• 大部分时间天气好,大部分的灰尘来自西北的戈壁滩。

    And she said most of the days the weather is fine. Most dust actually comes due to sand storm from Gobi dessert not too far away up north west.


  • 来自西北俱乐部同意了水晶宫开出的条件约翰逊本人威甘展开谈判认为埃弗顿是其个人的最佳选择

    The three north - west clubs each agreed terms for the transfer with palace, and Johnson also held talks with wigan, but he considers everton the best option.


  • 中国新闻社报道,北京市区13日遭遇来自西北的沙尘袭击,当天该市污染指数一度达到99。

    Air pollution in Beijing reached a high level of 99 on the Air pollution Index on Friday as a sandstorm from the northwest shrouded the capital in dust, the China News Service reported.


  • 现在骨瘦如柴、无拘无束的安德鲁·梅森,这位来自西北大学音乐专业的人,已经设法建立web上有史以来成长最快速的公司

    Now Andrew Mason, a relaxed and lanky 29-year-old music major from Northwestern, has managed to build the fastest-growing company in Web history.


  • 现在来自西北方向,正驱使沾满浮油海水涌向墨西哥湾的人口处,消除潜在威胁

    The wind is currently coming from the north-west, pushing the slick.towards the mouth of the gulf and away from danger.


  • 现在来自西北方向,正驱使沾满浮油的海水涌墨西哥湾人口处,消除潜在威胁

    The wind is currently coming from the north-west, pushing the slick. towards the mouth of the gulf and away from danger.


  • 檀香山城市周边消耗大量能源最有潜力可再生能源来自城市东南150英里西北100英里的偏远地区。

    While the urban sprawl around Honolulu consumes the bulk of the energy, most potential renewable sources are far from the city, 150 miles southeast or 100 miles to the northwest.


  • 而满知识主要这种来自中国偏远西北部地区的锡伯族人传承下来的。

    Knowledge of the language is kept up mainly by people like him who belong to the Xibo people from China's far north-west.


  • 王先生提到太平洋西北地区相当大可能遭遇来自西北沿岸海床底下卡斯凯迪亚断层的强烈地震

    Mr. Wong noted that the Pacific Northwest is at considerable risk of a strong earthquake from the Cascadia fault, which lies off the coast under the seabed.


  • 来自哥伦比亚委内瑞拉阿根廷西北地区,或者这些地方之间的地区传统上种向日葵最好的地方。

    From Columbia and Venezuela to northwestern Argentina and everywhere in between, this distant relative of the sunflower remains a traditional favorite.


  • 薄暮接着来自蒙古西北就吹了过来人们就天儿都这么也许下雪了

    The film below the skies turns from yellow to gray, then the winds from Mongolia come and we would say, it's so cold already there might as well be snow.


  • 来自太平洋西北俄勒冈州Prineville一位科学教师本年国家级教师称誉的获得者。

    A science teacher from Prineville, Oregon, in the Pacific Northwest, is the new National Teacher of the Year.


  • 联邦调查局说这些体貌特征描述来自被劫持飞机空乘人员。这个飞机就是1971年11月24俄勒冈州波特兰市飞往西雅图的西北航空的305航班。

    The physical description came from separate accounts by attendants on the hijacked flight, Northwest Airlines 305, which left Portland, Oregon, bound for Seattle on Nov. 24, 1971.


  • 我们已经研究了2700万2800万历史化石,它们来自亚的斯亚贝巴西北一个Chilga地区

    Already we have studied fossils that are 27 million to 28 million years old and come from a region called Chilga that is to the northwest of Addis Ababa.


  • 目前为止,只有来自加拿大西北省份钻石符合了组织钻石验证指南所要求的标准

    So far only one government's diamond certification program—that of the Northwest Territories Province in Canadameets the organization's standards.


  • 来自中国西北甘肃省西和县稍峪乡的农民家庭,他中国2亿农民工中的员。

    Dou comes from a peasant family in Shaoyu Town, Xihe County, in China's north-western Gansu Province and is one of China's estimated 200 million migrant workers.


  • 来自西北城市西安的网友“刘卓娅”说:“也是大学生,听说你们的事迹,我很难过。”

    "I am also a college student. I feel sorrow for you, " said "Liu Zhuoya, " from northwestern Xi'an City.


  • 来自美国西北大学劳伦·里维拉博士发现,雇主往往会个人舒适接受兴奋感觉放在首位

    Dr Lauren Rivera, from Northwestern University in the United States, found inter viewers often put their personal feelings of comfort, acceptance and excitement first.


  • 的灵感参考来自于《西北》里面加里•格兰特玉米地的那场戏。

    My reference was when Cary Grant runs in the crop field in North by Northwest.


  • 研究者之一,来自芝加哥西北大学张艾薇:“夜晚被明亮蓝光照射三小时,会对饥饿感葡萄糖代谢有着极大的影响。”

    Study co-author Ivy Cheung, of North western University, in Chicago, said: 'A single three-hour exposure to blue-enriched light in the evening acutely impacted hunger and glucose metabolism.


  • 非此即彼,没有中间一类人,来自西北大学雅虎研究版块进行的研究中的话。

    You're either one or the other, with no in-between category, says research from Northwestern University and Yahoo!


  • 来自中国西北部的大连,先生。

    I am from Dalian, in Northeast China.


  • 一家酒店接受良莠不齐员工要容纳来自东南西北、五湖四海三教九流的客人

    A cabaret since want to accept to be uneven of employee, and then want to accept to come from a southeast a northwest, five guest of the whole world people of all ways of lifes in lakes.


  • 治安部门调查,名僧侣来自中国西北中银郭因寺院

    The two were from the Goinba Monastery in Zho'nyin County in the northwest China province, according to the provincial police department.


  • 客商来自东南西北,外国人喜欢,手工制作工艺保留了传统无法满足市场需求

    His clients came from all over the country and overseas. Making umbrellas by hand preserved tradition but was unable to meet the market demand.


  • 19世纪来自西北拓荒者发现红杉树时,他们眼前景象惊呆了。

    The northwest settlers who discovered the sequoias in the 19th century were stunned by what they saw.


  • 19世纪来自西北拓荒者发现红杉树时,他们眼前景象惊呆了。

    The northwest settlers who discovered the sequoias in the 19th century were stunned by what they saw.


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