查发现两三天是各种文化公认幸运日。”索普家乡比较的新泽西州桑迪城结婚

    "I did some research and saw that there were two or three days that every culture agrees on as lucky days," said Fitzgerald, who will wed in Sandy Hook, N.J., near her and Allsopp's hometown.


  • 同年,好像情节不足以引人入胜似的,阿弗雷德•施尼特关于氏的歌剧中添加细节(真实)——杀死了自己孩子

    In the same year, Alfred Schnittke's opera about Gesualdo added the (false) detail that he killed his own child, as if the facts were not colourful enough already.


  • 尽管如此,艾伯特··诺的看法相当正确评论说,虽然也许会在细节犯错,“可一旦涉及任何基本层面莱茵女士从未犯过任何一个错误。”

    Nevertheless, Albert Jay Nock was surely correct when he observed that, while she might sometimes err on the details, "when it comes to anything fundamental, Mrs." Lane never makes a mistake.


  • 发言参议员有萨姆·纳约翰·伦、罗伯利伯曼、约翰·布鲁··菲勒·

    Among the speakers were Senators Sam Nunn, John Glenn, Chuck Robb, Joe Lieberman, John Breaux, Jay Rockefeller, and Al Gore.


  • 个人抵消等同于中世纪教堂发售赎罪券。”科罗拉多大学科学政策专家·小

    "Personal carbon offsets are akin to indulgences sold by the Church in the Middle Ages," said Roger Pielke Jr, an expert on science policy from the University of Colorado in Boulder.


  • 伯南看跌期权形容十分生动形象”弗瑞投资银行戴维德•泽沃斯这样写道,认为联储决心使经济再次陷入通货膨胀。

    The Bernanke put is very much alive and well,” notes David Zervos of Jefferies, an investment bank, who says the Fed is determined to reflate the economy.


  • 1987年的电影中,小罗伯特·唐尼出演了大学新生回家与吸毒朋友朱利安(安德鲁·麦卡锡饰)以及前女友布莱·格兹饰)相聚。

    The 1987 film stars Robert Downey Jr. as college freshman Clay, who returns home to reunite with his drug-addicted friend Julian (Andrew McCarthy) and ex-girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz).


  • 尼古拉杰尔·道森——现在孩子骄傲父母——来自布莱·,就是这样一对夫妇他们11个月大的双胞胎女儿米娅娜是西班牙,并当地捐助者的帮助下怀上的。

    One such couple are Nicola and Nigel Dawson from Bracknell, Berkshire, who are now proud parents to 11-month-old twin girls, Mia and Hannah, conceived in Spain thanks to a Spanish egg donor.


  • 预言者”中的英雄马里.艾尔.比那(TaharRahim饰),在开始只是将要面对6法国监禁、年仅19岁呆头呆脑男孩

    The hero of “A Prophet, ” Malik El Djebena (Tahar Rahim), is nineteen at the outset, a blank slate of a boy, just starting a French prison sentence of six years.


  • Tasocitinib预计将推向市场弗里·斯托说。他是一家总部设在康涅狄格州诺沃医药市场研究公司IMSHealth分析师

    Tasocitinib is expected to make it to market, says Jeffrey Stoll, an analyst at IMS Health, a pharmaceutical market research company headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut.


  • 6月9日迪丹吉查理斯·约翰逊兄弟爱德华·约翰逊,·约翰逊,格伦·约翰逊,奥·塔维娅埃南德朱厄妮塔·门德斯一起下来告诉他们他们哥哥英雄故事

    Dingee sat down with Charles Johnson's siblings Edward Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Glenn Johnson, Octavia Hernandez and Juanita Mendez on June 9 to tell them the story of their brother's heroism.


  • 图为在这里HL - 10(),空军飞行员研究霍格绅士彼得,约翰·曼飞行员美国航天局·达纳

    Pictured here (from left to right) with the HL-10 are Air Force research pilots Jerauld Gentry and Peter Hoag, and NASA pilots John Manke and Bill Dana.


  • 澳大利亚特洛伊西换下受伤,61分钟拉莫斯中场撞倒迪纳黄牌警告

    Australia with Isidor replaced the injured Troy Orr, 61 minutes Ramos knocked Jedi ng midfielder was booked.


  • 赫敏格兰吗?·鲁姆?

    Is that Hermione Granger? With Viktor Krum?


  • 韦特松长期以来一直在培养自己太空航天的兴趣,公司总部(位于加州门洛市)的办公室散落多年来收集的源自阿波罗时代的美国航空航天局(NASA)物品

    Jurvetson has long cultivated an interest space and spaceflight, and his office at DFJ's Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters is littered with Apollo-era NASA artifacts he's collected over the years.


  • 年前回到英国新婚夫妇布莱·建立家庭开始布莱·滑冰俱乐部工作

    On returning to England two years ago, the newly married couple set up home in Bracknell and Jayne began working for the Bracknell Ice Skating Club.


  • -帕特里-哈里斯-梅斯扮演夫妻帕特里格蕾丝的保护下,它们试图在格格发现它们之前,找到返回村庄

    They take shelter with a married couple, Patrick and Grace, played by Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, and try to find a way back to the village before Gargamel finds them.


  • 该片根据弗雷德-小说改变而成的,讲的是终生未嫁、一直专横母亲生活在一起钢琴教师学生诱惑的故事。

    The Piano Teacher is based on the novel by Elfriede Jelinek about a spinster piano teacher, who lives with her overbearing mother, and is seduced by her pupil.


  • 为了努森腾出职位来,亨利必须过去一直担任总裁·米勒解职。

    To make room for Knudsen, Henry had to get rid of Ajay Miller, who had been our president for the past five years.


  • 若再装作没看见已是没有用了,只好向他招手。我就怕遇到奈杰尔·

    It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.


  • ·是研究环境因素如何影响认知判断先驱者1994年,他在做研究时发现在舒适天气里,人的思维会变得不周全

    In 1994, Gerald Clore, a pioneer inresearching how ambient mood-altering phenomena affect cognition and judgment, found that pleasant weather can often lead to a disconcerting lapse inthoughtfulness.


  • 误以为1996年亚特兰大奥林匹爆炸案有关

    Jewell was erroneously linked to the 1996 Olympic bombing at Atlanta.


  • 时隔《24小时第八之后携手倍受剧喜爱洛伊奥布莱恩玛丽林恩•莱斯库饰),在时限之前阻止伦敦恐怖袭击

    Set four years after the events of 24's season 8, Bauer has to stop a terrorist attack in London along with fan favorite Chloe O'Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub) before time runs out.


  • 时隔《24小时第八之后携手倍受剧喜爱洛伊奥布莱恩玛丽林恩•莱斯库饰),在时限之前阻止伦敦恐怖袭击

    Set four years after the events of 24's season 8, Bauer has to stop a terrorist attack in London along with fan favorite Chloe O'Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub) before time runs out.


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